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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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Woolley my dear old chap!...Yes I have written an autobiography "Essex Boy" but it covers 1949-1959...You can I think see it on the SOLO catalogue of the Bodleian Library Oxford and other Legal Deposit Libraries, the SEAX catalogue of the Essex Record Office (Buried deep) and maybe the British Library. It might even be on line. Another version is "Steve's Penny Tray"...

There is a namesake on the Bodleian catalogue so you will have to plough through 30-40 entries to see all of mine. He is Barrie Stevens the OECD economist. We have been in touch as my articles published long ago in technical magazines were wrongly attributed to him. I am the folklorist, historian and "theologian"...Our work has been lumped and mixed together so scroll your way down.

I am finishing off my Baltic Exchange memories for the National Maritime Museum and the London Met. Archives. (100,000 words)

The Agent for the Legal Deposit Libraries (Edinburgh) has recently lodged a legal claim for five copies each of my works "Essex Boy", "The Stevens Family Correspondence", "Essex Line", "Admiral J McHardy..First Essex Chief Constable of Essex"...and "A Walthamstow Girl's War"...I suppose someone finds this stuff interesting???

There might be my other work "Walthamstow Memories"/Essex Boy or some such on line but not sure now.

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53 minutes ago, woolley said:

He's just being smug, PK. He deserves it after holding virtually every exalted position on the planet and yet being forced to exist on the IOM in squalor, while scrubbing every square inch of it on his hands and knees. He probably wonders why on Earth he didn't get the hell out back to Blighty much sooner. Bazza, have you written your memoirs? You really should. I'd read it.

He's right about poverty being relative though. All of this nonsense about "record levels of poverty" that you espouse is to hoodwink the young and the stupid into subscribing to a certain type of politics. Which are you?

Speaking of subscribing, I thought I'd offer your mentor a little publicity: (help us deliver the independent journalism the world needs for 2019 and beyond) Talk about self-delusion!! They think the world NEEDS them. :D

As 2018 draws to a close….

… we’re asking readers to make an end of year or ongoing contribution in support of The Guardian’s independent journalism.

Three years ago we set out to make The Guardian sustainable by deepening our relationship with our readers. The same technologies that connected us with a global audience had also shifted advertising revenues away from news publishers. We decided to seek an approach that would allow us to keep our journalism open and accessible to everyone, regardless of where they live or what they can afford.

More than one million readers have now supported our independent, investigative journalism through contributions, membership or subscriptions, which has played such an important part in helping The Guardian overcome a perilous financial situation globally. We want to thank you for all of your support. But we have to maintain and build on that support for every year to come.

Sustained support from our readers enables us to continue pursuing difficult stories in challenging times of political upheaval, when factual reporting has never been more critical. The Guardian is editorially independent – our journalism is free from commercial bias and not influenced by billionaire owners, politicians or shareholders. No one edits our editor. No one steers our opinion. This is important because it enables us to give a voice to those less heard, challenge the powerful and hold them to account. Readers’ support means we can continue bringing The Guardian’s independent journalism to the world.

Please make an end of year contribution today to help us deliver the independent journalism the world needs for 2019 and beyond. Support The Guardian from as little as £1 – and it only takes a minute. Thank you.

In this day and age I think it's important to keep at least one independent UK newspaper going.

Otherwise as a nation we might do something really really stupid like vote to leave the EU!

When times get tough it's always those with the least who suffer the most.

So as a liberal I find all those who would try and argue measurements or claim brexit won't harm us as abhorrent.....

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8 minutes ago, P.K. said:

In this day and age I think it's important to keep at least one independent UK newspaper going.

Otherwise as a nation we might do something really really stupid like vote to leave the EU!

When times get tough it's always those with the least who suffer the most.

So as a liberal I find all those who would try and argue measurements or claim brexit won't harm us as abhorrent.....

well that won''t be the guardian......

pensions fund owned mainly by the arabs........

who paid the debt off last year i wonder........

how much funding have they received from the eu????????????????????????????????????

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11 minutes ago, P.K. said:

So as a liberal I find all those who would try and argue measurements or claim brexit won't harm us as abhorrent.....

That's because you really have no clue about the nature of the EU despite it being pointed out to you multiple times. I think it goes with the territory of being a "liberal" in the modern corrupted sense of the word.

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8 minutes ago, woody2 said:

well that won''t be the guardian......

pensions fund owned mainly by the arabs........

who paid the debt off last year i wonder........

how much funding have they received from the eu????????????????????????????????????

I’d love to see your proof that the guardian, or it’s pension fund, is mainly owned by the Arabs?

To help you here is a link to the audited accounts to March 2018.


Previous year’s losses were paid out of the “endowment” or cash pile held by the Scott Trust Limited, which owns GMG. You’ll see that it reduces by the amount of the loss. So there is no debt, and none was paid off by any external source.

Is the pension fund in deficit?


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16 minutes ago, John Wright said:


Is the pension fund in deficit?


Not that I am aware of, but the pension deficit crisis in general is a scandal of epic proportions. It goes back the the 90s when trustees connived with compliant governments to allow major employers to suspend payments into their company pension schemes, which were allegedly crazily oversubscribed. Well, we know how that turned out.

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6 minutes ago, woolley said:

Not that I am aware of, but the pension deficit crisis in general is a scandal of epic proportions. It goes back the the 90s when trustees connived with compliant governments to allow major employers to suspend payments into their company pension schemes, which were allegedly crazily oversubscribed. Well, we know how that turned out.

I think there is only one member of its defined benefits scheme. It seems fully funded. There is a defined contribution scheme, which by definition cannot be in deficit.

Its all there in note 29 ( I think ) at about page 65?

There are two small schemes for former subsidiaries, but nothing large, liability wise. Most journos aren’t staffers.

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5 minutes ago, woody2 said:

the guardian makes its money from externally managed investment funds not selling newspapers.....

its who owns these investment funds that they like to keep secret.......

hislop on hignfy has made many a comment.......


No, the Scott Trust Limited, which owns the Guardian, has a sizeable cash mountain invested and returning an income. But the fact some of  it may be invested in funds managed or owned by Arab interests does not mean it is owned by Arabs.

If you’re trying to imply that the editorial policy of the Guardian is influenced by who advises on the investments held by its parent company, then the fact that  the governing charity deeds guarantee editorial independence rather scuppers that argument.

At least it’s better than the editors being in the pocket of foreign, or British, tax exiles, like the rest of the MSM.

And before you start on the Guardian structure being a tax dodge the Scott Trust Endowment cash pile was built up from after tax dividends from the Guardian. The Guardian and Scott Trust pay U.K. tax on their annual income, unlike Rothermere, Barclay brothers or Murdoch.

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4 hours ago, woolley said:

Yes. I acknowledged that it wasn't in deficit. I was referring to pension schemes more widely. Off topic, I appreciate.

Dear me Woolster.

Never mind all the rest of the UK MSM reduced to being in thrall to the owner's agenda you're left with trying to diss probably the last "independent" newspaper the UK has.

Is that really how low you have to sink to be a brexiteer?

So it would seem.

You keep believing that the EU is run by Evil Goblins intent on world domination while I keep living in Reality Land.

Suits you sir....

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1 hour ago, quilp said:

That's the wildest statement you've come up with all year. I will chortle all the way to reveille... 

Who cares what a promoter of racism thinks apart from Woody2 with his "eu scum" viewpoint...?

Like I posted previously, go and pollute somewhere else...

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