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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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Tomorrow could be interesting as per the current farrago deal:

Labour will launch an attempt to force ministers to publish the government’s legal advice on Theresa May’s Irish backstop plan before any Brexit deal is put before parliament.

The shadow Brexit secretary, Keir Starmer, will on Tuesday use the humble address – an ancient procedure used by the party last year to force the release of Brexit impact assessments – to demand the government produce the backstop papers for scrutiny.

He said the party would be using its opposition day debate to stage a vote on the motion as it would be untenable to keep MPs “in the dark” on the legal advice before asking them to vote on the prime minister’s Brexit plan.

The environment secretary, Michael Gove, has led cabinet calls for ministers to receive detailed information about the full legal advice given to May on her backstop plan for avoiding a hard border. Hard Brexit Tory MPs, as well as the DUP and the Liberal Democrats, have called for parliament to be given a full version.

However, government sources had doubts over whether the legal advice actually existed in written form, suggesting that the attorney general, Geoffrey Cox, would only update his draft once the deal was ready to be presented to cabinet, possibly later this week depending on negotiations in Brussels.

It has raised the prospect of ministers telling MPs they have nothing to produce, although Labour sources claimed its motion would be worded in such a way that the government would have to comply with the demand, even if at a later date.

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On 11/12/2018 at 10:36 AM, woody2 said:
On 11/11/2018 at 6:05 PM, John Wright said:


All EU state legislatures are pushing through deal and  no deal enabling legislation.



so come on john how many are at the draft bill stage......


your posts are all spin and #fakenews......

still nothing to backup this #fakenews john........

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3 hours ago, mojomonkey said:

To be honest irrespective of any political viewpoint I think most people would look somewhat bemused by the sight of those three dancing like your auntie and uncle at a wedding. I suppose it is down to the unique way that the BBC is funded.

it was one of the most bizarre and funniest bits of tv ever.....

i guess you don't like bbctw because the lefties like you and corbyn are to frightened of afneil........

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52 minutes ago, woody2 said:

it was one of the most bizarre and funniest bits of tv ever.....

i guess you don't like bbctw because the lefties like you and corbyn are to frightened of afneil........

I've no idea why you keep insisting I'm a leftie. Never voted labour in my life and haven't voted for their equivalent over here. Politically I'm pretty much neutral, I can see the pros and cons in both sides. I do think Corbyn would be a disaster but I can't see him getting into power.


As for bbctw, I don't watch it as I don't have ready access to it and it doesn't really interest me anyway. I've no strong opinion on Neil, apart from he has hair like a shredded wheat and is one groovy dancer.

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