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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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Re The Greek economic meltdown of 2011:

"When it becomes serious, you have to lie"


Re Britain's call for a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty:

“Of course there will be transfers of sovereignty. But would I be intelligent to draw the attention of public opinion to this fact?,”


Re the French referendum on the EU constitution:

“If it's a Yes, we will say 'on we go', and if it's a No we will say 'we continue’,”


And on the introduction of the Euro:

"We decide on something, leave it lying around, and wait and see what happens. If no one kicks up a fuss, because most people don't understand what has been decided, we continue step by step until there is no turning back."

All of the above quotes are attributed to Jean-Claude Juncker.  Remainers would happily give the UK over to people like this. 

This is attributed to David Cameron (proving that even the most dreadful politicians occasionally get something right):

  “(Juncker has been..) at the heart of the project to increase the power of Brussels and reduce the power of nation states for his entire working life”.

Remainers claim this isn't happening.  Even when conclusive proof comes from the mouths of high ranking EU officials, they refuse to believe it.  They probably think it's still just a 'trading bloc'.

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

I don't hold them ALL responsible.

Just those driving the agenda of the owner in an irresponsible manner like The Telegraph does.


21 minutes ago, The Phat Tog said:

Remainers claim this isn't happening.  Even when conclusive proof comes from the mouths of high ranking EU officials, they refuse to believe it.  They probably think it's still just a 'trading bloc'.

The above quotes, both posted on this thread in the last hour,  have a connection.

Strange but true....

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9 minutes ago, The Phat Tog said:

Yes. they were found in the Telegraph.  Doesn't make them untrue. You should pop your head out from the Guardian echo chamber once in a while and have a sniff around - see what's really going on.

No doubt you believed this as well:

On 10/16/2018 at 3:16 PM, P.K. said:

This "taking back control" and "sovereignty" was a central plank of the whole brexit nonsense and probably the one with the most falsehoods hung on it to get the required majority.

Remember Nigel Farage claiming that 75% of UK law was made in Brussels? Well, the rabid right-wingers of the UK press, which is to say pretty much all of it, naturally fell in line behind this complete and utter fabrication. For example the Barclay brothers supported the idea wholeheartedly with this puff piece in the Torygraph:

"Two thirds of Britain's laws 'made or influenced by EU!'

"Business for Britain says more power must given back to Parliament amid concerns that EU red tape is strangling companies"


Since the Maastricht Treaty up to 2014 the Sovereign Parliament of the UK passed 945 Acts of Law of which 231 implemented EU trading obligations. Over the same period  the Sovereign Parliament of the UK passed 33,160  Statutory Instruments (secondary legislation) which also implemented 4,283 EU trading obligations.

So out of a total of 34,105 pieces of legislation 4,514 were about adhering to EU trading regulations as a member of the bloc.

That's not 75%. 

It's just 13%.

It's not as if the UK was coerced into passing any of this legislation either!

So the "taking back control" of 75% of our legislation was just more brexit lies for the simple-minded.

Before any brexiteers cry "foul!" the figures were produced by the HoC Library.

"Taking back control" - you're having a laugh....!

The more we get into the truth of what brexit actually involves the more the brexiteers' Unicorn comes across as a tired whitewashed old donkey with a dildo on it's head....

Just to recap the FACTS of the matter are the Telegraph is full of pro-brexit propaganda crap.

Thanks Toggy. Another one for my Brexit Bullshit Hall Of Fame....

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1 hour ago, The Phat Tog said:

This is attributed to David Cameron (proving that even the most dreadful politicians occasionally get something right):

It's weird you not liking Cameron. He seems like a good guy to me. Bright, nice, team player etc. Genuinely cared. Him and Osborne were excellent. Got the economy back on track - close to full employment etc. They seem like good examples of the One Nation ethos which has been at the heart of Conservative politics more or less since Churchill quit the Liberal Party.

What don't you like about him?

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Using £9 million of public money to promote the remain camapign for a start.  Running away when the referendum vote didn't go his way.  As for Osborne, least said the better.  I mentioned way back in this thread somewhere that I think of myself as politically homeless.  I'm a bit down on most politicians at the moment to be honest - maybe I should start a party!

In fairness, the Tories have got the economy going in the right direction but it's always like that.  The labour party come into power, fuck everything up and get voted out.  Tories come in and have to make difficult decisions to get things going again.  Become unpopular as a result and get voted out.  Labour get in and fuck everything up... And so it goes.

And to PK, I would say that the Guardian is full of Pro EU propaganda crap.  I don't have allegiance to any particular news outlet - pure coincidence that the quotes used were from the Telegraph.  Could have been from the Rotherham Evening Bugle for all I care. 

The following Juncker quote IS from the Guardian:

“I’m not in favour of a united states of Europe, but I am in favour of further integration.”

I know what I think when he refers to 'further integration' - especially in wiews of things he's previously said (see above).  What do remainers think he means?

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5 minutes ago, The Phat Tog said:

As for Osborne, least said the better.

What don't you like about him? Seems like a good guy to me. Nice, bright and often very funny and understated.

Tried his best to point out that voting for Brexit would be economically and politically stupid. What else could he do? He was right. Britain had the best of both worlds - part of the Single Market but outside of the Euro. Should have just carried on being Eurosceptic and waiting to see what would happen. Instead of creating all of this stupid uncertainty.

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24 minutes ago, The Phat Tog said:

And to PK, I would say that the Guardian is full of Pro EU propaganda crap.  I don't have allegiance to any particular news outlet - pure coincidence that the quotes used were from the Telegraph.  Could have been from the Rotherham Evening Bugle for all I care. 

Excuse me but I posted up a classic example of The Telegraph lying to it's readership as instructed by the Barclay brothers.

Not "two thirds" of legislation etc etc etc bollox bollox bollox down to EU trading regulations but just THIRTEEN PERCENT!

I'm not making this up so are you going to try and claim that the HoC library is lying about the figures?

If not face the fact that believing brexit nonsense in the Telegraph is just that, nonsense as above.

Gullible just doesn't even get close...

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4 hours ago, P.K. said:

I wondered why the appalling Wail on Sunday had this truly risible headline:

"No. 10 Fury At Most Biased BBC Bulletin In History!"

and then I remembered Arron Banks was appearing on this mornings Andrew Marr show.

One message that came across to me loud and clear amongst all the lies, half-truths and false promises from the Leave campaign was that we should be able to expect a better standard of behaviour from our elected politicians. Unfortunately we can't and I personally hold the UK right-wing press, which is to say pretty much all of it, to blame for thieir disgraceful behaviour.

Basically they know they can get away with it because their electorate are kept uninformed.....


4 hours ago, P.K. said:

I don't hold them ALL responsible.

Just those driving the agenda of the owner in an irresponsible manner like The Telegraph does.


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