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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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3 minutes ago, P.K. said:

You posted you would vote "Leave" - nuff said.

I didn't vote .... nuff said

You declined to declare if you voted and /or who you voted for , or if you were eligible to vote .

So by your logic you're in Woody's  club as a "Brexiteer":lol:

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29 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Now you're having a laugh!

Do your own research you lazy git.

You have claimed that posters including myself have given you a "ton of Shit" but have declined to back that up with evidence.

You have claimed the moral high ground by alleging that you "hate racism" , have served in the military, and have "helped the homeless" and inferred that other posters are lacking in moral integrity .

You boasted about visiting the UK , 'sports fishing' for barbell .

 I had the temerity to question how  such a self appointed paragon of virtue as yourself would consider  causing unnecessary suffering to another living creature for " fun" (your word not mine).

 "we are all motivated by self interest" including you and your family as evidenced  by your post when you held anyone who voted to leave the  EU was "personally responsible" for your nephew having to apply for German citizenship to work there .

I merely pointed out that he had taken advantage of the UK education system  and if working abroad would not be contributing to the UK economy.

Your response was to allege that I had attacked your family.:)

I have not posted any "shit" about you and your family , only commented on the information you have provided in your posts.

Hope this helps

Edited by paswt
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31 minutes ago, paswt said:

I didn't vote .... nuff said

You declined to declare if you voted and /or who you voted for , or if you were eligible to vote .

So by your logic you're in Woody's  club as a "Brexiteer":lol:

You did post you would vote "Leave".

I've already answered the rest of your drivel.

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Just now, P.K. said:

You did post you would vote "Leave".

I've already answered the rest of your drivel.

If "obliged " i.e. if compelled to by law .

I didn't vote  ( the "acid test" ):flowers:  ergo I cannot be described as a "remoaner" or a "brexiteer".

I have not posted  "drivel" , unless you are saying the claims made in your posts are drivel:)

Still waiting for your evidence to back up your assertions that  I have given you a "ton of shit":flowers:

Hope this helps

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15 minutes ago, paswt said:

You have claimed that posters including myself have given you a "ton of Shit" but have declined to back that up with evidence.

Stop trying to bore me to death.

Put on "ignore" due to there's only so much cringeworthy nonsense a man can take...

On 11/2/2018 at 9:13 AM, paswt said:

Sigh.................................. the post you quoted , is part of that, if memory serves, which was in response to Richard B (?) or it could have been you (you are stupid enough) who asserted/ claimed that those who declined to vote should be deemed to have voted to "remain".

So I'l try to explain it in a way   you may understand as you are clearly as thick as pigshit.

You quoted me as saying :-


So....... was that the entire post quoted (can't be arsed to to look it up)?..........


 sigh .................. this island is not within the EU .... still with me silly bollocks?

"OBLIGED" you daft twat mean compelled or required by law , as in obliged to fill in a tax return or a census form !

Ask Santa to stick  a fucking dictionary   in your stocking at christmas you thick twat.

BUT    I  CHOSE  NOT TO TO FUCKING VOTE. .................... "Chose"   (as in 'of my own free will' you fuckwit), because I didn't fucking care/ was not domiciled in the EU.

I can choose to ride a vintage motor cycle  , you have bragged about chosing to cause unnecessary suffering to another  vertebrate  by dragging it out of it's environment  with a hook through it's mouth NOT  because you need to eat it to survive but for the sadistic pleasure you derive from the experience . I chose not to fish for "fun".

Perhaps you should volunteer for a bit of "water boarding" (preferably with a big fucking hook though your big gob), in order to appreciate how the fish feel while you are having your "fun".

So based on my decision NOT TO VOTE  you CHOSE, perhaps because you are unable to understand (and have an IQ lower than your shoe size) ,to STATE that  I am a fucking "Bexiteer".  

So once again ....... I could have voted , didn't because I don't fucking care whether the UK (or that part of it in the EU) "remains" or "exits" .Get your mum to explain

As someone once said " the Almighty in his infinite wisdom has given me the ability to explain things to you , it's a great pity he didn't give you the wit to comprehend"

Among your "stuff to do /later"  perhaps you could advise that self centred nephew of yours that he may not get the free ride in Germany  he has enjoyed while living in the UK

In conclusion  I would be grateful if you would desist from putting words on my mouth you lying little shit , time perhaps for one of your customary "shouty man" backtracks saying that what you posted previously was not what you meant . 

Hope this helps, now GFY .

Hope this helps :flowers:

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Just now, P.K. said:

Stop trying to bore me to death.

Put on "ignore" due to there's only so much cringeworthy nonsense a man can take...

Hope this helps :flowers:

Perhaps you should stop misrepresenting my views and putting words in my mouth.

I have responded politely and only once resorted to a robust  response (see above ) in a vain attempt to explain things in a way that you (as a "military man") may understand

You claim to be offended but, if memory serves you have used similar intemperate language ( called me a 'twat' :)) you really do want your penny and your bun.

I'm not concerned if you "put me on Ignore" that's you decision .:)

I have only ever commented on your posts  so perhaps those posts are the  "cringeworthy nonsense":lol:

Perhaps it is the truth you have difficulty with

Hope this helps:)

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7 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

... by Lawyers for Britain


Oh, hang on, I see, you managed to read all that and take it in, give it serious consideration, in 4 minutes. Par for the course. Well done lad...

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It was a joke Quilp, don't get excited, you can't really post an article from a lobbying group and claim it is spinless without some kind of satirical comment. I sort of read it but the whole situation is so far out of my control that I just don't give a shit about it anymore, whatever bollocks is going to happen is going to happen and we'll all have to deal with the fallout. With a degree of resigned humour.

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24 minutes ago, quilp said:

I thought you might have learnt your lesson with Pat Condell.

But apparently not...

"Working to limit and reduce the excessive powers of the EU. Now the referendum is giving us the vital choice on EU membership,  I am trying to inform the debate through the campaign group Lawyers for Britain of which I am chairman. My ideas on the principles which should be adopted for renegotiation of our relationship with the EU were  published by Politeia in "Zero Plus: The Principles of EU Renegotiation".    My paper explaining how a Soveignty Bill would work to protect the UK's constitution was published by Politeia in January 2010 and was explained in an article I wrote in The Wall Street Journal Europe. This proposal was taken up by William Hague and incorporated in law as Section 18 of the European Union Act 2011 which makes clear that Parliament has ultimate control over whether EU law applies within the United Kingdom. 

My evidence to the House of Lords sub-committee enquiring into the Lisbon Treaty's impact on the area of "freedom, security and justice" is available from the House of Lords website.

I chaired the Courts and Sentencing Policy Group of the Centre for Social Justice and launched our group's report with Iain Duncan Smith MP. This major report, "Order in the Courts: restoring faith through local justice" criticised the Labour Government's over-centralisation of the criminal justice system and its torrent of legislation, and called for a much more locally accountable system of justice in which offenders can be dealt with more effectively. (See Executive Summary of the Report). 

Political publications

For a selection of my publications on political and constitutional issues, see Publications. Recent publications are on the subjects of the EU and our constitution, criminal justice and sentencing, how to safeguard our civil liberties through a new Bill of Rights for the United Kingdom, human rights and terrorism, and the ever growing threat to our ability to make our own laws from the expanding powers of the European Union."

Just another EU basher.

How much bandwidth did you waste dragging that lot up...?

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1 hour ago, quilp said:

An alternative to the spin...

That’s not an alternative to remoaner spin. The Ramones have been saying that it would be impossible to negotiate a better deal than full membership since day one. Davis and Raab tried - but it’s a catch-22, you can’t leave if you don’t have a realistic alternative trading arrangement, and that can’t happen. If, in Liam Fox’s little fantasy, the rest of WTO (not elected, by the way - faceless bureaucrats the lot of them) had agreed to give the U.K. the same terms of trade it had enjoyed as an EU member then Brexit would have stood an outside chance. If only the 20+ WTO members who objected, including supposed allies Australia, New Zealand and the US, had been as loyal to the UK as the EU has been to little old Ireland.

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