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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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14 minutes ago, P.K. said:

All words used in general remoans apparently.

But hey, since when has a brexiteer remoans been bothered by facts...?


along with "austerity" even though the uk hasn't had any......

pk- may and oily are both on your side.......


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1 hour ago, ballaughbiker said:

Three interesting responses...



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By k743snx
08th Nov 2018 10:17

Well, if people will keep talking things down....

I smell vested interests at work. The FT is one of the biggest villains in spreading panic.


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08th Nov 2018 10:11

Who says that Brexit is the "likely" reason? Pure speculation. Did Sterling purposely trip himself up because of Brexit? Perhaps, maybe, probably. Who would have put money on United beating Juventus? Time to get real. Brexit will have no effect on our trade. I have a couple of international companies on my books and their counterparts in the EU says whatever happens they will still continue to trade (It's their livelihood as well). So media take note, Trump will get a second term and Brexit will go through without too much hassle.


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By Rozzo52
08th Nov 2018 11:16

I do not understand this at all. Leaving EU means that instead of having to pay the costs for maintaining two bureaucracies namely the UK and the EU all business in UK will now only have to pay for UK bureaucracy also there will no longer be a yearly subscription to be part of EU club of £10's of billions. Also we will have complete control over our tax affairs including being able to reduce taxation levels without EU interference. In my view just some more scare mongering by political elite, establishment, the BBC , Main Stream News Media nothing changes


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11 hours ago, The Phat Tog said:

PK you are an utterly reprehensible excuse for a human being.  Are people not allowed to have a different point of view to you in your lefty liberal world?  Apparently not... 

I'm surprised anyone takes PK seriously when all he seems to be capable of is misrepresenting the views of anyone who has the temerity to have any view on anything slightly different to his own in the vain hope that some may believe his offensive nonsense .

What I find comical are his "likes" for those who post and  his assertions that he believes in "playing the ball not the man".

 Perhaps he gets some form of sadistic pleasure in him thinking he is causing distress to other posters , after all he is always banging on about fishing for "fun" ( presumably in his mind  that's the 'buzz'  ,I would venture to suggest that the fish  don't enjoy the experience).

"By their fruits ye shall know them"

The  man and his views IMO are irrelevant  and not worth responding to.


Edited by paswt
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5 hours ago, paswt said:

I'm surprised anyone takes PK seriously when all he seems to be capable of is misrepresenting the views of anyone who has the temerity to have any view on anything slightly different to his own in the vain hope that some may believe his offensive nonsense .

What I find comical are his "likes" for those who post and  his assertions that he believes in "playing the ball not the man".

 Perhaps he gets some form of sadistic pleasure in him thinking he is causing distress to other posters , after all he is always banging on about fishing for "fun" ( presumably in his mind  that's the 'buzz'  ,I would venture to suggest that the fish  don't enjoy the experience).

"By their fruits ye shall know them"

The  man and his views IMO are irrelevant  and not worth responding to.

I haven't "misrepresented" your views Paswt. You claimed that you had never posted up that you supported brexit and I quoted where you posted up that you would vote Remain Leave.:)

Like a rat in a trap.

Ever since then you have invented all sorts of nonsense about me and my family without a shred of evidence in an attempt to deflect attention from the fact you're a bare-faced liar.

The "fishing" farce is particularly stupid. I like fishing. If I catch something edible I dispatch it humanely and it goes in the pot. As this is the Isle of Man I'm fairly confident you're familiar with the concept. Are you a vegan? Bad luck if you are as I had Cod Mornay in The Shore yesterday evening and very nice it was too.

As I posted earlier you're wasting your time as I'm well used to being hounded on here by lying brexiteers like you.

Now man up and apologise.

Edited by P.K.
A rather amusing typo
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