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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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18 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Given that Parliament appears deadlocked on the matter can anyone explain why it should not be given back to the public to make a final choice now that the options are clear?  

I can understand Parliament alone making a decision to remain being seen as undemocratic but how is asking for the public to have a final say?


I would dearly love to have a second referendum so that Remain can win and make it all go away. However I don't think it's right at the moment because -

  • I don't think a second referendum will produce a different result. 
  • A win for Leave doesn't lessen the division in the country, strengthens the hand of the Hard Brexit lobby leaving them free reign to undermine workers and environmental rights. Plus Remainers will be blamed for delaying Brexit necessarily. 
  • A narrow win for remain would lead to riots, accusations of fixing the vote and calls for a third referendum.
  • the only way that could be valid course of action is if there was a massive public outcry from people who voted leave and now believe they were duped. There isn't. 

We're leaving, we need to make the best of it, remainers should be making common ground with the moderate leavers and supporting a Soft Brexit. 


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26 minutes ago, Declan said:


I would dearly love to have a second referendum so that Remain can win and make it all go away. However I don't think it's right at the moment because -

  • I don't think a second referendum will produce a different result. 
  • A win for Leave doesn't lessen the division in the country, strengthens the hand of the Hard Brexit lobby leaving them free reign to undermine workers and environmental rights. Plus Remainers will be blamed for delaying Brexit necessarily. 
  • A narrow win for remain would lead to riots, accusations of fixing the vote and calls for a third referendum.
  • the only way that could be valid course of action is if there was a massive public outcry from people who voted leave and now believe they were duped. There isn't. 

We're leaving, we need to make the best of it, remainers should be making common ground with the moderate leavers and supporting a Soft Brexit. 


oh come on declan........

uk already has higher standards and have announced even higher plans going forward on the environment ......

meanwhile germany and others eu members are burning dirty chinese and russian coal......

uk has always had better workers rights.....part from a few changes non of which come from the eu.......

merkel objected to the minimum wage.......


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But I don’t trust Boris, Rees-Mogg and Farage, Bill Cash and the ERG to safeguard them going forward. These people don’t care about the working person or the environment or the welfare state, they’re grubby little ideologues and self promoting chancers. 

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16 minutes ago, Declan said:

But I don’t trust Boris, Rees-Mogg and Farage, Bill Cash and the ERG to safeguard them going forward. These people don’t care about the working person or the environment or the welfare state, they’re grubby little ideologues and self promoting chancers. 

parliament would have to vote on any changes......

didn't they say its going for WHO standards this week......

what workers rights are going to be removed?????????????? most of them are from before the uk joined......

this sounds like the fuss over eu law and regs been transferred into uk law which turned out to be nothing......

the few things that mp's wanted a view on was if the uk should still be forced to fly the eu flag after its left......


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2 hours ago, woody2 said:

then why did corbyn ask last night for it to be removed......

its already past into law........

now bercow has thrown away the rulebook anything could happen.....

Because Corbyn is a bloody idiot.  As I said it is because the Act was badly written, so passed into law in a badly worded fashion leaving it open to legal challenge.  I will try and find the relevant legal advice when I have time.  

2 hours ago, woody2 said:

because parliament would still have to back it and pass it.......

it would take 11 months+......

and regardless of the outcome they would want another one.......

no change in voters minds according to the prof.......

Prof?  Who are we talling about?

Also don't forget that there has been changes on the electoral register in 2 years.  More young people eligible to vote,  EU citizens who have obtained British Citizenship, and older voters who have passed away.  

All that may shift the balance but we don't know for sure.  Your assertion that everyone who voted for Brexit wanted a hard Brexit is unlikely to be true, given that some people admitted they voted in favour as a protest vote (Yes, they are idiots).

1 hour ago, Declan said:


I would dearly love to have a second referendum so that Remain can win and make it all go away. However I don't think it's right at the moment because -

  • I don't think a second referendum will produce a different result. 
  • A win for Leave doesn't lessen the division in the country, strengthens the hand of the Hard Brexit lobby leaving them free reign to undermine workers and environmental rights. Plus Remainers will be blamed for delaying Brexit necessarily. 
  • A narrow win for remain would lead to riots, accusations of fixing the vote and calls for a third referendum.
  • the only way that could be valid course of action is if there was a massive public outcry from people who voted leave and now believe they were duped. There isn't. 

We're leaving, we need to make the best of it, remainers should be making common ground with the moderate leavers and supporting a Soft Brexit. 


A soft Brexit would not temper the hard-core Brexit supporters though.   That's like leaving the club, still paying membership fees but having no say in the rules that you will still have to comply with.  The EU are simply not going to back down on their core principles which brings us back to three choices which no one is happy with.

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