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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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EU has just approved the EU Japan Free Trade Deal. Removes all tariffs, both ways. Comes into effect 2019. Covers 1/3rd total world GDP.

lots of potential for U.K. there, then. Wait, no, they’re walking away from that, and the others, such as Australasia, in the pipeline.

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3 minutes ago, woolley said:

That Soubry woman looks permanently furious. As though she's chewing a lemon. What a harridan.

But one of the few Tory MP's with any credibility and no amount of your trying to belittle her by resorting to mocking her appearance is going to change that...

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9 minutes ago, John Wright said:

EU has just approved the EU Japan Free Trade Deal. Removes all tariffs, both ways. Comes into effect 2019. Covers 1/3rd total world GDP.

lots of potential for U.K. there, then. Wait, no, they’re walking away from that, and the others, such as Australasia, in the pipeline.

The blind leading the blind....

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Anyone who thinks they could have magically negotiated a better deal, and that includes the jokers whose job it was, the ones who ran away, #SirNigel as well as ‘six tests’ Corbyn and all the others need to shut up. 

Anyone who comes up with a new stupid plan (please don’t ever let me hear ‘Japan Plus Plus Plus’) needs to shut up. 

Anyone who claims their stupid ideas on how to leave the EU will be ‘a walk in the park’ are right only if you switch ‘walk’ for ‘kick’ and ‘park’ for ‘balls’. And still no one has been able to credibly explain what it was all supposed to be for. This shambles has done wonders for newspapers and shouty racists and nothing for anyone else. 

Edited by Freggyragh
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10 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Anyone who comes up with a new stupid plan (please don’t ever let me hear ‘Japan Plus Plus Plus’) needs to shut up. 

Not forgetting Amber Rudds' Plan B which is "Norway Plus" or some such nonsense....

On 5/26/2018 at 6:59 AM, P.K. said:

The "sovereignty" card is also starting to look very hackneyed. We've made our own laws during our entire membership of the EU. Sure we've had to agree to follow certain regulations which you would get with any trade deal. Like in all the trade deals that will be conjured up post brexit (hem hem). However a Norwegian politician put the folly of leaving rather well to wit  “If you want to run Europe, you must be in Europe. If you want to be run by Europe, feel free to join Norway in the European Economic Area.”

Listening to the voice of experience is always a sensible thing to do.


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