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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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2 hours ago, woody2 said:


can you say how much comes from a 3rd country.......

it mainly poor quality drinks from the eu......... another ripoff that is the single market.....

The YouGov numbers for 2017:

Percentage food supplied to the UK
UK 50%
EU 30%
Africa 4%
North America 4%
South America 4%
Asia 4%
Rest of Europe 2%
Australasia 1%

Link: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/food-statistics-pocketbook-2017/food-statistics-in-your-pocket-2017-global-and-uk-supply

So W2 let's see your "proof" that it's " mainly poor quality drinks from the eu" or some such crapulence.

Credit where credit is due W2 is still here slogging uphill whereas the rest of the MF Brexiteers like Woolley, Quilp, Paswt, The Phat Tog, Rog etc have either dropped out of site (sorry) or are reduced to pathetic sniping from the sidelines. Although that's pretty much gone south as well.

Edited by P.K.
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44 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

So now it is changing to a link to a (news?) story from a few months ago? Do these deals actually exist?


I, and others, are genuinely interested, but I cannot find anything via google. It makes no sense why you simply don’t post a link. Unless you can support what you are saying you have to accept that people will call you out on it.


46 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

Are you relying on the principle that most won't wade through page after page looking for a link that may have disappeared?  

i was talking about jib- you have jumped back to another post.....

to answer your question......

its under the trade bill (which has passed parliament some months ago) -the dr.fox gave details at the time..... 28 agreed out of 40......

its also already agreed that the uk can use its part of the eu's trade deals until the eu renegotiates with the wto.......

but these should be ready anyway by the uk-deal or no deal......

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58 minutes ago, P.K. said:

The YouGov numbers for 2017:

Percentage food supplied to the UK
UK 50%
EU 30%
Africa 4%
North America 4%
South America 4%
Asia 4%
Rest of Europe 2%
Australasia 1%

Link: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/food-statistics-pocketbook-2017/food-statistics-in-your-pocket-2017-global-and-uk-supply

So W2 let's see your "proof" that it's " mainly poor quality drinks from the eu" or some such crapulence.

Credit where credit is due W2 is still here slogging uphill whereas the rest of the MF Brexiteers like Woolley, Quilp, Paswt, The Phat Tog, Rog etc have either dropped out of site (sorry) or are reduced to pathetic sniping from the sidelines. Although that's pretty much gone south as well.


that inc. drinks.....


they can't tell which comes from the eu, is just processed in the eu but is from a 3rd country or doesn't even leave the boat but the tariffs are collected by another eu member...... 

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13 minutes ago, woody2 said:

that inc. drinks.....


they can't tell which comes from the eu, is just processed in the eu but is from a 3rd country or doesn't even leave the boat but the tariffs are collected by another eu member...... 

Proof please.

Because I think it's just more W2 bollox.

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35 minutes ago, woody2 said:

look it up.....


More obfuscation.

However I did look it up and I bet your source was Briefings for Brexit or via someone using that as a source or just BS. Even that well-known pro- brexit site didn't confirm your view that we can use our proportion of existing EU WTO agreements if we leave without a deal.

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3 minutes ago, woody2 said:

it states on your link inc. drinks........

never heard of the rotterdam effect........

"Including drinks" is not exactly proof of your claim now is it?

As to Rotterdam from the survey I expect some 19% of UK food MAY come through there from the US, Australia and so forth as per the figures.

So let's see your PROOF.

As the survey states categorically "The leading foreign supplier of food consumed in the UK were countries from the EU (30%)" and not "via the EU" then clearly your ridiculous unsubstantiated claims are yet another contender for my Brexit Bullshit Hall Of Fame..

You must be so proud....

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11 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Nonsense - correlate against this https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_rJJuTPWB-J8jkRZoeRi3De2tMLBxVcPKN2D-89lkUk/edit#gid=10


Alternatively, I presume you have evidence to back up your statement, free feel to post a link to it.

yes thanks.....

one day you'll find the correct graph rather than random links......

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