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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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Made me smile from the usually dour businessmen of the European Powerhouse:


"When the audience was asked how many of them welcomed Brexit, only one hand went up - and it turned out that belonged to a businessman who wanted more EU reform and was fed up with Britain slowing things down."


From a Brexit seminar in Berlin as reported by the appallingly left-wing BBC. Worth a read : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-38707997




lets see how smug they are when the usa stops trade

Yes, the sour-grapery of the left continues. They just can't believe their failed socialist, multicultural philosophy has been so roundly rejected and kicked down the road by the unenlightened, xenophobic Daily Mail-reading little englanders.

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Yes, the sour-grapery of the left continues. They just can't believe their failed socialist, multicultural philosophy has been so roundly rejected and kicked down the road by the unenlightened, xenophobic Daily Mail-reading little englanders.

You forgot how thick they are!


My appallingly left-wing Grauniad is reporting an immediate bill from the EU of some £50bn to cover UK liabilities that have to be paid on Brexit.


So it begins....

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Trump's inauguration speech clearly stated his stance on protectionism, what happens when he doesn't want fair deals with all other nations? I don't see any particular reason why the UK would get favourable treatment from Trump.


to piss off ms krankie?


its no big affect if he doesn't do a deal with the uk but it would be nice. germany needs the us markets

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Trump's inauguration speech clearly stated his stance on protectionism, what happens when he doesn't want fair deals with all other nations? I don't see any particular reason why the UK would get favourable treatment from Trump.


to piss off ms krankie?


its no big affect if he doesn't do a deal with the uk but it would be nice. germany needs the us markets



Ms Krankie? Do you mean Nicola Sturgeon? If so, I doubt Trump could care less about her.


Germany does export more to the US than the UK in simple financial terms but the US is the UK's biggest export market - http://atlas.media.mit.edu/en/profile/country/gbr/ . If Trump wants to be a protectionist the fallout could be significant. Surely you'd agree that the UK needs its existing biggest export market?

Edited by mojomonkey
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Trump's inauguration speech clearly stated his stance on protectionism, what happens when he doesn't want fair deals with all other nations? I don't see any particular reason why the UK would get favourable treatment from Trump.


to piss off ms krankie?


its no big affect if he doesn't do a deal with the uk but it would be nice. germany needs the us markets

Ms Krankie? Do you mean Nicola Sturgeon? If so, I doubt Trump could care less about her.


Germany does export more to the US than the UK in simple financial terms but the US is the UK's biggest export market - http://atlas.media.mit.edu/en/profile/country/gbr/ . If Trump wants to be a protectionist the fallout could be significant. Surely you'd agree that the UK needs its existing biggest export market?

Errrrrr excuse me but the three EU countries mentioned in total import twice as many UK widgets than the US does.


That sites not put together by Gove and Johnson is it...?

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Trump's inauguration speech clearly stated his stance on protectionism, what happens when he doesn't want fair deals with all other nations? I don't see any particular reason why the UK would get favourable treatment from Trump.

to piss off ms krankie?


its no big affect if he doesn't do a deal with the uk but it would be nice. germany needs the us markets

Ms Krankie? Do you mean Nicola Sturgeon? If so, I doubt Trump could care less about her.


Germany does export more to the US than the UK in simple financial terms but the US is the UK's biggest export market - http://atlas.media.mit.edu/en/profile/country/gbr/ . If Trump wants to be a protectionist the fallout could be significant. Surely you'd agree that the UK needs its existing biggest export market?

Errrrrr excuse me but the three EU countries mentioned in total import twice as many UK widgets than the US does.


That sites not put together by Gove and Johnson is it...?



I simply linked to the first Google result, but they all say the same thing - that the UK's biggest export market is the US and that's the point I'm getting at. This link to the HM Revenue & Customs - https://www.uktradeinfo.com/Statistics/Pages/Monthly-Tables.aspx - contains a excel table that confirms the US as the biggest export market.

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you need to dig a little deeper, a vast majority are cars which are owned by germany. if we go wto and the germans eu face import duty we will be better off

According to Theresa May 44% of UK goods and services exports go to the EU vs only 8% of the EU’s exports coming to the UK. Representing a trade surplus with the rest of the EU of £17 billion.


I'm impressed with her Brexit strategy so far - clearly arguing for a 'soft' Brexit but calling it a 'hard' Brexit. Arguing strongly in favour of a 'hard' Brexit (but also simultaneously proposing a 'soft' outcome). That makes sense given that the outcome will obviously be a compromise.


Also impressed to hear her speech at Davos - strongly arguing in favour of continued globalisation.

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you need to dig a little deeper, a vast majority are cars which are owned by germany. if we go wto and the germans eu face import duty we will be better off


Do you mean German car manufacturers that have factories in the UK and export to the US from the UK?


Looking at this - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automotive_industry_in_the_United_Kingdom#Production_data - and ignoring all the defunct manufacturers I can see the following German owned companies, namely Bentley, Rolls Royce, Mini and Vauxhall. Bentley and Rolls Royce are pretty niche markets and sales aren't huge. I guess Mini is pretty popular. Vauxhall is a bit of a odd one as it is kind of owned by GM (US) and Opel (Germany). The biggest car manufacturers in the UK are not owned by the Germans, the biggest by some margin is Nissan.

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just an FYI that Vauxhall for all intents and purposes is Opel, just branded that way as Brits generally think of "Opel Blitz" and the connotations that brings!


I think pretty much everyone knows that. Opel's parent company is General Motors.

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you need to dig a little deeper, a vast majority are cars which are owned by germany. if we go wto and the germans eu face import duty we will be better off

How are we going to be better off if the cars we want to buy cost more?


The administration of tariffs and other artifical bureacratic controls would represent a very significant business overhead - especially for small businesses and independent service providers. Britain is very much more dependent on trade with the EU than the EU is dependent on trade with the UK.

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you need to dig a little deeper, a vast majority are cars which are owned by germany. if we go wto and the germans eu face import duty we will be better off

According to Theresa May 44% of UK goods and services exports go to the EU vs only 8% of the EU’s exports coming to the UK. Representing a trade surplus with the rest of the EU of £17 billion.


I'm impressed with her Brexit strategy so far - clearly arguing for a 'soft' Brexit but calling it a 'hard' Brexit. Arguing strongly in favour of a 'hard' Brexit (but also simultaneously proposing a 'soft' outcome). That makes sense given that the outcome will obviously be a compromise.


Also impressed to hear her speech at Davos - strongly arguing in favour of continued globalisation.


I think you just fell for the creative accounting rhetoric of a politician campaigning for remain there. To compare like with like you have to look at our trade with each EU member. In the case of every major country there is a big trade deficit, i.e, they sell us far more than we sell them. Try this instead:




The value of trade to the UK and the rest of the EU—we exported about £220 billion worth of goods and services to the rest of the EU in 2015, according to UK data, while the rest of the EU exported somewhere around £290 billion to us. These figures differ if you use EU data. What this means is that the rest of the EU sells more to us than we sell to it.


So you can rest easy. Gets boring after a while correcting all of this stuff.


ETA: I spotted what May did in your link: It's that crafty word "services". Takes no account of goods where we have the massive deficit the other way. Never trust a politician eh?

We have a trade surplus in services with the rest of the EU of £17 billion.

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The important thing to note Wooley is that 44% of British exports of goods and services are to the EU. Services are an important part of the British economy. The last thing we need is tariffs or any other artificial barriers to selling services, skills or expertise across borders. It's not just the additional cost it would add to the price of British exports, it's also the additional bureacracy, form-filling and other nonsense which would obviously be involved.

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