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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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1 minute ago, mojomonkey said:

It clearly says that it has to be mutual agreement. Either side can say no more extension, they cannot force the other side. It works both ways.



so the eu run trade talks longer than the transition- then what? -walk away.....:lol:

nobody is falling for that....... merkels side kick said 8 years at least.....

they could drag it on forever- at least art.50 has a end date.....

1 minute ago, mojomonkey said:


That is an overly simplistic view of it, the end result is very clear but what that precisely meant was not. As in what would happen to all the issues such as trade, movement, health, shared law, etc. No one knew what would actually happen, mainly because the Government that put forward the referendum did not know what they would do if the result was leave. It was leave and the whole shitstorm started where no side would be satisfied with the outcome. The blame lies with the elected members.


As I said earlier I think there should have been some outline of the likely of what would happen in terms of actual agreement. There wasn’t, we are where we are and so on.

the blame lies with the eu who controlled the timetable and may+oily for falling for it........

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3 minutes ago, P.K. said:

JRM was on the box last night once again claiming that the £39bn divorce bill had purchasing power for a better deal.

The issue is that idiots might start believing him and his ERG nonsense...

what is the uk getting in return for that.......


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Relaxation is the key to overcoming panic attacks. Relaxation techniques such as breathing control and meditation can be practiced to help you relax. An example of breathing control is slow breathing. This is very effective when used at the first signs of a panic attack. It needs to be continued for around four minutes to allow the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide to return to normal. Try not to rush yourself through the panic attack. Don’t try to distract yourself or pretend you are not feeling anxiety – this will often make the anxiety worse. Acknowledge your symptoms as “just symptoms” - remind yourself that you can separate how you feel from what you think or fear is happening. Some people find it helpful to think of panic as similar to ‘surfing a wave’ –
it builds up, peaks, and then washes up on the beach. When you are ready, simply go back to what you were doing.
Hope this helps. 


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11 minutes ago, woody2 said:

this sounds like the eu funded traitors vote......

Not sure what that would be. I'm simply saying there should have been information available from those would be actually implement the agreement before the vote took place. That is neither the remain or leave campaigns, it is the Government at that time (the elected members). What we have ended up with is a mess that satisfies neither leavers nor remainers.

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JRM was on the box last night once again claiming that the £39bn divorce bill had purchasing power for a better deal.

The issue is that idiots might start believing him and his ERG nonsense...

If you replaced "idiot" with the generalised "decent and intelligent people cleverly conned by 20 years worth of (eg) Sun and DM followed by self-serving charlatans", I'd agree with you.

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1 hour ago, mojomonkey said:

Not sure what that would be. I'm simply saying there should have been information available from those would be actually implement the agreement before the vote took place. That is neither the remain or leave campaigns, it is the Government at that time (the elected members). What we have ended up with is a mess that satisfies neither leavers nor remainers.

aka the eu funded remoaner vote......

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9 minutes ago, woody2 said:

aka the eu funded remoaner vote......

If you think so then you’re welcome to your opinion. Personally I think it would have been helpful for the average person to know what would actually happen if the UK wanted to leave the EU. I have no problem with leaving if that is the will of the people but the amount of disinformation that was flying around from both remain and leave the vote was just silly. Fast forward to now and we have the leavers all crying that this isn’t the leave they wanted, but that’s just it no one actually knew what that leave was going to be. If that was properly discussed and set out before the referendum vote people would not have that uncertainty. Still, you want no deal Brexit so I presume the current situation actually suits you.

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7 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

If you think so then you’re welcome to your opinion. Personally I think it would have been helpful for the average person to know what would actually happen if the UK wanted to leave the EU. I have no problem with leaving if that is the will of the people but the amount of disinformation that was flying around from both remain and leave the vote was just silly. Fast forward to now and we have the leavers all crying that this isn’t the leave they wanted, but that’s just it no one actually knew what that leave was going to be. If that was properly discussed and set out before the referendum vote people would not have that uncertainty. Still, you want no deal Brexit so I presume the current situation actually suits you.

didn't you read "call me dave" taxpayer funded propaganda leaflet........


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4 minutes ago, woody2 said:

didn't you read "call me dave" taxpayer funded propaganda leaflet........


Yes, it didn’t set out anything on how an exit agreement and actual exit would work. Don’t confuse the leave and remain campaigns with what I am talking about, different things. I’m talking about the Government of the time setting out a draft agreement after it was talked to the both leave and remain. Those not wanting a no deal Brexit would have to accept some compromises on all sides, it could never be all of what leave wants or all of what remain wants. Anyway, it is all somewhat academic as what I’m never happened and as far as I know time machines don’t exist.

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26 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Yes, it didn’t set out anything on how an exit agreement and actual exit would work. Don’t confuse the leave and remain campaigns with what I am talking about, different things. I’m talking about the Government of the time setting out a draft agreement after it was talked to the both leave and remain. Those not wanting a no deal Brexit would have to accept some compromises on all sides, it could never be all of what leave wants or all of what remain wants. Anyway, it is all somewhat academic as what I’m never happened and as far as I know time machines don’t exist.

you sound like that miller immigrant.......

we all know a handful of undemocratic remoaners want another referendum......

why can't you/they just come out and say it......

the only people claiming no one understood is the same undemocratic remoaners who want another referendum......

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51 minutes ago, woody2 said:

have you worked out the wto or who is in charge of the met yet........


I’ve tried to explain how the U.K. doesn’t have its own WTO schedules, how they can’t divide the schedules shared with the EU proportionally without agreement from all members, and how key markets have already objected to that solution - you put your fingers in your ears and screamed. Cressida Dick is the head of London’s Metropolitan Police Service. Click on the link. While you’re at it, read up on Parliamentary Sovereignty

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