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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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24 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Is this the death throes of the Conservative Party?  Does it even exist anymore?  How can this party include MP's whose ideologies are now so far apart from each other?

More importantly, all the plotting and scheming just highlights how obsessed certain members are with self-advancement over doing the actual job of governing the country.   Even if the vote of no confidence fails tonight then they have laid the perfect groundwork for the Labour party to lodge their own vote of no confidence in the Government and try and force an election.  God only knows what the outcome of a general election would be or how it would impact upon Brexit.  The only positive that I can see from the vote of no confidence is that under Tory Party rules they cannot push another vote of no confidence for 12 months.

If May loses the vote of no confidence then the new leader of the Tory Party would have about 6-days to sort out Brexit.  Not only that but the new PM would be elected by Tory Party members alone, which is hardly democratic given the small percentage of the population that this would make up.  Of course, whilst the Tory Party is busy trying to tear itself apart then there is still nothing stopping the Labour Party moving for the vote of no confidence. 

Basically the Tory Party have mucked up big time!

Both parties are similarly tearing each other apart with internecine warfare. Don't think that the Labour civil war has gone away. It is only reflective of the schism in the general population, I suppose. This is the effect that the EU has on the UK. We were led into it on a false premise based on lies 45 years ago and that has finally come home to roost.

As for the confidence vote, if May wins the Tory vote as seems likely, she is fairly safe as PM. The opposition doesn't have enough votes to beat the government and the DUP. The DUP don't want the deal but they want Corbyn even less.

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Just now, woolley said:

Both parties are similarly tearing each other apart with internecine warfare. Don't think that the Labour civil war has gone away. It is only reflective of the schism in the general population, I suppose. This is the effect that the EU has on the UK. We were led into it on a false premise based on lies 45 years ago and that has finally come home to roost.

As for the confidence vote, if May wins the Tory vote as seems likely, she is fairly safe as PM. The opposition doesn't have enough votes to beat the government and the DUP. The DUP don't want the deal but they want Corbyn even less.

Which ironically is how Brexit was presented to us...

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4 hours ago, Shake me up Judy said:

The democratic deficit argument is bollocks. It's democracy, or more accurately populism that has got us to where we are now, on the verge of tumbling out of the EU. Doesn't that contradict the argument ? We set our own taxes, exchange rates and interest rates; vote in our own politicians nationally and locally, as well as MEP's. We have our own currency, devolved governments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Island, and we still make most of our own laws. That's democratic enough for me. The whole thing is built on a big lie, propagated by Farage, Banks, and their billionaire chums, along with Lord Snooty and the right wing ERG who still worship Margaret Thatcher. Millions of voters bought into it in a big populist two-fingered salute to the Establishment. It's Humpty Dumpty - and we know what happened to the egg man.  

Excellent post and don't forget about getting shot of Johnny Foreigner, record levels of hate crime and the rise of the far right.

What a complete and utter shambles.....

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17 minutes ago, woolley said:

Both parties are similarly tearing each other apart with internecine warfare. Don't think that the Labour civil war has gone away. It is only reflective of the schism in the general population, I suppose. This is the effect that the EU has on the UK. We were led into it on a false premise based on lies 45 years ago and that has finally come home to roost.

As for the confidence vote, if May wins the Tory vote as seems likely, she is fairly safe as PM. The opposition doesn't have enough votes to beat the government and the DUP. The DUP don't want the deal but they want Corbyn even less.

Never mind the "Both parties are similarly tearing each other apart with internecine warfare" BS there has only been one party making a complete Horlicks of the negotiations so stop trying to share out the blame.

Edited by P.K.
Angry typo ( not really....)
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Hate crime? I see we have another person with "mental issues" in Strasbourg, and unlike a couple of years ago it doesn't even merit a mention on here, so inured are we now to these events. Imported religious terrorism on the streets of Europe is now hardly even newsworthy. Who'd have thought it?

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2 minutes ago, woolley said:

Hate crime? I see we have another person with "mental issues" in Strasbourg, and unlike a couple of years ago it doesn't even merit a mention on here, so inured are we now to these events. Imported religious terrorism on the streets of Europe is now hardly even newsworthy. Who'd have thought it?

Nah, we just dont have Tarne jumping up and down with a hard on every time something happens.

ETA: And yes Hate Crimes.  They happen, regardless of whether you choose to believe it or not.

Edited by RIchard Britten
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1 minute ago, P.K. said:

Never mind the "Both parties are similarly tearing each other apart with internecine warfare" BS there has only been one party making a complete Horlicks of the negotiations so stop trying to share out the blame.

I wasn't. The blame lies solely with the Remainers in the Tory party and the civil service. Although despite that, as I've said, May's deal IS workable as a compromise. It does get us out, so I could live with that. I was merely pointing out that both main parties are split about their future direction, and maybe politics is due for a major reset.

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