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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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30 minutes ago, woolley said:

I take the point about the dough, although I cannot confirm the amount. A very good reason why there won't be a united Ireland anytime soon. At the same time though, while there might be no rebate etc, etc, there is also no supranational court, parliament or flag in this union.

Don't you think it is about time you moderated your hyperbole in disdaining an institution that many believe has brought peace and prosperity to millions? Nonsensical terms like "busted flush" and constant references to "losing sovereignty" was funny for a while but now it is simply boring and adds nothing. There are genuine and complex principles involved that have been reduced to snippets and soundbites like those in your post above.

Isn't it time to recognise the seriousness of the situation the country faces instead of carping on about supposed EU negatives...?

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39 minutes ago, John Wright said:

What do you think the Union Flag, Westminster and the Supreme Court are, Woolley? They’re our very own supranational institutions and symbols.

OK. They are, if you like. Of our own nation state. Why do we need supra-supranational encumbrances then?

Edited by woolley
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14 hours ago, Freggyragh said:


Hard brexiters say there won’t be a border if no one wants one, knowing full well that as soon as tons upon tons of chlorinated chicken and hormone beef shows up in the UK, laws change, and immigrants decide to make their way into the U.K. by train rather than inflatable boat and the violence flares up again there will be a hard border. 

The EU says promises are promises. 

How would immigrants be coming to the UK by train? Surely it is easier in an inflatable boat across the channel than from France to Ireland.

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9 minutes ago, P.K. said:


Isn't it time to recognise the seriousness of the situation the country faces instead of carping on about supposed EU negatives...?

I do. The deal was negotiated by Remainers but actually isn't so bad. Have you read it? I despair of some of the nutters in Parliament. EU negatives are not "supposed". I only wish they were. Same old nonsense about peace and prosperity I see, PK. The EU happens to have existed in a time of peace. It tries to take credit for it. That is the only connection.

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26 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Don't you think it is about time you moderated your hyperbole in disdaining an institution that many believe has brought peace and prosperity to millions? Nonsensical terms like "busted flush" and constant references to "losing sovereignty" was funny for a while but now it is simply boring and adds nothing. There are genuine and complex principles involved that have been reduced to snippets and soundbites like those in your post above.

Isn't it time to recognise the seriousness of the situation the country faces instead of carping on about supposed EU negatives...?


18 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:


Just as long as Woolley recognises his own words.....

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14 minutes ago, woolley said:

I do. The deal was negotiated by Remainers but actually isn't so bad. Have you read it? I despair of some of the nutters in Parliament. EU negatives are not "supposed". I only wish they were. Same old nonsense about peace and prosperity I see, PK. The EU happens to have existed in a time of peace. It tries to take credit for it. That is the only connection.

You need to spend more time in Germany.

And if you think we have a lot in common with the US of A you need to spend more time there as well....

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3 minutes ago, woolley said:

I really don't!  I see plenty on my travels.

It doesn't sound like it at alll.

So you've never experienced the collective guilt of modern Germans?

Clearly you don't know them well enough to comment. IMHO of course....

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2 minutes ago, P.K. said:

It doesn't sound like it at alll.

So you've never experienced the collective guilt of modern Germans?

Clearly you don't know them well enough to comment. IMHO of course....

Yes, as amply demonstrated by Frau Merkel in her maladministration of EU immigration policy, but what is the relevance here? Is it the EU mission to assist them in assuaging said guilt? I can tell you that at the same time Southern Europeans discern many German traits constraining them at the moment, but collective guilt is not high on the list.

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1 minute ago, woolley said:

Yes, as amply demonstrated by Frau Merkel in her maladministration of EU immigration policy, but what is the relevance here? Is it the EU mission to assist them in assuaging said guilt? I can tell you that at the same time Southern Europeans discern many German traits constraining them at the moment, but collective guilt is not high on the list.

Are you being deliberately obtuse?

The relevance is that a lot of Europeans view institutions that integrate like the EU as a guarantee there will not be a return to the bad old days. Not something that would occur to someone in the UK.

Face it, our inexperience of common borders hasn't helped either!

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