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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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22 hours ago, Barrie Stevens said:

Looks like BBC too will need to have a base in the EU in case it loses its broadcasting rights post hard Brexit/leaving the Single Market Seems they looking for a foot on the ground in Holland, Belgium or Ireland.

Why? I thought they were the British Broadcasting Corporation, not the EU Broadcasting Corporation. Would explain a lot though.

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21 hours ago, P.K. said:


Don't bother. Yesterday I gave Woolley something of a reality check. An irish chap phoned in to James O'Brien and basically showed that Woolley's "false premise" about the GFA above was a load of old nonsense. There is NO WAY they want to lose the GFA in any shape or form.

Woolley responded, presumably after consulting "The Brexiteer's SOP Handbook" (author Nigel Farage) that it was "despicable" that I would let reality creep into the discussion and promptly skated over it as per.

Talking of reality intervening on Unicorn Land as a crash-out is looking ever more likely a timely reminder of what trading under WTO rules actually means is in order:


You are so credulous. The GFA is not being changed, so that post is just a straw man. It isn't going to happen. That's why it's despicable. Project Fear appears to have become Project Fill Your Trousers for you fellas. Also crash-out (as they dramatically and ridiculously term it) is less likely now than at any time. Can you not see that the outcome has already been determined and all of this frantic, last minute stuff is for dramatic effect?

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

You are so credulous. The GFA is not being changed, so that post is just a straw man. It isn't going to happen. That's why it's despicable. Project Fear appears to have become Project Fill Your Trousers for you fellas. Also crash-out (as they dramatically and ridiculously term it) is less likely now than at any time. Can you not see that the outcome has already been determined and all of this frantic, last minute stuff is for dramatic effect?


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13 hours ago, woody2 said:

your first on the list for "operation yellow snowflake hammer"

Woody, try to remember your audience when writing on MF. Your coded paranoia might be intelligible on the incel self help forms you spend most of your time on, but it’s just misspelled incoherent gibberish here. 

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5 minutes ago, woolley said:

I hate to break this to you, but as this is in the future, there isn't any yet. Can you not read the signs or work anything out for yourself until it's been processed and twisted by the Guardian? It's coming down the track. Just watch and see.

So no proof at all.

Well, there's an absolute shocker for you.

Look, that mantle has belonged to Woody2 since year dot.

You know, proposing completely preposterous scenarios without the slightest grain of truth in them whatsoever....

But as long as you now recognise the anguish of those on the Irish border that would be a small step in the right direction I suppose...

So again what did you think of Jason Hunters take on the UK crashing out sedately leaving the EU on a no deal brexit?

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Ford UK now claiming that operating out of no deal Brexit UK under WTO conditions will cost them £800m pa.

Are they part of Project Fear too? Why would they make a statement like that?

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

So no proof at all.

Well, there's an absolute shocker for you.

So again what did you think of Jason Hunters take on the UK crashing out sedately leaving the EU on a no deal brexit?

There is no proof because it is still in the future. Read the signs.

Leaving on a no deal Brexit is not going to happen, so it doesn't matter what my take is on something that is not going to happen. It doesn't matter what your take is either. You look at everything and see nothing.

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44 minutes ago, woolley said:

There is no proof because it is still in the future. Read the signs.

Leaving on a no deal Brexit is not going to happen, so it doesn't matter what my take is on something that is not going to happen. It doesn't matter what your take is either. You look at everything and see nothing.

Never mind all the nebulous guff.

So, again, what are your thoughts on Jason Hunters description of trading under WTO rules?

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10 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Ford UK now claiming that operating out of no deal Brexit UK under WTO conditions will cost them £800m pa.

Are they part of Project Fear too? Why would they make a statement like that?

yes- they already trade under wto rules.......

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11 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Woody, try to remember your audience when writing on MF. Your coded paranoia might be intelligible on the incel self help forms you spend most of your time on, but it’s just misspelled incoherent gibberish here. 

it's the govs. policy........

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9 hours ago, P.K. said:

Never mind all the nebulous guff.

So, again, what are your thoughts on Jason Hunters description of trading under WTO rules?

It doesn't matter.

OK let me help you. Here is how it is. There is no majority in Parliament for no deal. It might be the default position legally at the moment. It might even be the best outcome for the country, but given the arithmetic it is simply not going to happen. MPs will stop it for sure. So what IS going to happen? There appears to be no majority for anything right now, so inevitably there will have to be a compromise. That compromise will be something that nobody really wants, but at some point most will decide to accept or be coerced into accepting. It is going to be something like the current deal with a few tweaks and probably the backstop rehashed in a different way, maybe taken out completely and replaced with a binding commitment on both sides that the new relationship has to be established by the end of the transitional period come hell or high water.

It can't be that deal, you might think. That deal went down by 230 votes. However, the fact that nobody really likes it and it is roundly hated by the fundamentalist Brexiteers and diehard Remainers alike means that for all it's faults, it is somewhere around the centre where the majority will have to coalesce eventually. The authorities obviously now believe that this is the ground that enough of them can be dragged onto, even if some are kicking and screaming.

What you were hearing recently was the coercion process at full throttle. Nobody gives overt instructions, but nods and winks go out via networking channels so you get things like the Airbus news release about jobs at Broughton, the banks about moving to Ireland, Luxembourg, etc, the whipping up of the Ireland Armageddon factor etc. This is all orchestrated. They even wheeled out HMQEII to tell everyone to pull together and stop fucking about. This drip, drip effect will ultimately push wavering MPs who are a bit hard of thinking, and just want it all to go away in a manner that is at least orderly, to back the government. Meanwhile, the whips are working on the Brexiteers and telling them that the other side is getting its act together for a delay and another referendum, thus scaring the wits out of them that they will lose Brexit altogether. Bit by bit, slowly, slowly, catchy monkey and get enough on board to do the seemingly impossible.


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5 minutes ago, woolley said:

It doesn't matter.

Yes it does matter.

Jason Hunter is an experienced international WTO Trade Negotiator and you are not.

The rest is a waste of bandwidth as I'm fully aware that the spectre of a no deal exit is the only leverage May has got....

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1 minute ago, P.K. said:

Yes it does matter.

Jason Hunter is an experienced international WTO Trade Negotiator and you are not.

The rest is a waste of bandwidth as I'm fully aware that the spectre of a no deal exit is the only leverage May has got....

It's part of the coercion. It uses many pawns. Open your eyes for goodness sake. Of course "no deal" is a necessary coercion and that is why it hasn't been taken off the table. Clear as day that it isn't going to happen though.

Edited by woolley
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