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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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You need to understand the ‘most favoured nation’ rule. It’s a misleading title. What it means is, in the absence of a trade agreement, the U.K. cannot set special tariffs for one country. So if the U.K. sets a 0% tariff for the EU it has to set a zero tariff for all. If the U.K. does that without an agreement it will have absolutely nothing to bargain with when trying to get trade deals. The U.K. will essentially be going around the world saying, ‘please give us a trade deal. At the moment there is a 0% tariff on your goods coming into the U.K., (because we’ve decided to set a 0% rate for the EU.) You are currently collecting up to 30% in tariffs on our goods under wto rules, but we want you to make a deal with us to reduce that. For absolutely nothing in return.’ That would be an impossibly difficult deal to get, and if you think otherwise you are living in cloud cuckoo land. 

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Because we are witnessing Turkey's voting for Christmas.  We are lost for words.

We don't understand how the turkeys have bought into the idea that there will be a bit feast and celebrations without realising that the people pushing that idea are those who will be feasting whilst the turkeys will be those bearing the true cost....

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1 hour ago, Freggyragh said:

The turkeys have voted to send Theresa May back to Brussels to renegotiate the terms of Christmas. This gets funnier by the day. 

It's a shambles.

This would happen when we have the worst Administration I have ever known along with the worst Opposition I have ever known.

But then it was those two factors that got us into this mess in the first place.

Never forget that all of these shenanigans are simply a damage limitation exercise.....

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37 minutes ago, Declan said:

usually does so sardonically. 

Do you not think there's room for a bit of sneering and taking the piss, at remainers and brexiteers alike? Can the British people ever again have confidence in whoever is at the reins of government? What is apparent is that no one - on both sides really knew what they voted for, from the bottom up...

Edited by quilp
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