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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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18 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

So the ECJ has the final say. Innit.

even if the ecj did make a ruling.........which it hasn't......

the pm would have to bring forward new legislation and get it passed parliament......

also no deal exit= no ecj....

eu can't even take the uk to court.....

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Thicko, then lefty, now nazi and that's just in the last few hours.

You clearly haven't been able to logically think through the points raised this afternoon especially related to the mechanism, legality and chronology of a possible request to reverse A50.

I'd have a day off woody. Your posts over the last few days appear to demonstrate an increasing incoherency or perhaps it's just a willful refusal to adequately discuss any counter argument without resorting to name calling or daft #whatevers likely for wind up purposes.

Hope this helps :flowers: . I'm off for a pint.......



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12 hours ago, ballaughbiker said:


You clearly haven't been able to logically think through the points raised this afternoon especially related to the mechanism, legality and chronology of a possible request to reverse A50.




which bit of the law and procedure don't you understand......

the pm would have to bring forward new legislation and get it passed parliament......

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So will the brexit nutters zealots in the HoC risk crashing out with no deal by voting against it?

Even the bug-eyed loons of Rees-Mogg's ERG finally recognise that a no deal would be catastrophic for the UK.

I expect the blame game to kick off pretty much immediately. Claim and counter claim should be amusing. I can't help thinking that "betrayal" is going to be this weeks most over-used word.

Very disappointed in MF's brexit contingent of Quilp, Rog, Paswt, Woolley, The Phat Tog and others leaving Woody2 to do the honours unsupported. Poor show....

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