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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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9 hours ago, woody2 said:

does may have a legal mandate to renegotiate a new deal with the eu?????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Yes. The EU says that’s fine, but as they’ve totally owned the U.K. at every turn it’ll cost £10B (no doubt JRM will do his patriotic duty there). What were you thinking, get Davis to do his homework this time and send him back, get ‘garden bridge’ Johnson in, Jacob ‘I’m so vain’ Rees-Mogg, or Sir Nigel, special envoy to the embassy of Ecuador? 

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14 hours ago, ballaughbiker said:

Says here it has a FTA with ECOWAS.  :unsure: (signed 2017) 



Edit Further down the page it seems to say that Mauritania also has a few bilateral trade agreements too.

There’s certainly conflicting information.

Before 2000 Mauritania was in ECOWAS until it did a MEXIT. All it’s trade deals were through ECOWAS, they all ended. Hence it had none.

Nigeria has now declined to sign the EU West African Trade Agreement, so it will never be ratified and come into force. Signature by Nigeria is a pre requisite for ratification.


The SG article you link to is misleading. The cooperation agreement is not a free trade agreement, it’s a pathfinder agreement, setting out principles upon which a FTA agreement is to be based, a bit like the current Brexit Agreement, it isn’t the Treaty, it says how we will get to the Treaty, and what it will contain, and how long we have.

Yes, it suggests there are other bilaterals but they seem to be ECOWAS members, who can’t, and Mahgreb Union members ( which it joined after ECOWAS ), But MU totally collapsed post Arab Spring and doesn’t function, in fact there have been no official meetings since 2008.

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15 hours ago, woody2 said:

its still irrelevant baldbiker.....

have you seen how many the uk is signed up for......

its a shame may hasn't put the same effort into #nodeal as this daft draft......

We’ve seen how the first set of negotiations  have gone with the UK’s largest trading partner. I suppose in Woodyworld despite all indications, given the chance, the UK’s ace team of negotiators will get loads of great deals in record time. And the EU will still let the U.K. have MEPs. And there’ll be £350M a week for the NHS. And someone will invent invisible passport controls. And Scotland, Ireland and Wales will go along with it and be grateful for it. 

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12 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

These brexit rebels can't even work out how many votes of no confidence they are going to get let alone sort anything out afterwards. None of them can trust each other to actually go through with it. 

Plus May cannot stand in any leadership ballot and even the bug-eyed loons of the ERG have finally realised that crashing out with no deal would be a complete and utter disaster. Hence none of them want their names to go down in the history books as the PM who sleepwalked the country off a cliff.

The brexit referendum really was a terrible idea. The more we get into it the more EU dependencies emerge. Which after forty plus years of co-operation is not exactly a surprise. Of course, all the brexit zealots will cite this as "proof" of the Brussels Masterplan to absorb us into a "superstate" against our will for various nefarious but vague reasons.

Talk about delusional. But then you only have to look at the ERG to see how bad it can get. I'm still chuckling having watched arch-brexiteer Mark Francois playing the "Winston Churchill" card on national tv the other day. He couldn't understand why those gathered thought it was funny and incredibly cringeworthy at the same time.

People like him are our government. Little wonder brexit is a clusterfuck.....

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Corbyn, McDonnell and Abbott fantasise about life outside the EU in a 1970s style UK - where state ownership of the means of production would be possible. They couldn’t admit it in public though because they knew it was just a fantasy. Most of the more moderate labourites were too scared for their seats to tell the truth about Brexshit. The only people who come out of this with any integrity are the likes of Ken Clarke and Anna Soubry, the SNP, Plaid, the Lib Dem’s and the Greens.

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4 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Corbyn, McDonnell and Abbott fantasise about life outside the EU in a 1970s style UK - where state ownership of the means of production would be possible. They couldn’t admit it in public though because they knew it was just a fantasy. Most of the more moderate labourites were too scared for their seats to tell the truth about Brexshit. The only people who come out of this with any integrity are the likes of Ken Clarke and Anna Soubry, the SNP, Plaid, the Lib Dem’s and the Greens.


1 hour ago, P.K. said:

Kier Starmer seems to me to be clever, pragmatic and sincere.

Makes a refreshing change....

if you ever wanted to know what a remoaner is- read these 2 posts above......


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