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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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Why do we need supra-supranational encumbrances then?

To facilitate regulation and trade and to benefit from an increased voice in the world. 

The union is a very imperfect institution but I think the benefits far outweigh the membership costs.  

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5 hours ago, woolley said:

You put your finger on one of the very real dangers, PK. You and they (or some of them), and particularly the young cannot see that it is no guarantee whatsoever. None.

In your opinion anyway.

Plus you don't tend to become head of state when you're young and naive now do you...?

I like the way it doesn't matter what your country has in terms of GDP or whatever the vote of the PIGS counts the same as the big hitters in the council. Of course, the MEPs are pro rata re population and thank goodness the UK has the likes of Nigel Farage to show the Johnny Foreigners what it means to have British qualities like honesty and integrity...

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EU steps up plans for no-deal Brexit as Merkel rebuffs May

EU members warned of growing risk as PM is told talks cannot be reopened

The EU is moving into full no-deal mode after Michel Barnier privately warned of a sudden escalation of risk, and France advised its fellow member states that planning for a cliff-edge Brexit now had to be their priority.

As Theresa May embarked on a whistle-stop tour of EU capitals on Tuesday, Barnier, the bloc’s chief negotiator, is understood to have given a stark analysis of the situation in a meeting with Jean-Claude Juncker and his fellow commissioners, suggesting that the danger of a complete breakdown had significantly increased.

The European commission is to publish fresh no-deal warnings next week. During a visit to Berlin, May was reportedly told by Angela Merkel that there could be no renegotiation and that any appeals for help should be made in Brussels rather than brought to the capitals.

In a sign of the heightened concerns, Ireland’s taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, took the unusual step of suggesting to his parliament that it was still in Downing Street’s gift to prevent a no-deal by revoking article 50 and turning its back on Brexit.


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4 hours ago, P.K. said:

In your opinion anyway.

Plus you don't tend to become head of state when you're young and naive now do you...?

I like the way it doesn't matter what your country has in terms of GDP or whatever the vote of the PIGS counts the same as the big hitters in the council. 

If you believe that you'll believe anything. Some people never grow out of naivety. Money has the power, as in any other organisation.

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2 minutes ago, woolley said:

Come now, Bazza. How do you think that is going to get past Parliament?

I suspect even the bug-eyed brexit loons of Rees-Mogg's ERG realise that a "no deal" would be catastrophic for the UK.

It now seems likely that the 48 letters of no confidence have been put in.

Stupid really. Changing the PM isn't likely to change either the deal or the number of objectors.

Never forget this complete and utter fuck-up comes to you courtesy of the tory party...

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5 minutes ago, P.K. said:

I suspect even the bug-eyed brexit loons of Rees-Mogg's ERG realise that a "no deal" would be catastrophic for the UK.

It now seems likely that the 48 letters of no confidence have been put in.

Stupid really. Changing the PM isn't likely to change either the deal or the number of objectors.

Never forget this complete and utter fuck-up comes to you courtesy of the tory party...

It will do absolutely nothing to the arithmetic, so the impasse will continue. If I was May I would have some fun. Surely she deserves some after the hand Call Me Dave dealt her, the two and a half year struggle since then and the universal rubbishing of her perfectly workable deal. I would wait to lose the Tory leader confidence vote and then I would announce at the despatch box that I would not be a candidate in the subsequent leadership election. I would then turn around to the Tory backbenches and say "Fuck the lot of you. I'm off", then stalk out of the chamber and leave them to it. She may of course decide to wait it out. She has more patience than I have.

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