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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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28 minutes ago, woody2 said:

:rolleyes: of course.....

but if its a no deal exit the uk can trade straight away on wto (just as it does in the eu) and start implementing trade deals.....

no deal exit is the best for the uk......

for the record the uk can and has been negotiating trade deals during art.50.....

don't you know anything.......

So your latest nonsense is that I was unaware of what Liam "easiest deals in history" Fon has been up to.


On 11/28/2018 at 7:30 PM, P.K. said:

o Veteran Conservative Eurosceptic Sir Bill Cash is clearly unaware that Trade Secretary Liam Fox, who is on record as saying that striking these trade deals will be "the easiest in human history" - has recently seen his attempts to transfer across the WTO agreements the UK had under the EU umbrella to the new status quo flushed down the toilet by WTO members.

Which basically leaves us back on the starting line....

If you look ever so ever so ever so closely at who made the above post you'll find a little clue, known as a cluette.

You really are not only a nasty racist but a complete and utter idiot as well....

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22 minutes ago, P.K. said:

So your latest nonsense is that I was unaware of what Liam "easiest deals in history" Fon has been up to.


If you look ever so ever so ever so closely at who made the above post you'll find a little clue, known as a cluette.

You really are not only a nasty racist but a complete and utter idiot as well....

you clearly are very thick or don't understand.....

the "easiest deals in history" relates to trade between the uk and the eu- those talks don't start until the uk has left the eu......

The free trade agreement that we will have to do with the European Union should be one of the easiest in human history
Liam Fox
20 July 2017


wto is a separate matter.......

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Just as an amusing (maybe....) aside I have just been reading about gaslighting on Psychology Today.

Quite a few of the attributes of a gaslighter appear to match in one way or another someone on here and it aint me.:lol:

It's well worth a read.

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EU Advocate General Advice. Revoking Art 50 can be done by U.K. unilaterally.

Government been found in contempt of Parliament.

Resolution just passed giving MP’s increased power to dictate the steps and timetable in event the May deal is defeated next week.

Inspite of what W2 says I’m correct. If parliament passes a resolution directing the government to extend or withdraw Art 50, it can, and will, get it’s way, either through contempt or appointing someone in default to actually do it.

The Withdrawal Act, despite the claims of W2, is not fully in force and effect. Only a few sections have been brought into force and are law. The rest are prospective, and only come into force and become law if there is an appointed day order.

The wheels have come off the wagon, May is corralled, she can’t get her deal through. Today has been a dress rehearsal.

She can’t withdraw and fall on her sword, she’s got to go ahead. She should resign when she loses. 

Odds on General Election and Referendum 2 on a no deal exit or stay in have shortened considerably.

Interesting times.

Democracy at work now we can see the whites of the eyes of Brexit. Hope for democracy yet, wether it’s remain or no deal. A real choice, with known alternative outcomes. Unicorns and economic disaster on the one side and reality  and economic stability on the other.

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24 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

Just as an amusing (maybe....) aside I have just been reading about gaslighting on Psychology Today.

Quite a few of the attributes of a gaslighter appear to match in one way or another someone on here and it aint me.:lol:

It's well worth a read.


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16 minutes ago, John Wright said:

The Withdrawal Act, despite the claims of W2, is not fully in force and effect. Only a few sections have been brought into force and are law. The rest are prospective, and only come into force and become law if there is an appointed day order.


first the withdrawal act is in force- it has been since the day after it was passed- the rest fall due when the uk leaves the eu.......

they can't be removed until the uk leaves and the time and date is set.....

you claimed nothing from the act was in force......

shifting goalposts again.....

poor show john......

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18 minutes ago, P.K. said:

You have to wonder why they wouldn't publish the full lrgal advice.

I suspect the culprit is the backstop....

but does anyone not know what the backstop means.....


seems stammer doesn't.....

stammer also claimed it would bring down the gov. and a general election would be called= #fail

the way cox qc was laughing at him seems he knew the outcome- be great to see stammer held to account for misuse.....

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44 minutes ago, woody2 said:

first the withdrawal act is in force- it has been since the day after it was passed- the rest fall due when the uk leaves the eu.......

they can't be removed until the uk leaves and the time and date is set.....

you claimed nothing from the act was in force......

shifting goalposts again.....

poor show john......

No, no goal post shifting. I’ve never claimed nothing from the Act was in force. You claimed it was all in force. It isn’t.

There are 25 sections. 7 schedules. 11 sections are not in force at all. 3 schedules are in force and about 20 paragraphs out of several hundred are in force in the other 4.

The way they are brought into force ( if ever ) is an appointed day order.


Edited by John Wright
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16 minutes ago, John Wright said:

No, no goal post shifting. I’ve never claimed nothing from the Act was in force. You claimed it was all in force. It isn’t.

There are 25 sections. 7 schedules. 11 sections are not in force at all. 3 schedules are in force and about 20 paragraphs out of several hundred are in force in the other 4.

The way they are brought into force ( if ever ) is an appointed day order.


you did- you claimed it was left on a shelf.......

it isn't.....

you also claimed a motion by mp's could overturn law....

it can't.....

shifting goalposts again.....

poor show john......




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