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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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2 hours ago, mojomonkey said:

If Woody hasn't already melted down then he'd better not see this news - https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-46481643

Quelle surprise! Who would have guessed? :D I hope you had a few quid on that Freggy. You might have secured good odds; say 1-5000!

Wait till you see the bill for the costs of abortive negotiations, disruption to the EU and hurt feelings, etc, etc. You might not see it until Article 50 is withdrawn though. Dear, dear. What a mess. What idiots.

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13 minutes ago, woolley said:

Quelle surprise! Who would have guessed? :D I hope you had a few quid on that Freggy. You might have secured good odds; say 1-5000!

Wait till you see the bill for the costs of abortive negotiations, disruption to the EU and hurt feelings, etc, etc. You might not see it until Article 50 is withdrawn though. Dear, dear. What a mess. What idiots.

Unfortunately it weakens the Maybot and her "My way or the high way..." somewhat.

But then the whole farrago has been a complete and utter shambles from start to finish. Although whether it was the ineptitude of those taking part or that after so many years it's just a bit too tricky is difficult to say. Probably somewhere in between for no other reason than it usually is.

Have to say I don't see anyone among our current politicians with the cojones to withdraw Art 50.

Rumours abounding that tomorrow's vote will be delayed.

Well I never...

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Brexit! It was never going to work anyway after all these years. Well not without pain, upheaval and uncertainty.

Just a simple observation...I voted Remain not because I like the EU...I believe the UK will not fit into a federal EU...But overall better on the inside pissing out than on the outside pissing in.

I voted Remain because I felt that leaving would not be feasible after all these years and bearing in mind the way things are...

It is like the old Royal Navy rule from way back. When contemplating action "Choose the lesser of two evils"...

I think that Remain is "The lesser of two evils"...With regret it would have been nice to leave but...….Well, we can now see it. No hiding place!

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I’m not a big fan of the EU, but much less of a fan of China or Russia. The world has to pull together to deal with the awful global challenges ahead. Of the democracies the U.K. could partner with; the US is too big and bellicose, India and South Africa are too politically unreliable and economically underdeveloped and Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand too far away - but if the U.K. had any sense, once it’s back in the EU it might want to explore the possibilities of extending EU membership, or something like it, to those countries too. 

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38 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

I’m not a big fan of the EU, but much less of a fan of China or Russia. The world has to pull together to deal with the awful global challenges ahead. Of the democracies the U.K. could partner with; the US is too big and bellicose, India and South Africa are too politically unreliable and economically underdeveloped and Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand too far away - but if the U.K. had any sense, once it’s back in the EU it might want to explore the possibilities of extending EU membership, or something like it, to those countries too. 

The UK did of course have that notion for the development of the EU 20 years ago and more, and was a big advocate of the eastward push for new member states from the old Warsaw Pact/Comecon bloc. The strategy was to develop it wider in the hope that it might not cut so deep into national sovereignty as there would be more divergent voices. I am honestly all for working together in the common interest, and obviously for a free trade area, but I cannot look at the political reality in Europe today without seeing the EU as a busted flush whether the UK is in or out. Wider possibilities should indeed be explored, and the US should not be discounted because our similarities are greater than our differences.

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