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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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On 12/2/2018 at 8:45 AM, woody2 said:

he failed to take into account trade theory......

he failed to take into account the unknown cost of staying in the eu.......

he failed to take into account the unknown cost of mays deal when it runs over......

he failed to take into account the zero payments to the eu in a no deal......

no deal over the 15 year prediction will see the uk better off......

the only people to take a hit on a no deal is foreign owned car companies and foreign owned pharmaceutical companies #good

they have been taking the p155 for years over tax.....



here's the post that baldbaby didn't read.......

option 1 stay in eu -he failed to take into account the unknown cost of staying in the eu.......

option 2 mays deal -he failed to take into account the unknown cost of mays deal when it runs over......

option 3 no deal -he failed to take into account the zero payments to the eu in a no deal......

no deal over the 15 year prediction will see the uk better off......


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9 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

I've had more intelligent conversations at primary school.

You and everyone else knows why you don't want to answer this and other inconvenient questions.

I'll leave you to it (and your pathetic name calling). 


it's all you remoaners do......

when difficult questions come up you run for your #safeplace typical #snowflake


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Here is a list of types of Woody posts:

When proven wrong: #fakenews.

When trying to look clever: Doubling down on a risible misunderstanding of the subject.

When proven completely wrong and completely stupid: Childish name calling.

When the thread goes quiet because there is no real evidence to support his argument, but he’s going to make some up anyway: #Woodyfacts. 

When having a minor meltdown: Xenophobic rants and / or playground insults.

When having a major meltdown: Gibberish.

Its sad that there isn’t anyone else left prepared to argue the case for Brexit. There must be someone besides this angry fantasist to make the case.


Edited by Freggyragh
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4 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Here is a list of types of Woody posts:

When proven wrong: #fakenews.

When trying to look clever: Doubling down on a risible misunderstanding of the subject.

When proven completely wrong and completely stupid: Childish name calling.

When the thread goes quiet because there is no real evidence to support his argument, but he’s going to make some up anyway: #Woodyfacts. 

When having a minor meltdown: Xenophobic rants and / or playground insults.

When having a major meltdown: Gibberish.

Its sad that there isn’t anyone else left prepared to argue the case for Brexit. There must be someone besides this angry fantasist to make the case.


just because you lost again you spit your dummy.....



it's all you remoaners do......

when difficult questions come up you run for your #safeplace typical #snowflake


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stammer looked like he would explode when qc cox said he will also be submitting a letter......


why did the libdums, most of the snp and most labour fail to turn up......


he talks about procedure then leaks a letter to the media before the speaker has seen it.....


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The more interesting news is that Dr Liam ‘Bullshit’ Fox has finally, the day after the fair,  submitted the UKs schedules on services to the WTO for ratification (see, he’s a rule taker when it suits). If there were to be no objection within 45 days the U.K. would  be halfway to an independent seat at the WTO (of course they wouldn’t actually be able to strike new independent deals until after Irish unification). I believe services are 80% of the U.K. economy, let’s hope the draft services schedules don’t get 20 countries objecting like the goods schedules draft did. 

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13 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

The more interesting news is that Dr Liam ‘Bullshit’ Fox has finally, the day after the fair,  submitted the UKs schedules on services to the WTO for ratification (see, he’s a rule taker when it suits). If there were to be no objection within 45 days the U.K. would  be halfway to an independent seat at the WTO (of course they wouldn’t actually be able to strike new independent deals until after Irish unification). I believe services are 80% of the U.K. economy, let’s hope the draft services schedules don’t get 20 countries objecting like the goods schedules draft did. 

i did spot it, but as you don't understand wto........:lol:

trade schedules have passed the 90 day mark.....

uk has always had a top table members seat and this has already passed that it will continue....

the services schedules also mean the uk services can continue regardless of any objections.....

it clearly highlights how wrong you remoaners have been......

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29 minutes ago, P.K. said:


10 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Personally I don't think they should cancel (will of the people and its all too much fun) but seems it is possible:


its hardly news is it.......

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