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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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4 minutes ago, woolley said:

Hate crime? I see we have another person with "mental issues" in Strasbourg, and unlike a couple of years ago it doesn't even merit a mention on here, so inured are we now to these events. Imported religious terrorism on the streets of Europe is now hardly even newsworthy. Who'd have thought it?

That isn't religious terrorism, he'd been sent in to do a job to distract from the yellow vest stuff.

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1 minute ago, woolley said:

I wasn't. The blame lies solely with the Remainers in the Tory party and the civil service. Although despite that, as I've said, May's deal IS workable as a compromise. It does get us out, so I could live with that. I was merely pointing out that both main parties are split about their future direction, and maybe politics is due for a major reset.

But...but...the Remainers...nothing to do with the ludicrously stupid plan to leave in the first place.

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8 minutes ago, woolley said:

Hate crime? I see we have another person with "mental issues" in Strasbourg, and unlike a couple of years ago it doesn't even merit a mention on here, so inured are we now to these events. Imported religious terrorism on the streets of Europe is now hardly even newsworthy. Who'd have thought it?

Snow job.

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7 minutes ago, woolley said:

I wasn't. The blame lies solely with the Remainers in the Tory party and the civil service. Although despite that, as I've said, May's deal IS workable as a compromise. It does get us out, so I could live with that. I was merely pointing out that both main parties are split about their future direction, and maybe politics is due for a major reset.

More BS.

I thought this post summed up the tortuous path to this monumental cock-up rather well..

8 hours ago, Declan said:

They've basically, undermined every Tory PM since Thatcher. They campaigned so long for Brexit that Cameron was forced to offer the referendum in the hope they'd shut up, even though the EU wasn't a high voter priority. Then they won the referendum and didn't have a plan for what to do next. They've forced May to cobble together a hard Brexit deal with the EU, scuppering any hope that the country could come together and make the best of Brexit. They've made it it impossible for people who voted remain to feel they've can make the best of a bad job. And even that isn't good enough for them, they want to make it as punitive and painful as possible for Britain. All for ill-defined ideological reasons. 

"The blame lies with the Remainers" indeed

Yeah, right.......

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8 hours ago, Declan said:

They've basically, undermined every Tory PM since Thatcher. They campaigned so long for Brexit that Cameron was forced to offer the referendum in the hope they'd shut up, even though the EU wasn't a high voter priority. Then they won the referendum and didn't have a plan for what to do next. They've forced May to cobble together a hard Brexit deal with the EU, scuppering any hope that the country could come together and make the best of Brexit. They've made it it impossible for people who voted remain to feel they've can make the best of a bad job. And even that isn't good enough for them, they want to make it as punitive and painful as possible for Britain. All for ill-defined ideological reasons. 

Oddly enough, Anna Soubry (Con) said almost the exact same thing, word for word on Sky News this morning...along with "they should have been rooted out and got rid of".

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