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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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31 minutes ago, woody2 said:

these businesses are bad news for the uk- they are great for the eu.......

you remoans have been telling us for years that the uk would face a shortage of workers if the uk stops the eu scum coming in.....

plenty of manual labour would be available then.....

you remoaners can't have it both ways.......


I've not mentioned EU workers, I'm talking about British people working for these foreign owned companies and British people owning and working for businesses supplying these foreign owned businesses.


What happens to Sunderland if Nissan leave, to Swindon if Honda leave, if Pfizer leave, etc? It's nothing to do with whether one is pro leave or exit, it's about looking at the bigger picture.

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51 minutes ago, woody2 said:


what are the average across the board wto tariffs.....

What a totally meaningless question.

Do you actually understand that because of brexit the UK is in a dreadfully weak negotiating position?

Any so-called "average" means nothing because it's totally irrelevant to any WTO trade deals the UK makes in the future. Dear me.


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32 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

I've not mentioned EU workers, I'm talking about British people working for these foreign owned companies and British people owning and working for businesses supplying these foreign owned businesses.


What happens to Sunderland if Nissan leave, to Swindon if Honda leave, if Pfizer leave, etc? It's nothing to do with whether one is pro leave or exit, it's about looking at the bigger picture.

they can go and do the other work you remoans claim the uk will have a shortage of......

most working in car plants etc. ain't british........

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22 minutes ago, P.K. said:

What a totally meaningless question.

Do you actually understand that because of brexit the UK is in a dreadfully weak negotiating position?

Any so-called "average" means nothing because it's totally irrelevant to any WTO trade deals the UK makes in the future. Dear me.


not under wto.....

so come on then......

what are the average across the board wto tariffs.....

how much does the uk lose in wto tariffs because the uk isn't the first port of importation.....

how much of "eu food" comes from outside the eu.......

uk having any tie to the declining eu would be a catastrophe for the uk......

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11 minutes ago, woody2 said:

not under wto.....

so come on then......

what are the average across the board wto tariffs.....

how much does the uk lose in wto tariffs because the uk isn't the first port of importation.....

how much of "eu food" comes from outside the eu.......

uk having any tie to the declining eu would be a catastrophe for the uk......

Let me help you here with your research:


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2 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

That's simply nonsense and you know it.

no it isn't.....

british car building failed in the 70's.......down to joining the eu and the unions running the car plant's......

what the uk has now is factories full of eu scum and owners that dodge uk tax......

no benefit whatsoever to the uk.......



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1 minute ago, woody2 said:

no it isn't.....

british car building failed in the 70's.......down to joining the eu and the unions running the car plant's......

what the uk has now is factories full of eu scum and owners that dodge uk tax......

no benefit whatsoever to the uk.......



There we have it in a nutshell, another meltdown in a matter of a few posts. Woody isn't interested in discussion.


You can believe that the UK's factories are full of non British workers if you want. I don't agree but don't need to call you silly names just because I don't agree.

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1 minute ago, woody2 said:

no need- i know the answers......

clearly from your post you don't have a clue.......


You're the one who CLAIMS that UK food imported from the EU is sourced elsewhere.

Let's see your proof #fantaboy

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1 minute ago, mojomonkey said:

There we have it in a nutshell, another meltdown in a matter of a few posts. Woody isn't interested in discussion.


You can believe that the UK's factories are full of non British workers if you want. I don't agree but don't need to call you silly names just because I don't agree.

your the #snowflake :lol:

you start playing the victim card straight away.......


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2 minutes ago, woody2 said:

your the #snowflake :lol:

you start playing the victim card straight away.......


Eh, where are I playing the victim card?


I'm perfectly happy to accept that other people can have another point of view, can you say the same?


Surely, you'd accept that the idea of all UK based car manufacturers and their supporting business primarily employ non British workers is a bit of a stretch.

Edited by mojomonkey
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1 minute ago, P.K. said:

You're the one who CLAIMS that UK food imported from the EU is sourced elsewhere.

Let's see your proof #fantaboy

so you don't have anything to backup your #fakenews.......


typical lefty remoaner........

you and freggy can go and play with your "toys"

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7 minutes ago, woody2 said:

so you don't have anything to backup your #fakenews.......


typical lefty remoaner........

you and freggy can go and play with your "toys"

Come on #fantaboy.

Let's see YOUR proof that food imported into the UK from the EU, which has to have the country of origin on it, actually originates elsewhere?

Come on W2, you're the one always making ridiculous claims so back it up with facts.

You just can't accept anything beneficial that comes from EU membership can you? So you resort to making stupid racist remarks about people like car workers or that UK food imports are not actually from the EU.

Here's an idea to get hold of. EU workers benefit the UK economy more than any other migrants. But because of stupid racists like you they are leaving to be replaced by those from elsewhere.

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