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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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14 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Very disappointed in MF's brexit contingent of Quilp, Rog, Paswt, Woolley, The Phat Tog and others leaving Woody2 to do the honours unsupported. Poor show....

Poor show? Who the fuck wants to provide you with any opportunity to display with your desperate and hysterical hyperbole?

Insufferable prick... 

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26 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

Of course it will but I won't find it amusing.

It's too serious to be able find humor within.

You have to laugh or you'll cry.

We had the best deal in the best trading bloc on the planet.

Thrown away and for what...?

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38 minutes ago, P.K. said:

So will the brexit nutters zealots in the HoC risk crashing out with no deal by voting against it?

Even the bug-eyed loons of Rees-Mogg's ERG finally recognise that a no deal would be catastrophic for the UK.

I expect the blame game to kick off pretty much immediately. Claim and counter claim should be amusing. I can't help thinking that "betrayal" is going to be this weeks most over-used word.

Very disappointed in MF's brexit contingent of Quilp, Rog, Paswt, Woolley, The Phat Tog and others leaving Woody2 to do the honours unsupported. Poor show....


35 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

Of course it will but I won't find it amusing.

It's too serious to be able find humor within.


cry #snowflake cry.........


8 minutes ago, P.K. said:

You have to laugh or you'll cry.

We had the worst deal in the worst trading bloc on the planet.

Thrown away and for what...?


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5 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

You can be insufferable sometimes PK. They were wrong about the negotiations and Britain’s true place in the world, but there’s no need to rub anyone’s nose in it. 

If you had taken a ton of shit like I have from these people I'm sure you would feel differently.

No matter how you slice and dice it the bottom line is we've all lost out....

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You haven’t taken a ton of shit. You’ve been arguing with poorly informed people and, as regards the EU referendum, proved right. That argument is conclusively over and it’s has so catastrophically shattered the wild dreams of the Leave campaign you should show some sympathy and support them when they go after the charlatans who led them on. For now, it’s back to the original topic; Is the U.K. finished? Will Spain get joint sovereignty or full sovereignty over Gibraltar? If May’s deal goes through and the NI Assembly gets back up and running - what say will Westminster actually have over day to day affairs in Ireland? When will Sturgeon go for Indyref2? Now that Wales is firmly in the remain camp, will the Welsh see their future as a member of the EU in their own right, or will they prefer to remain in a union with England? 

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17 minutes ago, P.K. said:

If you had taken a ton of shit like I have from these people I'm sure you would feel differently.

You really are one big snowflake. You yourself have dished out a ton of shit at all those you have mentioned above yet as soon as someone has the temerity to call you out you slink off all hurt and claim victimhood.

Never been under fire then corporal?


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By the way, despite previously being in favour of Scottish independence I’m hoping that indyref2 will be delayed long enough for effective measures to be introduced to ensure Russia and / or China are not involved. I think all of us, regardless of our politics are concerned with these enemies of democracy subverting the democratic process in the West.

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30 minutes ago, quilp said:

You really are one big snowflake. You yourself have dished out a ton of shit at all those you have mentioned above yet as soon as someone has the temerity to call you out you slink off all hurt and claim victimhood.

Never been under fire then corporal?


Not only bullshit but weapons grade.

Of course, all the long gaps in my posting are down to me "slinking off all hurt" only there haven't  been any long gaps in my posting.

You had already lost the argument by here:

On 9/23/2018 at 11:35 AM, P.K. said:

I posted this link up just for you because it's simple to understand https://youtu.be/ca-v9rGE4-o  In it international trade negotiator Jason Hunter starts off by saying:

"A no deal Brexit would be catastrophic for manufacturing industries who are currently exporting over £400m a day of UK goods and services etc etc" and then goes on to explain why.

So what part of the word "catastrophic" is it that you don't understand? Do you know better than an international trade negotiator? Or do you expect me to transcribe it all into your favoured green crayon using words of one syllable and no joined-up writing?

More likely it's this:

You should try this https://youtu.be/byHgpQDBXOM

It's about 75 minutes of Jason and others in Geneva having had a round of meetings with WTO officials. Enlightening, informative and very worrying about International Trade Secretary Liam Fox's depth of ignorance!

But hey, we'll get blue passports - that we could have had anyway.... 

And your reasoned, well-thought out response was:

On 9/23/2018 at 12:08 PM, quilp said:


Because there was nowhere left for you to go.

Since then you have been reduced to sniping from the sidelines with foul-mouthed personal attacks because it's all you have.

It's just pathetic....

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2 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

By the way, despite previously being in favour of Scottish independence I’m hoping that indyref2 will be delayed long enough for effective measures to be introduced to ensure Russia and / or China are not involved. I think all of us, regardless of our politics are concerned with these enemies of democracy subverting the democratic process in the West.

get real. what an absolute load of old bollocks

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