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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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yes they have a plan the pm has already set that out, what the outcome will be is another question


robertson wants under the exit bill which triggers a50 a scottish section on future of the eu in scotland, its not covered by a50 yet the thicko keeps banging on about it


the day after the ref. snp claimed they had a plan, to date its never been released....



Right, some clarity, ty.


"Brexit means Brexit. It'll be a red white & blue Brexit. No deal is better than a bad deal" None of these are plans, they are slogans. A one paragraph "white paper" triggering Art50 is also not a plan.


Not sure what you're trying to say here. I think you're saying that Roberston wants a part of discussions to be about Scotland having a seperate deal? Again, if you could link to the question or reporting of this as I've not seen it and you're response isn't very clear.


The "plan" was given to May & her cronies. Are you saying Theresa May lied when she said they would not be considering the proposals made by ScotGov, and handed over in person?


a50 does not cover future relations, so why would it have any amendments to do with the future, its easy to understand ffs


no plan has been seen, the snp have listed demands which their own advisor and the eu have said is not possible



That'll be the "no plan" that my BBC link (that you've deleted) quoted and went through?

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'Several hurt' in French school shooting


Don't think I ever saw an answer but what was the relevance of the above post to the thread topic?


quoting me againthumbsup.gif


the french gov. tweeted it was terror related...



I'm quoting because this is a discussion forum and we are having a discussion, quite hard to do that without quoting from time to time.


Thanks for the answer, I still don't entirely get what that has to do with the thread topic and I presume you accept that it wasn't a terror attack.

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a50 does not cover future relations, so why would it have any amendments to do with the future, its easy to understand ffs




I dunno, I guess the HOL when discussing adding amendments were off their heads eh?



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What constant complaints are these? I live here, the snp keep increasing their vote share, sonething must be right.


Yes the Barnet formula. How to give scotland back some of its money.


I'll ask again, why do you care so much? Why does england get so irate about scotland wanting to be independent?

snp have lost votes, they no longer have a majority


scotland gets 100% of its tax back + £29 billion via the barnet formula + £15 billion on the snp's overspend


the police, education and the nhs have all got worse under the snp




Constituency vote 1,059,897 Regional vote 953,587





Constituency vote 902,915


Regional vote 876,421



Oh dear, SNP vote up. The majority was lost by the curious anomalies of the De-Hont system.



Scotland gets less back than it puts in. ScotGov not allowed to overspend I'm afraid, legally the budget it is given by WM is it. The £15bn "defecit" you reference is the Scottish "share" of UK overspending.


NHS scotland is in rude health and taregt figures have risen dramatically. police Scotland also outperforming rUK. Education is an issue, which is why Swinney was swapped to the education dept last year.


and so was the tory vote, they still lost seats


i will repeat again-


scotland gets 100% of its tax back + £29 billion via the barnet formula + £15 billion on the snp's overspend


nhs is in melt down, i am well aware of the snp's policy of not checking people into A&E until they have space to fudge the figures


the police have been put on glasgow rules, it has been a disaster.


council budgets cut, not because of westminster but to fund snp's vanity projects


Repeat all you want, it's shite.


ScotGov are NOT PERMITTED to run a defecit.


NHS Scotland, as you'll have noted, had no junior Drs strike. There's no policy of not checking people in, what banana boat did that float along on?


Glasgow rules? Eh????


Vanity projects? Eh?


You're mintal min stuart.gif


its called facts something the snp have no knowledge of....

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I'm quoting because this is a discussion forum and we are having a discussion, quite hard to do that without quoting from time to time.


Thanks for the answer, I still don't entirely get what that has to do with the thread topic and I presume you accept that it wasn't a terror attack.



The French police "down graded" it from a terror attack shortly after the event.

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Why would Scotland swap a union that works, that it does 80% of it's trade with in a common language, having an internal land border and that gives it huge sums of money for one that is overseas, on its death bed, has a demonstrably failing currency, is mired in bureaucracy and will be looking for contributions that an independent Scotland can't afford? It makes no sense. Unless of course the SNP cares not for the EU at all, and the whole thing is just a smokescreen for independence at any price.

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'Several hurt' in French school shooting


Don't think I ever saw an answer but what was the relevance of the above post to the thread topic?


quoting me againthumbsup.gif


the french gov. tweeted it was terror related...



I'm quoting because this is a discussion forum and we are having a discussion, quite hard to do that without quoting from time to time.


Thanks for the answer, I still don't entirely get what that has to do with the thread topic and I presume you accept that it wasn't a terror attack.


because you throw your teddies out of the cot, claiming you are been bullied,,,


it was reported by the french as terror related at the same time as the bomb at the imf which has a direct link to the eu, which is what this thread is about....


i can't be held responsible for what the french gov. say AT THE TIME

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I'm quoting because this is a discussion forum and we are having a discussion, quite hard to do that without quoting from time to time.


Thanks for the answer, I still don't entirely get what that has to do with the thread topic and I presume you accept that it wasn't a terror attack.



The French police "down graded" it from a terror attack shortly after the event.


correct, but thats not how it was reported AT THE TIME

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I don't recall ever claiming to be bullied, I certainly don't feel like I ever have been. Like being bullied on an internet forum is a thing anyway. I have asked you to back up your claims before but solely in the interests of the discussion. I have also asked numerous times to drop the silly name calling but only because it really adds nothing to the debate.

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Why would Scotland swap a union that works, that it does 80% of it's trade with in a common language, having an internal land border and that gives it huge sums of money for one that is overseas, on its death bed, has a demonstrably failing currency, is mired in bureaucracy and will be looking for contributions that an independent Scotland can't afford? It makes no sense. Unless of course the SNP cares not for the EU at all, and the whole thing is just a smokescreen for independence at any price.


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its called facts something the snp have no knowledge of....



Well your facts seem to imply that ScotGov can run a deficit when they cant?


That the ScotGov plan wasn't published, when it was?


That you couldn't propose amendments to the Art50 bill, when that's exactly what the HOL was trying to do?




Glasgow rules?......explain

NHS A&E, link to where this has been claimed....

Vanity projects...such as?

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