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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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No more than other politicians throughout history. They are politicians

(Sorry going back a page or two)

Hmmm, not sure I agree with that simplification. Haw Haw saw an opportunity (as did trump) to exploit populism. He is expert at winding both up a situation and his disciples and to such an extent that many really do believe everything he says. (NB not all by any means, it's a generalisation).The same group also rarely question his interpretation of situations which are sometimes borderline mad (or clever). 

I do take my hat off to his manipulative skills and listen to him every day on LBC but still think he is despicable.

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8 minutes ago, P.K. said:


It comes up with:

You've chosen to ignore content by woody2. Options 

Plus you get to see the content if someone accidently quotes him.

What on Earth is the point of getting your device to "ignore" somebody? Can you not just ignore them yourself? It doesn't make the nasty man go away, and it seems to have parallels with a small child closing his eyes and thinking you will disappear or will not be able to see him.

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16 minutes ago, woolley said:

What on Earth is the point of getting your device to "ignore" somebody? Can you not just ignore them yourself? It doesn't make the nasty man go away, and it seems to have parallels with a small child closing his eyes and thinking you will disappear or will not be able to see him.

Of course I can ignore them myself you silly billy.

The useful bit about the "ignore" function is that I don't have to flick down lines and lines of Manglish to get to the next "proper" poster. Lines and lines of nonsense are reduced to just one and as you can see that's greyed down. 

To get the example I quoted I just picked a page at random knowing there would be several W2 entries like most pages have. But somehow the "Options" part of my quoted text  takes you to the random page I picked!

ETA if you select the "Options" link in my quote you will see there are fifteen posts on the random page I picked of which five are W2.

A THIRD no less.

Think of the time and bandwidth I'm saving!

Edited by P.K.
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