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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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8 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

Americans voted for trump. Trump is america.

Or was.

Losing the house to the Democrats hurt more than a lot.

Had the Republicans put up a strong showing he would have gone for a second term. Now all bets are off....

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6 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

You haven’t taken a ton of shit. You’ve been arguing with poorly informed people and, as regards the EU referendum, proved right. That argument is conclusively over and it’s has so catastrophically shattered the wild dreams of the Leave campaign you should show some sympathy and support them when they go after the charlatans who led them on. For now, it’s back to the original topic; Is the U.K. finished?no Will Spain get joint sovereignty or full sovereignty over Gibraltar?no If May’s deal goes through and the NI Assembly gets back up and running - what say will Westminster actually have over day to day affairs in Ireland? When will Sturgeon go for Indyref2?no Now that Wales is firmly in the remain camp,#fakenews will the Welsh see their future as a member of the EU in their own right, or will they prefer to remain in a union with England? 


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8 hours ago, P.K. said:


Very disappointed in MF's brexit contingent of Quilp, Rog, Paswt, Woolley, The Phat Tog and others leaving Woody2 to do the honours unsupported. Poor show....

How many more times do you have to misrepresent /lie my views on this site ?

I Did not vote for or against staying/leaving the EU .

I could have voted but didn't (ergo I'm neither a "remainer" or "brexiteer" )and have said so innumerable times  but it would appear that you cannot grasp that fact .

I have not posted anything in favour or against "Brexit" so will you desist from trying to mislead folk about my views .

Your  poor attempts to goad folk into a robust response  so you can play the "VICTIM CARD" has failed .

I will continue to challenge any lies you post about me on this site, please desist .


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8 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

You can be insufferable sometimes PK. They were wrong about the negotiations and Britain’s true place in the world, but there’s no need to rub anyone’s nose in it. 

"Include me out"

ETA I have not posted anything in relation to the 'negotiations':flowers:

Edited by paswt
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1 hour ago, paswt said:

How many more times do you have to misrepresent /lie my views on this site ?

I Did not vote for or against staying/leaving the EU .

I could have voted but didn't (ergo I'm neither a "remainer" or "brexiteer" )and have said so innumerable times  but it would appear that you cannot grasp that fact .

I have not posted anything in favour or against "Brexit" so will you desist from trying to mislead folk about my views .

Your  poor attempts to goad folk into a robust response  so you can play the "VICTIM CARD" has failed .

I will continue to challenge any lies you post about me on this site, please desist .

You posted you would vote "Leave" - nuff said.

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