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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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4 minutes ago, woolley said:

Ah. What is this? Perhaps we are making progress. We will still be trading after all. We don't need the superstate to do so. Says PK.

Of course we'll still be trading with the EU. That's a given. After all, they produce 30% of the food consumed in the UK. That's a LOT of food.

So anyone sensible would question the logic of leaving the trading bloc that produces nearly a third of our scoff.

And as usual the price of it post-brexit never gets a mention.....

10 minutes ago, woolley said:

I trust you are not including me in this. For one thing I'm not an anything winger and for another you are the only one who bangs on about evil goblins. The rest of us see calculating human beings. As for Ted Heath, I wouldn't have voted for him if he'd stood against Corbyn, Clegg, a monkey and a donkey. It would have been between the monkey and the donkey.

As far as I'm concerned the "evil Goblins running the EU" isn't any more far-fetched than some of the nonsense peddled on here.

As to you being "not an anything winger" (must confess I thought you had mis-spelled whinger)  we've only got your word for that. But I recall you moaning about the imposition of EU workers rights legislation. Quite a strong personal message there as I'm sure you'll agree.


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1 minute ago, woolley said:

I can well imagine the superior, knowing smirk.

I don't agree at all with the sell off of infrastructure to foreign interests whether it be airports, water and power utilities or the railways for that matter. However, it was a matter of policy to sell them out of public ownership (with mixed results), and once in private hands they can be sold on to the highest bidder anywhere in the world. In the single market you could not bar foreign ownership even if it seemed desirable domestically to do so. At least with an independent UK policy you could reserve certain sectors to home national ownership if desired, or even renationalise them as a monopoly - the main reason Corbyn is an advocate of Brexit.  It is unlikely to happen due to possible reprisal action abroad, so I'm afraid that bird has flown.

Then you have an imagination vivid enough to write schoolgirl fiction....

I view the whole Brexit farrago as an absolute tragedy. 

When times are hard those with the least suffer the most. Something I never forget....

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1 minute ago, P.K. said:

  But I recall you moaning about the imposition of EU workers rights legislation. Quite a strong personal message there as I'm sure you'll agree.


No, not at all. It is the principle of imposition by a sovereignty usurping external body that I would be moaning about in general and I don't recall making a specific reference to workers rights, although it appears to have made a profound impression on you if I did. We don't need outside interference to frame employment law. As I've said repeatedly, which you habitually choose to ignore, all of my employees for many years have worked on conditions vastly superior to any minima laid down by legislation, so on a day to day level it is irrelevant to me. It is the principle.

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11 minutes ago, Barrie Stevens said:

About what, Bazza? Nothing there alters the facts I gave you about the employment market. I linked all of the official figures.

This link is about the botched introduction of Universal Credit. I never said there were not people who are suffering hard times. There always are and there always will be.

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

Really? Well why didn't you say so?




On 9/13/2018 at 6:27 PM, P.K. said:

The real tragedy is that the expected downturn in UK fortunes will affect the most disadvantaged to the greatest degree.

The engineers of this historical clusterfuck like Cameron, JRM, Johnson, Gove, Farage, Raab, Fox, Fysh, Isaby, Davis, Duncan Smith etc etc will remain largely unaffected.

A plague on all their houses....


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18 hours ago, pongo said:

Clearly the most important thing is that the democratically elected Parliament needs to put the economy first and listen to business and the City.



no it doesn't......

if they had in the past the uk would of been part of the financial disaster that is the euro....... 

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46 minutes ago, woody2 said:

if they had in the past the uk would of been part of the financial disaster that is the euro....... 

Gordon Brown and his advisor Ed Balls kept the UK out of the Euro. The '5 economic tests' were drawn up in conjunction with leading economists in business and the City.

Today Parliament should (and obviously will) listen to the needs of business and the City. Some on the Brexit side argue that Brexit should not be about the economy. But that, clearly, is stupid.

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1 minute ago, pongo said:

Gordon Brown and his advisor Ed Balls kept the UK out of the Euro. The '5 economic tests' were drawn up in conjunction with leading economists in business and the City.

Today Parliament should (and obviously will) listen to the needs of business and the City. Some on the Brexit side argue that Brexit should not be about the economy. But that, clearly, is stupid.

according to browny in a recent interview the only reason was because the brits wouldn't of excepted it....

everyone else was pro-euro.....

they were all wrong......

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