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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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29 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

You can add Ireland to that as well P.K. A basket case until they joined the EU and the money started rolling in. Now look at them. Spain's problems were of their own making; ditto Greece. Italy has always been a basket case since the time of Mussolini.   

So put them all into a single currency driven by Germany and make it worse. Great plan!

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

You. You're the only one who has ever come up with the ridiculous concept.

It's no more ridiculous than some of the nonsense posted up here by the Bigoted Brexit Brigade!

I detect someone's losing their sense of humour. Just a hunch you understand.... :)

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16 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

So now Tusk claims that Corbyn's proposals "are promising". There could be much egg on faces for the Maybot brigade...

Why & how?

Corbyns not in power. He's essentially just a spectator....

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18 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

So now Tusk claims that Corbyn's proposals "are promising". There could be much egg on faces for the Maybot brigade...

Although they would like the UK in the customs union and single market and paying handsomely for the privilege, he knows it's a long shot. He's actually helping May by trying to push her own recalcitrant troops into line. You have to look beyond the obvious.

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1 minute ago, woolley said:

About as reliable as most of your other hunches. :thumbsup:

Well, this is all hunch:

4 minutes ago, woolley said:

Although they would like the UK in the customs union and single market and paying handsomely for the privilege, he knows it's a long shot. He's actually helping May by trying to push her own recalcitrant troops into line. You have to look beyond the obvious.

And personally I think it's bollox....

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Corbyn's toast now. Most Labour members are remainers and he's helping to push through Brexit. It's ironic that in years to come he'll probably be seen as the greatest betrayer of the British working class in the whole history of the Labour movement. Not what he wanted at all. He's got this all wrong from the start and Brexit has tied him and his cronies up in knots because it contradicts his simplistic 1970's Marxist ideology. I'll give him three months before he's gone.

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I'm baffled why people are so wedded to the concept we need to be in the EU. It seems to be driven by some kind of pathological desire to be seen to be as far away from anything they might perceive to be right wing than any real evidence based analysis.

It's why I do have some form of respect for Corbyn. He's about as far left as you can possibly get but he always saw the EU for what it was, which is a dictatorship driven by unelected elites obsessed with their own power. That is until he started playing games recently, but he is a Fabian so we should expect it.  


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24 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Corbyn's toast now. Most Labour members are remainers and he's helping to push through Brexit. It's ironic that in years to come he'll probably be seen as the greatest betrayer of the British working class in the whole history of the Labour movement. Not what he wanted at all. He's got this all wrong from the start and Brexit has tied him and his cronies up in knots because it contradicts his simplistic 1970's Marxist ideology. I'll give him three months before he's gone.

If he swung Labour to a 2nd referendum in a snap election they would be toast and he knows it. Lots of his MPs are sitting on 60-70% leave constituencies covering millions of Labour voters. That trumps a couple of hundred thousand hippy members and Momentum thugs. LibDems stood on a EU remain platform in 2017 and hardly registered a pulse.

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

Why & how?

Corbyns not in power. He's essentially just a spectator....

If it takes the leader of the opposition to come up with an acceptable/workable alternative after 2 yrs unsuccessful effort by the Govt...

I'm by no means a Corbyn fan BTW. Labour are unelectable as Govt with him in post IMHO.

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Brexiteers and Trumpeters seem to think that they are ‘right-wing’ and everyone else is a left-wing. 

I consider myself liberal on social issues, and liberal on most economic issues too: I believe in small and clean government that delivers on infrastructure, defence, health, education and social provision for the genuinely needy.

I hate ‘cult of personality’ politicians and consider John Major the best PM the U.K. has had in recent decades. 

I don’t like flags except minimally in sporting and national commemorative occasions, and I distrust politicians who wrap themselves in flags as much as the overtly religious ones. Nevertheless, I care deeply about my country, and also the U.K. and Ireland. 

I like the EU because for all it delivers it has fewer bureaucrats than Birmingham City Council, costs Britain less in fees than membership of the U.K., and allows the U.K. (and Isle of Man) so many opt-outs. 

I don’t like dishonest, vain, tub-thumping, self-publicising politicians who seek the approval of the ideological, and the naive. I don’t like them whatever their politics - that goes for Corbyn, McClusky, Skinner and Galloway just as much as for Farage, Johnson, Rees-Mogg and Hannan. 

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