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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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5 hours ago, woody2 said:

uk doesn't have a deal on the table.......

That lying bastard Juncker:

“I find it entirely unreasonable for parts of the British public to believe that it is for the EU alone to propose a solution for all future British problems,” Juncker said in a wide-ranging interview with the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag. “My appeal is this. Get your act together and then tell us what it is you want. Our proposed solutions have been on the table for months.”


Thank goodness for the giant intellect that is Woody2 .

With him on the case what's the worst that could happen...?

Edited by P.K.
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14 hours ago, pongo said:

Heath was right. The fear of a loss independence or sovereignty is completely unjustified. A total red herring. British people will typically feel no more or less independent or sovereign post Brexit.

In practice and for normal people these are also utterly subjective concepts a million miles removed from the reality of their own lives. What they will find they actually care about is prices and jobs. We currently enjoy record low unemployment. The employable are employed.

that has nothing to do with the eu.........

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11 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

What is ‘libcuck’ supposed to mean? Is it a verb or a noun? Is it a cryptic ‘fantaboy’ type insult from the 1980s? Is it some regional English dialect word? 

new pc friendly term.........

"Someone who identifies as a non-gender specific individual unique snowflake who wholeheartedly believes in fairy tales and bullshit."

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On 12/30/2018 at 1:25 PM, pongo said:

If the UK imposes tariffs on food imports from the EU then, under WTO rules, it would also have to impose tariffs on similar imports from outside of the EU.

But imposing tariffs would be politically stupid. The consumer does not want higher prices. In which case the cost of non EU imports can potentially be a downward pressure on prices.

The missing links would be:

1. Exchange rates. 

2. Whether leaving the EU increases transport costs. Much of what is imported into the UK comes via EU container ports. That is not going to change but the pricing could. Especially as the use of rail continues to increase.

There will be swings and roundabouts on costs and convenience. Long term the problem will be trying to keep sterling down to sustainable levels.

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On 12/30/2018 at 1:36 PM, P.K. said:

The missing link is no joined up thinking.

Cheaper imports of foodstuffs, of dubious provenance I grant you, would put the squeeze on UK agriculture.

"Dubious provenance" is a card well overplayed by the EU. What about all of the egg scares from EU countries and the long international bans EU/USA/China etc. on good old British beef due to the mad cow disease scandal that killed 178 people and 180,000 cows? How many people has chlorinated chicken killed? Eating chicken in America has never done me any harm.

Let he who is without sin................

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7 minutes ago, woolley said:

You're the idiot if that's what you think. Guardian has a lot to answer for.

I was under the impression that even on the IOM there are food banks and that they are under strain?

Down on my manor the foodbanks are very active and Tesco was collecting a lot of canned donations over Christmas...Several churches and the cathedral do a lot of work amongst those who have very little and then there are those who are not visible but are helped. Several churches do free daily meals on site even if they use a lot of Quorn!

I am told that here one needs a note from the Doctor or similar to get into the food bank.

One notable soup kitchen has been busy for some years and is known as "Sanctus"...Free hot meal for one every day and the food is donated by supermarkets, wholesalers and restaurants.

Despite this the City Council says there is accommodation (of a sort) available to all and that there is no need to sleep rough. Council also has posters up about not giving money to beggars on the basis of "Make a change Don't give change"..

Some people have problems and cannot take advantage of help or are beyond it. The night shelters run by the church mostly impose a breathalyser test before letting anyone in after 7pm when they open.

My manor is very wealthy. Houses at £500,000 nothing spectacular. Rents out of reach of so many quite well over £1,000-£1,200 per month and rising. 


If you are down on my manor sometime and want a free meal I give the link above...PS I think the Guardian is right.

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19 hours ago, pongo said:

Heath was right. The fear of a loss independence or sovereignty is completely unjustified. A total red herring. British people will typically feel no more or less independent or sovereign post Brexit.

In practice and for normal people these are also utterly subjective concepts a million miles removed from the reality of their own lives. What they will find they actually care about is prices and jobs. We currently enjoy record low unemployment. The employable are employed.

I often agree with much of what you say, but I strongly disagree here. Briefly, the fear is totally justified to those who believe in self-determination of nations, and I suggest that unless they are being scared out of their wits by pro EU propaganda, most British people would prefer all of their laws to be made inside Britain and not outside. I struggle in vain to get this across to PK, but I would have thought that you could grasp the concept. I accept that there are fringe interest groups such as the SNP who would not, but they are being quite disingenuous for their own nefarious electoral reasons, as nationalists, in claiming to prefer to take orders from Brussels. They want independence for Scotland, right?

What people "typically feel in the reality of their own lives" on an everyday level is quite separate to how people view what is proceeding discreetly but inexorably in the shadows. It is a work in progress. Don't take my word, just look at the track record. Common market to economic community, to single European act. ECJ to single currency, to no borders between states, to some vetoes replaced by qualified majority voting, European Union presidents (4 of them!), foreign policy with embassies, and so it goes on. Euro defence force? Closer political union? etc, etc. Yes, the UK has opt outs on Schengen and the Euro, but it was not for the want of trying by idiots - including many of our own - to get us on board with those too. You can be assured that these derogations will be seen as temporary blips in Brussels. Mere bumps in the road to be revisited at a more auspicious time. If you are content with a United States of Europe then that is all well and good, but if not then don't just sleepwalk into it. And make no mistake; that is where this carnival is heading. Far from fears being unjustified there are profound and long-lasting implications at stake.

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35 minutes ago, Barrie Stevens said:

I was under the impression that even on the IOM there are food banks and that they are under strain?

 ..PS I think the Guardian is right.

He said: We already have record numbers of old folks and children living in poverty you idiot. 

Which is lies damn lies and statistics. I am not denying that there are people struggling. There is however nothing like the levels of poverty we have experienced in the past. They are talking about relative poverty which is not the same thing as absolute poverty.

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