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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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1 hour ago, ballaughbiker said:

All predictions are guesswork. Even woody's.

Mark Carney (who predicted some of these problems) took immediate action after the vote by injecting billions into the economy, dropping the base rate and encouraging banks to lend billions which they did.

That and the unpredicted worldwide trade boom plus the dubious benefits of the now low £ headed off some of these threats. 

We are presently in the unusual beneficial position of a low £ whilst also (for now) remaining in the customs union and single market. As John says, the true position will not be apparent until after we leave and will not be instant anyway and the chickens of QE and inflation caused by the low £ will come home to roost unfortunately.

So woody, would you have preferred that Carney had taken no action in 2016? 

Now now. This evening bug-eyed brexit loon Marcus Fysh was on national tv sounding off about how the BoE's and Downing Street's projections were just more "Project Fear" and as he smugly pointed out "everyone" now knows not to take them seriously.

Correct. That's the level of ignorance pervading UK politics right now. He actually believes it which is the worrying part.

Now don't you go bursting their brexit bubble with your facts.

A dose of reality like that might make them vote for the Maybot's settlement and then we wouldn't crash out with a catastrophic no deal.

Which would greatly upset the MF brexiteers like Quilp, Woolley, Paswt, Rog, The Phat Tog etc.

Woody2 is deliberately excluded for obvious reasons....

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Carney has said that recent predictions are a worst case scenario and he has to work on that rather than hoping for the best (whatever that really is).

Whatever anyone wants to believe, or not, one aspect of this cannot be argued = brexit is a significant risk. Are the #guesswork of the benefits of leaving worth that significant risk? Furthermore should the slimmest of majorities of a vote of 17.4 million be allowed to force this risk on all 66.5 million uk residents? 

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13 hours ago, P.K. said:

A somewhat sobering view from that nest of communist vipers that is the BBC.

This made me cringe though:

"Veteran Conservative Eurosceptic Sir Bill Cash said Mr Hammond was effectively arguing for the UK to stay in the European Union in his "extraordinary" statement.

He said the chancellor had ignored potential economic benefits of leaving the EU, asking: "What about the trade deals which could give us the most enormous opportunities throughout the world, if we are able to strike them?""

So Veteran Conservative Eurosceptic Sir Bill Cash is clearly unaware that Trade Secretary Liam Fox, who is on record as saying that striking these trade deals will be "the easiest in human history" - has recently seen his attempts to transfer across the WTO agreements the UK had under the EU umbrella to the new status quo flushed down the toilet by WTO members.

Which basically leaves us back on the starting line....


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11 hours ago, ballaughbiker said:

All predictions are guesswork. Even woody's.

Mark Carney (who predicted some of these problems) took immediate action after the vote by injecting billions into the economy, dropping the base rate and encouraging banks to lend billions which they did.

That and the unpredicted worldwide trade boom plus the dubious benefits of the now low £ headed off some of these threats. 

We are presently in the unusual beneficial position of a low £ whilst also (for now) remaining in the customs union and single market. As John says, the true position will not be apparent until after we leave and will not be instant anyway and the chickens of QE and inflation caused by the low £ will come home to roost unfortunately.

So woody, would you have preferred that Carney had taken no action in 2016? 

did he???????????????????????????/

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11 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

As we all know there is lots in the news about post Brexit economic forecasts. These seem to mostly come from bodies seen by many as being pro-remain or pro-EU. For balance is anyone able to provide links to pro Brexit economic forecasts made by pro-leave bodies?

scenarios not forecasts........

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9 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

ok scenarios. Can anyone provide links to Brexit economic scenarios made by pro-leave bodies?

try every time the pound has risen since 2015 he has come out with a prediction which has dropped the pound back down.....

every prediction has been proven wrong......

cost to uk £275bn...............

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