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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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2 hours ago, pongo said:

I wonder what the Army will be doing. Are they expecting trouble - a standoff with the gammons jaunes perhaps if they sniff a sell out?

You can't make much noise with a wheelie bin.



The above link shows the sort of troops called out for Brexit if need be.. Especially I suspect Movement Controllers...


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1 hour ago, Freggyragh said:

I’d like him to resign. If he won’t do that then I’d like him to up his energy levels tenfold and get stuck into his job - presenting a proper opposition to the shambles that is in power and getting across how he would do things differently. He’s an awful leader. At a critical time for the U.K., with the economy stalling and austerity still in operation he can’t defend the powerless, or threaten the powerful - he only just about manages to defend his pathetic mumbling. 

As Leader of the Opposition he has had absolutely no say whatsoever in the Brexit negotiations.

That's true, isn't it?

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40 minutes ago, P.K. said:

As Leader of the Opposition he has had absolutely no say whatsoever in the Brexit negotiations.

That's true, isn't it?

No actual say as such but in emergencies and as necessary the leader of the opposition can be briefed by the PM...He is officially known as The Leader of Her Majesty's  Loyal Opposition....

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On 12/15/2018 at 12:34 PM, Freggyragh said:


You won’t get anything. The closest Woolley has ever got to be explaining his position on Brexit is when he said he thought Britain would be able to continue producing lamps for domestic consumption that are obsolete in every other market and a misty eyed belief that Britain could be as comfortably we’ll off after Brexit as it was in 1972 - the year before Heath took the U.K. into the EU. 

1972 U.K. had a lot of advantages over 2018 UK.

It still had quite a few lucrative external sources of income back in 1972, including Hong Kong.

Brits pretty much enjoyed free movement in the remaining colonies and there were still plenty of well paid jobs for Brits in the civil, military and corporate administration of the remaining Empire.

The demographics were very positive - baby boomers were in their mid-twenties, car production at its peak, (plenty of the lazy generation could afford cars).

Oil prices were low and stable and had been falling since the mid-sixties. 

But despite all the advantages, it also had:

A state of emergency and the three day week. 

A corrupt Home Secretary who had to resign. 

Top rates of income tax at 75%, 90% for  investment income. 

7.1% inflation. 

A loss of 7.84% for the pound against the USD. 

The pound coming of the gold standard (setting the scene for the 73/74 stock market crash).

The highest rate of unemployment since the 1930s. 

Exchange controls (couldn’t take more than £15 in cash and £50 in travelers cheques out of the country.) 

Government control of wages, prices and interest rates.

A British football club getting banned from Europe for thuggish behaviour. 

Extreme violence in the north of Ireland with 479 killed and 4,876 injured, and bombings spreading to England. 


Untrue, Freggy, and unworthy of you. I have set out my position at length on here, probably to a fault. I don’t do it at length anymore because there is no point. The Europhiles here don’t engage in any substantive way. When I have tried to widen the discussion on any aspect in the past, from how we got here to where we might end up, I just hit a brick wall. E.g PK – “TLDL” (Although I know for a fact that is a lie.); Freggy: “Are you alright, mate?” No wonder Woody gave up trying to promote intelligent conversation here.

I think you dreamt the bit about lightbulbs and 1972. I have never written any such thing. I did question the prohibition of incandescent lightbulbs whilst at the same time we permit the growth of frivolous travel around the planet by highly polluting aircraft, but not in relation to the EU. Furthermore, I have no nostalgia whatsoever for 1972 when the country was brought to its knees by communist union leaders. I’m not sure why you went off at that particular tangent..........

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On 12/15/2018 at 3:41 PM, P.K. said:

Probably more of this nonsense usually spouted by mendacious, untrustworthy, self-serving twats like Boris Johnson. You know the sort of thing. How we're all going to be subsumed into a superstate. That's despite the built in safeguards in the various treaties espcially those to reassure the ex-communist new democratic states who wanted to make sure they retained their newly won statehood.


:) It's those safeguards again! Yet already the EU is telling those countries how they can run their affairs. I see they have also "approved" Italy's budget now. How noble.


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36 minutes ago, woolley said:

:) It's those safeguards again! Yet already the EU is telling those countries how they can run their affairs. I see they have also "approved" Italy's budget now. How noble.


So is like the USA which has had monetary union since 1911 and the federal government likewise has a great deal of say so over state finances. If you share the same currency there has to be some form of central control when the central bank has to manage the same on the global market. Is not "noble" is essential when you have EMU (And that is not a big bird by the way)

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On 12/15/2018 at 6:09 PM, Freggyragh said:

Those negotiations:

 ..... and we now see that we can’t have an independent trade policy without breaking the GFA. We need a deal pretty quick now.

GFA says nothing of the sort so the rest of that fabrication of a negotiation is meaningless. Not that I am saying the negotiation has been textbook. You don't go into a negotiation with your tail between your legs. You go in and tell them how it's going to be. Should have sent business people.

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On 12/17/2018 at 11:31 AM, P.K. said:

I think this is absolutely hilarious:


Holding another referendum on the EU would "break faith with the British people", Theresa May will warn MPs.

The prime minister will argue that it would do "irreparable damage to the integrity of our politics" and would "likely leave us no further forward".

Now THAT'S funny.

So all the lies and project fear from the mendacious, untrustworthy, self-serving charlatans Farage, Gove and Johnson were all spouted forth with the utmost integrity then! Well I never....

Dear oh dear oh dear.

I'm beginning to think, bearing in mind tory party policy is always about keeping the tory party in power, that May will do everything she can to get some kind of brexit irrespective of the damage it causes. Because if she doesn't the UK right wing press, which is to say pretty much all of it, will not support them in the next election and they will lose....



She will do so because she is trying to honour the result of the largest democratic expression of public will the country has ever seen.

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On 12/17/2018 at 5:42 PM, Freggyragh said:

As another poster predicted at least a year ago - a Brexit in name only that will make The UK a rule taker and massively shrink its influence - just to avoid admitting the ERG lied. 

From where we are now any exit at all would be a result considering the duplicitous individuals in Parliament. We shall see.

Of course Churchill wanted a united Europe to keep them in check, a questionable judgement as were many of his others. Of course, he didn’t intend that Britain should be subsumed into it as well.

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