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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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4 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:


So a tender never really actually went out, only one company was considered and that company has never run a ferry service, and more importantly has no ferries, trained staff, facilities, etc...

Easiest £14m selling fresh air ever made.

Welcome to Brexit everyone.


they haven't been paid........

not unusual for this type of set-up.......

apparently the boss is well known.......

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5 hours ago, woolley said:

This is a stock response from the metrolibs to anyone who does not share their extremist views on pandering to every minority predilection that emerges from the closet. If someone disapproves of something then accuse them of being so inclined themselves. Some of the accusers might actually believe it; in some cases it might be so, but in essence it is intended to provoke an outraged reaction. It's becoming old hat now though. Been done to death.


30 minutes ago, Declan said:

 Anyway whether you intend to provoke a reaction is immaterial because Woolley believed you did. 

He  was triggered into a rant which branded people who support freedom of the individual and oppose bigotry as extremists. All the while claiming to be defending freedom of speech. 


If my above post qualifies as a rant in your world, Declan, you have led a most decorous existence indeed. I think it was Quilpy who commented that if he decided to start identifying as Napoleon he would expect to be sectioned and not issued with a bicorn hat. Nobody has suggested that folk cannot be who they are. It's up to them. The only extremists are the cheerleaders who would have the confused make irrevocable life changing decisions at a tender age in the name of freedom and gender equality when it is anything but.

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1 hour ago, Max Power said:

Come on now P.K. you know how this works. Like any club, the chairman surrounds himself with people who are likeminded and owe him. They go through parliament en bloc and hey presto, a veneer of democracy has been achieved. The big problem is that those people are the only ones who can propose legislation! 

Quoting Wiki won't change the fact that the EU is a democratic institution.

If the UK electorate are stupid enough to elect a total charlatan like Farage to "represent" them it's hardly surprising that our nation is currently the laughing stock for the mess it's got itself in to.

As a liberal I'm appalled that brexit will probably mean that those with the least will suffer the most (as ever) and all the right-wingers do is bitch about what dateline organisations like ageuk are using to measure increases in poverty.....

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29 minutes ago, woody2 said:

they haven't been paid........

not unusual for this type of set-up.......

apparently the boss is well known.......

Quite normal in shipping to take on a business or contract of affreightment or "round voyages" or an arrangement such as this. There are first class operators who do not own ships but take on commitments certain (they believe) that they can contract the necessary.

Many companies do not own tonnage. If they buy a ship that is one thing. If they time charter they become the disponent owners and act as if they were the prime owners. They can have their name down the side and even their own funnel logo painted on. All in the terms.

I have known ships not yet built and nor the keel laid yet chartered sometimes years ahead as keel numbers in the shipyard schedule. Often a charterer will charter tonnage of a certain specification "To be nominated" (tbn). The "Owner" or the one presenting as the "Owner" must then supply tonnage according to the agreement. There are terms and conditions relating to performance. Usually there will be a date before which you do not start and then another date which if you are unable to present and perform the contract then you can be terminated..And other variations. 

The world's grain and other commodity supplies are traded by a few giant companies many of which do not own ships or not many. They literally sell shipments of grain from various origins to various destinations and then acquire the shipping freight or do it back to back. It is normal. They take the risk if the market is against them.

The UK Govt apparently has a deal to sell or lease or charter back the options it now apparently holds and thus if it does so it will be an entity owning no ships nor having experience of this trade in this context.

Another factor here is the rejuvenation of Ramsgate Harbour and its environs. "Let someone see what they can do."...I am however intrigued as it appears Ramsgate is very small and the new operator may face the same problem of finding ships to fit or so it would seem? Bit like Douglas maybe?

A lot of shipping people have no direct experience of the trade they may be called upon to operate. That is their stock in trade. Making it happen.




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44 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Quoting Wiki won't change the fact that the EU is a democratic institution.

If the UK electorate are stupid enough to elect a total charlatan like Farage to "represent" them it's hardly surprising that our nation is currently the laughing stock for the mess it's got itself in to.

As a liberal I'm appalled that brexit will probably mean that those with the least will suffer the most (as ever) and all the right-wingers do is bitch about what dateline organisations like ageuk are using to measure increases in poverty.....

Farage is just one of our MEPs and so it goes to show just how seriously the UK has taken the EU up to now! Can you name another British MEP without Google?

I certainly don't consider myself right wing but it seems that socialism and liberalism require a lot of freedom inhibiting regulations for them to work? 

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

Quoting Wiki won't change the fact that the EU is a democratic institution.


the the eu is a undemocratic institution.......

1 hour ago, P.K. said:


As a liberal I'm appalled that brexit will probably mean that those with the least will suffer the most (as ever) and all the right-wingers do is bitch about what dateline organisations like ageuk are using to measure increases in poverty.....


i'm appalled that the areas that suffered the most by joining the eu are still devastated........

and yet you don't understand why these areas voted to leave......

no poverty in the uk.......

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1 hour ago, Barrie Stevens said:

Quite normal in shipping to take on a business or contract of affreightment or "round voyages" or an arrangement such as this. There are first class operators who do not own ships but take on commitments certain (they believe) that they can contract the necessary.


that's my understanding to......

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

Of course you are, dear fellow. That is what liberals are for while the rest of us get on with everything.

So being a liberal means you can't get on with stuff!

Well, in your opinion anyway....

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1 hour ago, woolley said:


If my above post qualifies as a rant in your world, Declan, you have led a most decorous existence indeed. I think it was Quilpy who commented that if he decided to start identifying as Napoleon he would expect to be sectioned and not issued with a bicorn hat. Nobody has suggested that folk cannot be who they are. It's up to them. The only extremists are the cheerleaders who would have the confused make irrevocable life changing decisions at a tender age in the name of freedom and gender equality when it is anything but.

That’s an utter ridiculous comparison. If you wanted to change your name to Napoleon and wear a tri-cornered hat no-one would stop you. Nor should they unless there’s a safety concern. 

People don’t on a whim decide to have their bits cut off. The process is long and involves medical and psychological professionals. There’s also plenty of testamony of the pain and torment people forced to live against their gender identity.

It does raise some issues but those will be sorted by approaching them in a peaceful mature way. But suddenly a memo seems to have gone around right-wing circles that approaching this issue in a sensible open-minded way is extremist and anti-free speech. 

And that is what your approach for years on here hasn’t it?  Brand  mainstream, centrist opinion,  the kind that has support across the three main parties, the Scottish and Welsh Nationalists and the greens plus large parts of the general public who aren’t political, as extremism. Invent a few little tropes like SJW and blame a fictitious Metropolitan Urban Elite. 

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