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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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It's all bluster. The EU need us more than we need them. They need our trade, our financial contributions and our contribution to the military.

The EU failed from the off as they didn't consolidate everyone's debts at the outset, like the US did with the separate states, which has meant they couldn't have a single debt, a single interest rate and then compete with the dollar.  Now the EU interferes with everyone's budgets and the countries are like occupied territories. Germany has an export economy and Greece has a tourist economy, they share a currency but have their own individual debt and try to implement a centralised monetary policy. It's bonkers.

It's unsustainable from a financial point of view. The ECB has run out of bullets with this low interest rate experiment. Better to sit on the outside with some popcorn and watch.

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6 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Donald Tusk: "I hope there is a special place in hell for those who promoted Brexit without even a sketch of a plan of how they were going to do it". Press briefing with Varadkar this morning.

Strong stuff.

It's not that bad. Only a snowflake would get upset about it.


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5 hours ago, woolley said:

Such arrogance. He needs to wind his hugely taxpayer overfunded neck in.

Time to put this nonsense in perspective.

So here is the FULL quote:

“We will not gamble on peace or put a sell-by date on reconciliation. And this is why we insist on the backstop,” Mr Tusk said, alluding clearly to British demands for a backstop exit mechanism. “The EU 27 will not be making any new offer.

"I've been wondering what that special place in hell looks like, for those who promoted brexit without even a sketch of a plan how to carry it out safely.

So it was all about the NI border and the complete lack of any mention about how to manage it throughout the brexit campaign. As I have posted previously I'm very glad that the EU take the GFA a lot more seriously as above than our own Brexiteers. So, it would appear, do the Irish:

A photograph was later circulated of Juncker and Varadkar reading a large “thank you card” from a family in Dublin thanking the EU for its solidarity.

The card said Ireland was drawing strength “from your word and that of your colleagues”. It added: “Britain does not care about peace in Northern Ireland. To them it’s a nuisance.

"Best Regards   Michel B  x”

Which puts this predictable demogogic nonsense from Farage look as mercenary as he really is: “After Brexit we will be free of unelected, arrogant bullies like you – sounds like heaven to me.” i.e he doesn't give a flying if hostilities flare up again. But then he isn't a tory MP so he thinks he will be blameless.

Maybe Tusk had been listening to this: https://www.lbc.co.uk/radio/presenters/james-obrien/james-obriens-caller-brexit-good-friday-agreement/

Personally I think ALL brexiteers should be forced to listen to it right to the end. 

Then they would understand EXACTLY where Tusk is coming from.....

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Lxxx, I agree with your points concerning monetary union. Definitely a flawed system, that Gordon Brown was wise to keep the UK out of.

To make the leap from that position to staying out of the Single Market and all the international free trade deals and trade agreements that go with it, just so Jacob and Nigel can avoid paying their share towards social investment and defence, is ridiculous. It means that those who can’t avoid taxes will pay more and British pensions, education, health, and infrastructure will be cut to the bone. 

The EU will stand by Ireland. The ‘we hold all the cards’ nonsense was only ever as realistic as the plan for Brexit or the David Davis preparations for negotiations. The toffs and spivs, whose only plan was a tax avoidance plan, will short the pound and divert their funds elsewhere, and laugh at the willing cheerleaders they despise; the chumps who gave away their gold medal trade prospects, passports, freedoms and currency for nothing. 

Edited by Freggyragh
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Tusk is right. The neo Thatcherites like Redwood, Rees-Mogg, Duncan-Smith, Johnson, Farage. the ERG et all have never told the public what the real game is. End of post-war consensus government, end of NHS and a deregulated and free market Britain. The biggest confidence trick in the history of British politics and millions of people fell for it on the back of mass immigration to our country. They've almost got Thatcher's cold, dead, clammy hands on the prize.

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4 minutes ago, Lxxx said:

The best hope for the crown dependancies was Brexit. Without it, as pointed out above, the crackdown on 'tax havens' would have gone up a gear. This way the city keep their slush funds and we dodge a bullet. For now.

As "positive" spins go that really is weak....

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2 minutes ago, P.K. said:

As "positive" spins go that really is weak....

It's just reality. Of course the IMF is driving a lot of this so the reprieve may only be temporary but it is what it is. There will be positives and negatives in whatever direction the UK decides upon. Such is life.

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8 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Donald Tusk: "I hope there is a special place in hell for those who promoted Brexit without even a sketch of a plan of how they were going to do it". Press briefing with Varadkar this morning.

Strong stuff.


He meant these people and this is what the idiots said..Also taxpayer funded by the way

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