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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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44 minutes ago, woody2 said:

pk why don't you duck off to any eu country of your liking…

while you can.........

why not try poland, romania or bulgaria.......

the public services have got better, not because they are spending more money but because most of the eu scum has come to the uk........

Not my fault Paswt was accusing me of lying when the liar in the exchange turned out to be him.

Paswt = FAIL.

Move away and miss your pearls of wisdom and getting a good laugh out of the way you and quilp follow each other around here like a couple of Andrex puppydogs?

Not a chance.

Incidentally and once again at least try and keep your racism to yourself. Good honest decent people hate the evil that is racism and those who propound it....

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30 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Not my fault Paswt was accusing me of lying when the liar in the exchange turned out to be him.

Paswt = FAIL.

Move away and miss your pearls of wisdom and getting a good laugh out of the way you and quilp follow each other around here like a couple of Andrex puppydogs?

Not a chance.

Incidentally and once again at least try and keep your racism to yourself. Good honest decent people hate the evil that is racism and those who propound it....

what racism......


we all know your undemocratic.......

is the tax avoiding guardian about to run out of money.......

what's the link between saudi arabia and the guardians pension fund.....

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On 11/2/2018 at 9:13 AM, paswt said:

Sigh.................................. the post you quoted , is part of that, if memory serves, which was in response to Richard B (?) or it could have been you (you are stupid enough) who asserted/ claimed that those who declined to vote should be deemed to have voted to "remain".

So I'l try to explain it in a way   you may understand as you are clearly as thick as pigshit.

You quoted me as saying :-


So....... was that the entire post quoted (can't be arsed to to look it up)?..........


 sigh .................. this island is not within the EU .... still with me silly bollocks?

"OBLIGED" you daft twat mean compelled or required by law , as in obliged to fill in a tax return or a census form !

Ask Santa to stick  a fucking dictionary   in your stocking at christmas you thick twat.

BUT    I  CHOSE  NOT TO TO FUCKING VOTE. .................... "Chose"   (as in 'of my own free will' you fuckwit), because I didn't fucking care/ was not domiciled in the EU.

I can choose to ride a vintage motor cycle  , you have bragged about chosing to cause unnecessary suffering to another  vertebrate  by dragging it out of it's environment  with a hook through it's mouth NOT  because you need to eat it to survive but for the sadistic pleasure you derive from the experience . I chose not to fish for "fun".

Perhaps you should volunteer for a bit of "water boarding" (preferably with a big fucking hook though your big gob), in order to appreciate how the fish feel while you are having your "fun".

So based on my decision NOT TO VOTE  you CHOSE, perhaps because you are unable to understand (and have an IQ lower than your shoe size) ,to STATE that  I am a fucking "Bexiteer".  

So once again ....... I could have voted , didn't because I don't fucking care whether the UK (or that part of it in the EU) "remains" or "exits" .Get your mum to explain

As someone once said " the Almighty in his infinite wisdom has given me the ability to explain things to you , it's a great pity he didn't give you the wit to comprehend"

Among your "stuff to do /later"  perhaps you could advise that self centred nephew of yours that he may not get the free ride in Germany  he has enjoyed while living in the UK

In conclusion  I would be grateful if you would desist from putting words on my mouth you lying little shit , time perhaps for one of your customary "shouty man" backtracks saying that what you posted previously was not what you meant . 

Hope this helps, now GFY .


You bikers do love to swear. I imagine you spat on the floor after posting that. Making that horrid phlegmy sound in the back of the throat. 

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3 minutes ago, La Colombe said:


You bikers do love to swear. I imagine you spat on the floor after posting that. Making that horrid phlegmy sound in the back of the throat. 

Sometimes , in life , one has to ( in the words of an associate of Ron and Reg) explain things to people in a way they may understand .

I prefer not to  imagine what you get up to in the privacy of your own attic  (along with PL/TSM etc etc ) .

FWIW I don't spit . :)




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1 minute ago, paswt said:

I don't care what you believe:flowers:

I think that's another of your lies.

If you genuinely didn't care what others thought you wouldn't have responded with such an overlong, sweary, insulting response to being caught out.

Hope this helps :flowers:

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