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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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7 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Old news.

I personally take the baseline from the start of Blair's first administration where they actually set themselves targets on reducing poverty.

The tories must have wondered what on earth were they up to? You know, because they have the attitude "people are struggling, always have, always will" ie no point trying to do anything about that then....

Why should we take your Blair baseline? It is meaningless. He took over the most benign, propitious legacy of any PM in living memory and still proceeded to make a total horlicks of things. Power went to his head, especially once he'd met Dubya. Most toxic of politicians. No. You said "record". That does not mean "since 1997".

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36 minutes ago, Declan said:

Sadly the status quo isn't on offer. I wish that it was but -

  • there's been a referendum saying we must leave.
  • there may be a narrow opinion poll lead for Remain, but there was before the last vote.
  • A second referendum will most likely get the same result. 
  • A narrow vote for remain in a second referendum would lead to riots and calls for a third referendum.
  • There hasn't been a massive collective change of heart by substantial numbers of leavers demanding a second vote. 

We're leaving. We've got to make the best of it. 

Not sure. Despite all of their duplicitous dissembling, I don't think MPs have given that one up quite yet, Declan.

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27 minutes ago, woolley said:

Oh look. It's that fair-minded, Normal, balanced, sensible, well-rounded individual (ie typical Grauniad reader) again. He knows everything.


11 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

You are such a snowflake


I copied and pasted GRAUNIAD straight from your mate PK, you numpty.

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22 minutes ago, woolley said:

Why should we take your Blair baseline? It is meaningless. He took over the most benign, propitious legacy of any PM in living memory and still proceeded to make a total horlicks of things. Power went to his head, especially once he'd met Dubya. Most toxic of politicians. No. You said "record". That does not mean "since 1997".

I think it's a decent reference point simple as. By all means take your own. I won't mind a bit.

But no amount of dripping and moaning about how the numbers are described is actually going to change the numbers now is it?

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3 minutes ago, P.K. said:

I think it's a decent reference point simple as. By all means take your own. I won't mind a bit.

But no amount of dripping and moaning about how the numbers are described is actually going to change the numbers now is it?

Point of order: I don't drip.

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11 minutes ago, woolley said:

Point of order: I don't drip.

How on earth do you manage that?

These days it seems they are shortening the length of the fly zip and thus the space between the crotch and the waistband. Especially on "casual" wear.

Makes life tricky if you know what I mean. Less of an angle.

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2 hours ago, Declan said:

But you're in the minority that will be left outside waiving your flag and shouting at Richard and PK. Meanwhile the rest of us get on with it. 


the uk will be outside laughing at the eu......

its the remoans doing the flag waving.....

the brits have been getting on with it.......

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1 hour ago, Declan said:

Sadly the status quo isn't on offer. I wish that it was but -

  • there's been a referendum saying we must leave.
  • there may be a narrow opinion poll lead for Remain, but there was before the last vote.
  • A second referendum will most likely get the same result. 
  • A narrow vote for remain in a second referendum would lead to riots and calls for a third referendum.
  • There hasn't been a massive collective change of heart by substantial numbers of leavers demanding a second vote. 

We're leaving. We've got to make the best of it. 

no evidence that anything has changed according to the prof........

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4 minutes ago, woolley said:

What about the bloke who stands outside Parliament every day shouting "Stop Brexit"? Is he paid by the EU? Is he on the dole? Certainly gets too much exposure on air.

Maybe it's a career move: https://fundrazr.com/71QTJ7?ref=ab_5M4daRwqb9T5M4daRwqb9T

PK, drop him a shekel won't you?

Shekels are two-a-penny...

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