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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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14 minutes ago, woolley said:

I know they wash the shit off them and keep them refrigerated. So what? 

Perhaps you mean something else. I know I'll regret this, but enlighten me.

The washing removes a natural protective barrier. That's why they have to be kept in the fridge. But the point that i was making is that you can't buy fresh eggs. And frankly, there's nothing better than a fresh egg.

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Elitist remoaners like myself and PK just make do with cavier, served to us on silver plates on their hands and knees by plebs who went to slightly cheaper schools than Eton, like Sir James Dyson, Baron Digby Jones, Tim Martin and Sir Nigel Garage. Miserable peasant leavers that they are. 

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20 hours ago, woolley said:

When push comes to shove, Gib is British, whatever the nature of the border.

My nanny informed me this morning, whilst delivering my freshly ironed morning paper, that the EU has ruled that Gibraltar is a colony of Britain whose sovereignty is disputed by Spain. Nothing much Spain can do about that of course whilst the U.K. is still a member of the EU and protected by that darned Lisbon Treaty. 

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6 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

My nanny informed me this morning, whilst delivering my freshly ironed morning paper, that the EU has ruled that Gibraltar is a colony of Britain whose sovereignty is disputed by Spain. Nothing much Spain can do about that of course whilst the U.K. is still a member of the EU and protected by that darned Lisbon Treaty. 

I should take no notice of nanny as she is obviously leading you astray. Next thing you'll be jumping into pavement paintings and flying up chimneys. If I were you, I would ask mummy and daddy to buy me a book on the history of the Iberian peninsula.

What do you reckon "Spain can do about that" with or without the Lisbon Treaty? Gibraltar has been British since 1704. Longer than it was part of the Kingdom of Spain, longer then the United Kingdom has existed, longer than the USA has existed. For centuries, through 15 sieges, Spain has contested British sovereignty of the rock, despite ceding it to Britain in perpetuity in the 1713 Treaty of Utrecht. Whilst claiming Gibraltar, of course, Spain keeps very quiet about its enclaves Ceuta and Melilla, which it claims are not colonies in North Africa, but Spanish cities! Madrid is not embarrassed by double standards any more than is Brussels.

Nowadays, it is not so much the Rock, but the right to self-determination of the Gibraltarians, who voted 98.9% in a referendum in 2004 reaffirming their right and desire to be British, at the time when the hideous Blair was trying to promote a deal for shared sovereignty with Spain. The Rock also hosts an RAF NATO base and guards the strategic entrance to the Mediterranean, so don't expect change any time soon. As ever the EU does not have a role other than that which it assigns to itself in its arrogance.


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2 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Woolley, you’re bleating. 

Sure. But to be fair just so much of their case for brexit has been so roundly debunked but more importantly they seem to have lost their cannon fodder Woody2 which leaves the "brexit elite" as they are known somewhat exposed...

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Yeah. Facts are the EU has ruled it’s a colony. The rest of Europe is signed up to protect the status quo, but thanks to some very expensive impending tax bills for some very, very rich people, a lot of money has been spent on convincing you and your fellow travellers that the status quo isn’t as good as an economic, cultural and strategic catastrophe. Baaa. 

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Indeed. I don't suppose that the advent of the European Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive would only have been at the back of one or two of Brexit proponent's minds would it, Jacob and Boris?

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