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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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18 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Of course he has, I don't doubt for a second he reached critical gammon status and has burst back to life to tell us all how wrong we are.

Some business travel; some kicking back and relaxing. Mainly Venice and Spain with a few days in Greece. Good for the soul, you know. I looked in now and then but didn't see anything very much different that would have invoked a different view from me than I've already posted. The mention of the erstwhile populist darling Johnson, who has idiotically managed to get himself hated in equal measure by both sides of the argument, finally got my keyboard finger twitching. Don't worry, I shan't be hogging the limelight.

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4 minutes ago, woolley said:

Some business travel; some kicking back and relaxing. Mainly Venice and Spain with a few days in Greece. Good for the soul, you know. I looked in now and then but didn't see anything very much different that would have invoked a different view from me than I've already posted. The mention of the erstwhile populist darling Johnson, who has idiotically managed to get himself hated in equal measure by both sides of the argument, finally got my keyboard finger twitching. Don't worry, I shan't be hogging the limelight.

Making use of the "quick" queue at passport control while you can?

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56 minutes ago, John Wright said:

I wouldn't try to argue against any of that synopsis.

When the campaign kicked off the mendacious brexiteers unashamedly played the "economic" card first off hence the universally derided "£350 million to the NHS" complete and utter nonsense. Once it became apparent that they were losing that argument they then played the "racist" card and it worked. That's not to say that everyone who voted Leave was a racist. Lot's of folks in low paid unskilled jobs found their position being undermined by EU workers being prepared to do the same labour for less money. So of course they would want to protect what little they had. Not that a tory government has ever bothered about their welfare of course. They don't vote tory so fuck 'em a la Margaret Thatcher.

Now the government of the day has a duty of care to ALL of it's citizens. Strange (in the UK) but true. So a look at the various statements of the Brexteers during the complete and utter shambles that is the negotiations might just lend weight to the link made by JW quoted above:

"There will be no downside to Brexit, only a considerable upside"
David Davis
10 October 2016
"The day after we vote to leave, we hold all the cards and we can choose the path we want"
Michael Gove
9 April 2016
 "Getting out of the EU can be quick and easy – the UK holds most of the cards"
John Redwood
July 17 2016
"The free trade agreement that we will have to do with the European Union should be one of the easiest in human history"
Liam Fox
20 July 2017
"How on earth do you resolve the issue of the border with Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland unless you know what our general borders policy is, what the customs agreement is, what our trade agreement is? It’s wholly illogical … That’ll be the row of the summer"
David Davis
14 May 2017
"Most of the EU states are very sympathetic to our view"
David Davis
15 May 2017
"We have to establish the ground rules. The first crisis or argument is is going to be over the question of sequencing"
David Davis
21 May 2017
"We're not really interested in a transition deal, but we'll consider one to be kind to the EU"
David Davis
15 November 2016
 "The idea that we’ll do a transitional arrangement where you’re still in, paying money, still with free movement of people – that we’ll do the long-term deal in slow motion … That is plainly not what we’re after"
David Davis
15 March 2016
"We made it clear that control of our own borders was one of the elements we wanted in the referendum, and unregulated free movement [during transition] would seem to me not to keep faith with that decision"
Liam Fox
30 July 2016
I believe that we can get a free trade and customs agreement concluded before March 2019"
David Davis
18 January 2017
"The point of the implementation period is to put in place the practical changes necessary to move to the future partnership, and for that you need to know what the future partnership is going to be"
Theresa May
23 October 2017
The period’s duration should be determined simply by how long it will take to prepare and implement the new processes and new systems that will underpin the future partnership"
Government transition paper
21 February 2018
The last time we went through line by line and challenged quite a lot of the legal basis of these things, and we'll continue to do that … [Of rumours of a £40bn bill:] They sort of made that up"
David Davis
25 September 2017
"Because we will no longer be members of the single market, we will not be required to pay huge sums into the EU budget"
Theresa May
17 January 2017
"Within two years, before the negotiation with the EU is likely to be complete, and therefore before anything material has changed, we can negotiate a free trade area massively larger than the EU … The new trade agreements will come into force at the point of exit, but they will be fully negotiated"
David Davis
14 July 2016
And finally:
I am confident that using the most up-to-date technology, we can get a non-visible border operational along the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland"
David Davis
5 September 2017
Just to finish on:
Analyst: Brexit means FTSE 100 is desperately unloved

Today’s sell-off also means the FTSE 100 is actually below its level on 30th December 1999, the final day of the last millennium.


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