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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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11 hours ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Really, is there any point me answering this P.K. ?  There's a lot I like about Farage; it's just Brexit I disagree with.

I'm curious because I've only recently become aware of his MEP modus operandi.

As everyone is aware his attendance is 745th out of 746 on the MEP register with only the Irish MEP who has NEVER voted beneath him. It turns out that when he attends he completely ignores what is actually being debated and gets up on his hind legs to make a "contribution" that is strictly for "home" consumption. He then gets on the next Eurostar back to Blighty.

In other words he is a typical brexiteer in that he is a complete and utter shameless charlatan.

So how anyone can actually like him is beyond my comprehension. Thinking about it I'm probably better off keeping it that way....

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

I'm curious because I've only recently become aware of his MEP modus operandi.

As everyone is aware his attendance is 745th out of 746 on the MEP register with only the Irish MEP who has NEVER voted beneath him. It turns out that when he attends he completely ignores what is actually being debated and gets up on his hind legs to make a "contribution" that is strictly for "home" consumption. He then gets on the next Eurostar back to Blighty.

In other words he is a typical brexiteer in that he is a complete and utter shameless charlatan.

So how anyone can actually like him is beyond my comprehension. Thinking about it I'm probably better off keeping it that way....

I must admit that it always puzzled me why anyone from UKIP was ever re-elected to the European Parliament.  Let me explain my thought process;

I can understand that the electorate (those that could be bothered to vote for an MEP anyway) wanted a representative who was euro-sceptical and would seek to defend the sovereignty of the UK and to uphold its interests.

Having seen that UKIP MEP's, and in particular Farage, fail to turn up to most votes or sittings of the Parliament why would they then reelect that candidate?  Surely they would be better represented by someone who actually attended the European Parliament and took an interest in what was going on.  

Could you imagine an MP/MHK who is elected but then can't be bothered going to Parliament/Tynwald apart from when they wanted to make a statement that was really nothing to do with the normal operations of Parliament.  Then would be criticised and vilified by the public, the press and colleagues and yet Farage and co. somehow have seemed immune!  

It is no wonder that the UK population feel that they were never represented in the EU Parliament when a number of the UK MEP's so fundamentally failed to do the job that they were elected to and paid for.

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19 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

I must admit that it always puzzled me why anyone from UKIP was ever re-elected to the European Parliament.  Let me explain my thought process;

I can understand that the electorate (those that could be bothered to vote for an MEP anyway) wanted a representative who was euro-sceptical and would seek to defend the sovereignty of the UK and to uphold its interests.

Having seen that UKIP MEP's, and in particular Farage, fail to turn up to most votes or sittings of the Parliament why would they then reelect that candidate?  Surely they would be better represented by someone who actually attended the European Parliament and took an interest in what was going on.  

Could you imagine an MP/MHK who is elected but then can't be bothered going to Parliament/Tynwald apart from when they wanted to make a statement that was really nothing to do with the normal operations of Parliament.  Then would be criticised and vilified by the public, the press and colleagues and yet Farage and co. somehow have seemed immune!  

It is no wonder that the UK population feel that they were never represented in the EU Parliament when a number of the UK MEP's so fundamentally failed to do the job that they were elected to and paid for.

Its simple, he worked out he could make a load of money for doing fuck all, and "appear" to his dribbling fan base to be sticking it to the EU.

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6 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

Isn't that like saying "I didn't agree with Hitler's views, but at least he was a vegitarian".

Farage is a blight on the British people.

Hardly. Although I would suggest Farage is chiefly a self-publicist, a trait he shares with BoJo. He is more intelligent than Johnson though.

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4 hours ago, P.K. said:

I'm curious because I've only recently become aware of his MEP modus operandi.

As everyone is aware his attendance is 745th out of 746 on the MEP register with only the Irish MEP who has NEVER voted beneath him. It turns out that when he attends he completely ignores what is actually being debated and gets up on his hind legs to make a "contribution" that is strictly for "home" consumption. He then gets on the next Eurostar back to Blighty.

In other words he is a typical brexiteer in that he is a complete and utter shameless charlatan.

So how anyone can actually like him is beyond my comprehension. Thinking about it I'm probably better off keeping it that way....

It is probably a variation on the stance taken by Sinn Fein MPs (not) at Westminster. No doubt there is a great deal that is beyond your comprehension.

Don't you think it is about time you moderated your language in disdaining those who don't slavishly support the EU and its doings and want out? Perhaps it was funny for a while but now it is simply boring and adds nothing. There are genuine and complex principles involved and there are far cleverer people than you or I on both sides of the divide. Weren't you supposed to be an advocate of play the ball not the man?

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2 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

I must admit that it always puzzled me why anyone from UKIP was ever re-elected to the European Parliament.  Let me explain my thought process;

I can understand that the electorate (those that could be bothered to vote for an MEP anyway) wanted a representative who was euro-sceptical and would seek to defend the sovereignty of the UK and to uphold its interests.

Having seen that UKIP MEP's, and in particular Farage, fail to turn up to most votes or sittings of the Parliament why would they then reelect that candidate?  Surely they would be better represented by someone who actually attended the European Parliament and took an interest in what was going on.  

Could you imagine an MP/MHK who is elected but then can't be bothered going to Parliament/Tynwald apart from when they wanted to make a statement that was really nothing to do with the normal operations of Parliament.  Then would be criticised and vilified by the public, the press and colleagues and yet Farage and co. somehow have seemed immune!  

It is no wonder that the UK population feel that they were never represented in the EU Parliament when a number of the UK MEP's so fundamentally failed to do the job that they were elected to and paid for.

Again. A similar stance to Sinn Fein (not) at Westminster? We don't accept your jurisdiction and so we don't respect your assembly?

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3 minutes ago, woolley said:

Don't you think it is about time you moderated your language in disdaining those who don't slavishly support the EU and its doings and want out? Perhaps it was funny for a while but now it is simply boring and adds nothing. There are genuine and complex principles involved and there are far cleverer people than you or I on both sides of the divide. Weren't you supposed to be an advocate of play the ball not the man?

So you don't think that Farage, Gove and Johnson have a great deal to answer for...?

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No more than other politicians throughout history. They are politicians. They take positions that may embroider the facts and accentuate the positive. That's how the system works and always has. All sides do it. It just so happens that they support something that you vehemently disagree with, so you think that they have a great deal to answer for. I do however think that there is general agreement now that Johnson is a loon.

May's agreement is actually not bad. Have you read it? There is some despicable pandering to the EU in it, but after all it is a negotiation, and there is the 48% to consider. It gets the UK out of the EU and is perfectly workable. The Irish backstop thing is a total red herring. The Contempt Motion was purely party political posturing, and there really was nothing to see as the AG commented. The deal is only being rubbished in Parliament because there is a massive inbuilt Remain majority at Westminster despite them handing over the decision to the public and despite 85% of them being elected on a Brexit platform in the 2017 election. They think they know best. The sad part is that the Brexit purists (as someone said in the Commons) in pursuit of a 7-0 victory are in danger of losing 4-3.

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In fairness, Farage’s behaviour is nothing like Sinn Féin’s. Sinn Féin don’t turn up in Westminster, demand to speak in a debate, ignore the topic and and then rant about Parliament and personally insult members of the executive for the sole purpose of generating clicks. Sinn Féin MPs, MLAs and MEPs only take ‘an average industrial wage’ and divide the rest between their constituencies and party funds - whereas Farage trousers the lot. 

Edited by Freggyragh
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6 minutes ago, woolley said:

No more than other politicians throughout history. They are politicians. They take positions that may embroider the facts and accentuate the positive. That's how the system works and always has. All sides do it. It just so happens that they support something that you vehemently disagree with, so you think that they have a great deal to answer for. I do however think that there is general agreement now that Johnson is a loon.

Personally I think that trio dragged UK politics down to a new low.

Not just all the lies, although they were bad enough, and not just for playing the racist card, which I recall you fell for hook, line, sinker, rod and copy of Angling Times, but more it was obviously for self before constituents and country.

So their "cause" if you like wasn't anything to do with brexit. It was always about Farage, Gove and Johnson......

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The British political class are still calling the Good Friday Agreement, an international treaty lodged with the UN, the ‘backstop’. They don’t yet understand that it is a treaty between two governments and not something the EU has the power to negotiate away. The only way they can move forward with any form of Brexit is for Great Britain to exit the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Oh, or invent a magic border. 

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1 minute ago, Freggyragh said:

The British political class are still calling the Good Friday Agreement, an international treaty lodged with the UN, the ‘backstop’. They don’t yet understand that it is a treaty between two governments and not something the EU has the power to negotiate away. The only way they can move forward with any form of Brexit is for Great Britain to exit the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Oh, or invent a magic border. 

I think not. You are confusing the Good Friday Agreement with an enduring customs union?

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