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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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2 hours ago, quilp said:

How can any real progress ever be made with remainers in charge of the proceedings? It's a fucking shambles because of it... 

Brexit Secretary in charge of proceedings as was Raab is a brexiteer.

Define real progress.

No vague bullshit a la Farage, Gove and Johnson. What sort of brexit are the MF brexiteers looking for, why, and at what cost to the country?

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People may not like it but it is still democratic. The referendum only asked about leaving the eu, it played no role in deciding the nature of leaving. The elected government have put forward a leaving agreement, apparently it's a bit shit but what do you expect from politicians?

Edited by mojomonkey
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27 minutes ago, quilp said:

Stupid Leavers naively believing they actually had a government capable of quelling the political in-fighting and putting their expertise together to collectively get behind Brexit.

Well, in your opinion anyway.

Please point out the difference between "naive stupid leavers" and the rest.

Purely fo esoteric reasons of course......

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'It is like threading the eye of a needle. If you have a good eye and a steady hand, it is easy enough,' David Davis, December 2016, dismissing fears a Brexit deal might be difficult. 

Never forget the leavers had their chances to shape brexit - they held all the key ministerial positions. May’s deal is the best that Davis, Raab, Johnson, Hunt, Fox and Gove could come up with. 

If the U.K. exits with the current deal they’ve  given away control, sovereignty, influence and money on an epic scale. Cretins. 

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