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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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5 minutes ago, quilp said:

Do you not think there's room for a bit of sneering and taking the piss, at remainers and brexiteers alike? Can the British people ever again have confidence in whoever is at the reins of government? What is apparent is that no one - on both sides really knew what they voted for, from the bottom up...

I think there's room for humour, but it can turn toxic

My thought is that the person who last laughs is not always the person with the best intentions  or it may be a wry laugh of the person who said I told you so. 

Edited by Declan
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6 minutes ago, quilp said:

Do you not think there's room for a bit of sneering and taking the piss, at remainers and brexiteers alike? Can the British people ever again have confidence in whoever is at the reins of government? What is apparent is that no one - on both sides really knew what they voted for, from the bottom up...

The people who voted Remain voted for the status quo.

So they knew exactly what they were voting for.

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3 hours ago, P.K. said:

The people who voted Remain voted for the status quo.

So they knew exactly what they were voting for.

They voted for continued, creeping, ever closer union to the projected United States of Europe, that brave new world that dare not speak its name.

They did not vote for the status quo although most of them, and you, think that they did.

In fact, they had no idea what they were voting for, apart from the genuine enthusiasts of a "united" Europe like Ken Clarke.

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6 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

If she really wanted to limit the damage she’d be off to Belfast to negotiate independence for Britain from Northern Ireland, which would save a lot more money than leaving the EU. 

How much funding did DUP get for their "supply and confidence" agreement - £1bn additional to NI?

Just think what they could do with £39bn!



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59 minutes ago, woolley said:

They voted for continued, creeping, ever closer union to the projected United States of Europe, that brave new world that dare not speak its name.

They did not vote for the status quo although most of them, and you, think that they did.

In fact, they had no idea what they were voting for, apart from the genuine enthusiasts of a "united" Europe like Ken Clarke.

Another "The EU is run by Evil Goblins intent on world domination" proponent.

If you listen to them you would never believe that the EU is  based on democratic principles. But it is.

The bit they don't like about the way it is organised is the way the UK contingent can be outvoted by the others.

Add a large dose of bigotry and you have brexit in a nutshell.....

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32 minutes ago, P.K. said:

 The bit they don't like about the way it is organised is the way the UK contingent can be outvoted by the others.

Wonders never cease. You have something right at last. Thus it is incompatible with national sovereignty and self-determination.

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

Wonders never cease. You have something right at last. Thus it is incompatible with national sovereignty and self-determination.

Notice the rest of my post didn't get a mention. Wise move for a brexiteer that one....

So the tired, hackneyed and thoroughly debunked "sovereignty" nonsense gets yet another airing. How boringly predictable.

The UK sets it's own criminal justice legislation, fiscal policy like budgets and taxes, it's foreign policy is all it's own (despite the blundering around of Boris Johnson) etc etc and the fact it is leaving the EU demonstrates above all else how it is a "sovereign" nation and always has been throughout it's membership of the EU. However before The Maybot suffers yet another humiliation in Brussels we might as well look back over some of the lies on "sovereignty" spouted by the brexiteers to bamboozle the gullible into voting leave:


On 10/16/2018 at 3:16 PM, P.K. said:

This "taking back control" and "sovereignty" was a central plank of the whole brexit nonsense and probably the one with the most falsehoods hung on it to get the required majority.

Remember Nigel Farage claiming that 75% of UK law was made in Brussels? Well, the rabid right-wingers of the UK press, which is to say pretty much all of it, naturally fell in line behind this complete and utter fabrication. For example the Barclay brothers supported the idea wholeheartedly with this puff piece:

"Two thirds of Britain's laws 'made or influenced by EU!'

"Business for Britain says more power must given back to Parliament amid concerns that EU red tape is strangling companies"


Since the Maastricht Treaty up to 2014 the Sovereign Parliament of the UK passed 945 Acts of Law of which 231 implemented EU trading obligations. Over the same period  the Sovereign Parliament of the UK passed 33,160  Statutory Instruments (secondary legislation) which also implemented 4,283 EU trading obligations.

So out of a total of 34,105 pieces of legislation 4,514 were about adhering to EU trading regulations as a member of the bloc.

That's not 75%. 

It's just 13%.

It's not as if the UK was coerced into passing any of this legislation either!

So the "taking back control" of 75% of our legislation was just more brexit lies for the simple-minded.

Before any brexiteers cry "foul!" the figures were produced by the HoC Library.

"Taking back control" - you're having a laugh....!

The more we get into the truth of what brexit actually involves the more the brexiteers' Unicorn comes across as a tired whitewashed old donkey with a dildo on it's head....


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If I were the EU I would say the UK is not suitable to be an EU member. The EU will be happier without the UK now it has shown its true colours. No going back. The UK has always been a drag anchor to the way they want go. I have prepared myself for no deal and a return to a simpler life I once knew when two weeks rubbish would fit in one small dustbin and we bought from market stalls and corner shops daily. Already I buy raw and cook from scratch. Make do and mend.  De Gaulle said we would never fit in which is why he refused entry

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2 hours ago, Barrie Stevens said:

I cannot wait to see the Brexit no deal tsunami smash over the IOM.....You lot have potentially much to lose and if JC ….Corbyn not Christ...enters number ten you will be offered up for sacrifice in an EU damage limitation deal along with the CI

If corbyn does that it will more likely be through principle rather than a political sacrifice. That's what the tories will do should they stay in.

Edited by the stinking enigma
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2 hours ago, Barrie Stevens said:

I cannot wait to see the Brexit no deal tsunami smash over the IOM.....You lot have potentially much to lose and if JC ….Corbyn not Christ...enters number ten you will be offered up for sacrifice in an EU damage limitation deal along with the CI

The Isle of Man is different to the U.K. The Manx  travel far more and are much, much more cosmopolitan in outlook. If England does carry on with this religious like belief in unicorns the Manx will be thinking very hard of going along with it, should other options become available. Don’t think for a minute that the Manx have any sentimental attachment to the U.K. political establishment - if it comes down to hard economics we won’t let ourselves be dragged down by them. 

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