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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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3 minutes ago, paswt said:



Otherwise I would have included my beloved and trusty Grauniad in my own list. Plus my daily the i

You must remember that I'm well used to being hounded around here by lying brexiteers like you....

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1 minute ago, P.K. said:


Otherwise I would have included my beloved and trusty Grauniad in my own list. Plus my daily the i

You must remember that I'm well used to being hounded around here by lying brexiteers like you....

I didn't vote for "Brexit"  ergo I'm not and never have been a "brexiteer".

Perhaps it may have been helpful to specify that you excluded your "beloved and trusty Grauniad" in your post  criticising the UK press.

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1 minute ago, P.K. said:


Hope this helps :flowers:

but I didn't because I wasn't compelled to by law, I thought I had explained that.

Did you vote to remain or exit?

Could you explain "FFS"  can't be what I initially assumed as you have complained about the use of offensive language on this site ?

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Just for clarity:

On 11/1/2018 at 9:45 AM, paswt said:

I have never said that I support "Brexit".

I'm still waiting for an apology for misleading  others on this site .

ETA . I see no point in continuing this discussion  unless you decide to "man up" and apologies for lying.  

Still waiting for your apology liar.

Maybe, just maybe, if you can't take it you shouldn't hand it out....

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10 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Just for clarity:

Still waiting for your apology liar.

Maybe, just maybe, if you can't take it you shouldn't hand it out....

bit rich from you  ,I don't tell "porkies"  ,  TBH  getting a bit bored now so off to catalogue my string collection  , TTFN

You never said whether you voted to remain or exit the EU:flowers:

Do tell , (after all I told you I decided not to vote ):)

ETA   ..... "FFS" ?

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24 minutes ago, paswt said:

bit rich from you  ,I don't tell "porkies"  ,  TBH  getting a bit bored now so off to catalogue my string collection  , TTFN

You never said whether you voted to remain or exit the EU:flowers:

Do tell , (after all I told you I decided not to vote ):)

ETA   ..... "FFS" ?

"I would have voted leave" - is not something you can escape.

Just like your lies....


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16 hours ago, P.K. said:

So Woody2, what owner's agenda is driven by The Grauniad?

Name names!


you don't know.......


16 hours ago, P.K. said:


The EU is driven by evil Goblins intent on world domination as any fule kno....

unelected and unaccountable foreigners......

15 hours ago, P.K. said:

No doubt you believed this as well:

Just to recap the FACTS of the matter are the Telegraph is full of pro-brexit propaganda crap.

Thanks Toggy. Another one for my Brexit Bullshit Hall Of Fame....


14 hours ago, P.K. said:

Excuse me but I posted up a classic example of The Telegraph lying to it's readership as instructed by the Barclay brothers.

Not "two thirds" of legislation etc etc etc bollox bollox bollox down to EU trading regulations but just THIRTEEN PERCENT!

I'm not making this up so are you going to try and claim that the HoC library is lying about the figures?

If not face the fact that believing brexit nonsense in the Telegraph is just that, nonsense as above.

Gullible just doesn't even get close...

100% is controlled by the eu.......

everything need eu approval.......

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15 hours ago, pongo said:

It's weird you not liking Cameron. He seems like a good guy to me. Bright, nice, team player etc. Genuinely cared. Him and Osborne were excellent. Got the economy back on track - close to full employment etc. They seem like good examples of the One Nation ethos which has been at the heart of Conservative politics more or less since Churchill quit the Liberal Party.

What don't you like about him?


15 hours ago, pongo said:

What don't you like about him? Seems like a good guy to me. Nice, bright and often very funny and understated.

Tried his best to point out that voting for Brexit would be economically and politically stupid. What else could he do? He was right. Britain had the best of both worlds - part of the Single Market but outside of the Euro. Should have just carried on being Eurosceptic and waiting to see what would happen. Instead of creating all of this stupid uncertainty.


2 post that say a lot about you.......


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13 hours ago, paswt said:

but I didn't because I wasn't compelled to by law, I thought I had explained that.

Did you vote to remain or exit?

Could you explain "FFS"  can't be what I initially assumed as you have complained about the use of offensive language on this site ?


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13 hours ago, paswt said:

I didn't vote for "Brexit"  ergo I'm not and never have been a "brexiteer".

Perhaps it may have been helpful to specify that you excluded your "beloved and trusty Grauniad" in your post  criticising the UK press.


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9 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:


You may not have voted for Brexit but you have said that you would have done so if you had been eligible (or compelled by law) to vote.  It is not unreasonable therefore to surmise that you support the UK leaving the EU.  

if you fail to manage and plan for your business, it is not unreasonable therefore to surmise that you are sh1t at your job.......

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