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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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wrong- any changes have to be passed by the eu to make sure they comply.....

I was wrong.

Depending on your definitions (something you have never been specific about) it's only 13% unless it's EU parliament derived law in any case.

At least read this before #fakenews-ing it.


Anyway, it's not like we have no representation in the EU parliament like, y'know, MEPs. All 73 of them.

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4 hours ago, paswt said:

I have never said that I support "Brexit".

I'm still waiting for an apology for misleading  others on this site .

I suppose one advantage of leaving the EU would be that you and your family will leave this island(?) and the UK  , having , in your, and certainly your nephews case selfishly   taken full advantage of what  the UK had to offer financially and educationally   with no thought of "giving something back" . 

From your posts it is abundantly clear that  you are one of those totally self centred individuals whose only concern is their own wellbeing  and financial  security and will go to any lengths to attempt to protect those interests.

No prizes for guessing  your "own favourite  self serving mendacious " individual ............... that would be you :lol: .

ETA . I see no point in continuing this discussion  unless you decide to "man up" and apologies for lying.  

So lets have your apology.

You had better make it a grovelling one for your bare-faced lies...

On 3/29/2018 at 6:22 PM, paswt said:

Well as one of the 49 million that could have voted ( as I now live on this island ) had I been obliged to vote I would have voted to leave.

Just saying

ETA - stuff to do. /Later

Edited by P.K.
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interesting to hear choochoo last night say that some members of the electoral commission are openly remoaners and want a 2nd referendum against the law concerning the job they have......

when will they investigate "call me dave" £9 million pro remoan leaflet.......

police have already looked at this and found nothing wrong......

sub justice by the electoral commission should be looked into......

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