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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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2 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

A heartfelt sentiment but the poor soul has nothing to do with the Brexit shitstorm currently raging around his earholes and probably feels la bit left out.

So what better way to get noticed than threatening nuclear powers with his shiny new toy...?

Can't fault the logic.

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On 2/9/2019 at 11:42 PM, Freggyragh said:

Go easy Bazza, we don’t want another leaver to disappear from the forum with hurt feelings. You need special terms for these sensitive souls, otherwise they get very upset. Be very careful presenting the facts too, remember, they believe in ‘alternative facts’ and for them the word ‘expert’ is a term of abuse. 

Try ‘alternative intelligence’ for moron or fool, and ‘creative solutions’ for complete and utter fantasy. I’m afraid that’s what they’re used to now. It comes from the top, where ‘global trade deals’ means keeping the shelves stocked in the Faroes Spa. 

Nah, Freggy. I think you are assigning the hurt feelings to the wrong side. Such arrogance and indignation from those who thought, believed, knew they were 100% right for their whole lives and the other side were 100% wrong.

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So, can we expect Chris Grayling to do the right thing and resign after the whole shipping company with no ships, a website copied and pasted from a chip shop and now has no backers?

Yet another Brexit Ballsup to add to the catalog of errors.


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24 minutes ago, woolley said:

Nah, Freggy. I think you are assigning the hurt feelings to the wrong side. Such arrogance and indignation from those who thought, believed, knew they were 100% right for their whole lives and the other side were 100% wrong.


That's Nigel Farage for you....

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1 hour ago, RIchard Britten said:

So, can we expect Chris Grayling to do the right thing and resign after the whole shipping company with no ships, a website copied and pasted from a chip shop and now has no backers?

Yet another Brexit Ballsup to add to the catalog of errors.


Expect a brexiter to do the right thing? I’m afraid that would be contrary to all previous behaviour. What you can expect is everyone else to be blamed for talking down the possibility of ‘creative solutions’ to the lack of ships and no plan for running a shipping company problem. 

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1 hour ago, Freggyragh said:

Expect a brexiter to do the right thing? I’m afraid that would be contrary to all previous behaviour. What you can expect is everyone else to be blamed for talking down the possibility of ‘creative solutions’ to the lack of ships and no plan for running a shipping company problem. 

He's not called "Failing Grayling" for nothing.

Consider the facts. A critical state contract was given to a company that not only had no boats but had never run a ferry service. There was no proper tendering process, so the Transport Secretary dressed up his move – which might have broken the law – as support for a British start-up.

His department claimed “a wide range of operatives” had been invited to tender, yet there was only one bid. Grayling insisted his team had “looked very carefully” at the business – but failed to notice it seemed to have copied terms and conditions from a pizza delivery service on its website.


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8 hours ago, woolley said:

Nah, Freggy. I think you are assigning the hurt feelings to the wrong side. Such arrogance and indignation from those who thought, believed, knew they were 100% right for their whole lives and the other side were 100% wrong.

I started out quite neutral, but over time it has become quite clear that the brexiters were not interested in being right, only in feeling right. I have been checking the things they say, and it is pretty obvious that it is just made up. They promised all the deals the EU had would be rolled over - wrong, they promised great new deals - wrong, they promised a strong negotiating position - wrong, they promised deals with individual EU states - wrong, they promised new border processing technologies - wrong, they promised control of borders - wrong. You stick your fingers in your ears and scream if the truth hurts your feelings. The leavers on here have all gone into hiding because they now know they’ve been lied to and they’ve been cheerleading their own diminished futures. It’s just a question of where they direct their anger - against the ones who lied to them, or the ones that shattered the illusions. 

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10 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

The leavers on here have all gone into hiding... 

Nope. They're just all busy moving their business interests out of the UK and to Dublin etc.... :lol:

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5 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Good news people, the UK have signed another trade deal. This time it is Switzerland, so no need to panic buy those Toberlone anymore. This momentous deal is the fourth the UK has signed, the others being:


The Faroe Islands

Eastern and Southern Africa


2.5 years and that is all Foxy has achieved.  Brexit in a nutshell.


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1 hour ago, mojomonkey said:

Good news people, the UK have signed another trade deal. This time it is Switzerland, so no need to panic buy those Toberlone anymore. This momentous deal is the fourth the UK has signed, the others being:


The Faroe Islands

Eastern and Southern Africa


Will any of this change the fact that 30% of the food consumed in the UK is supplied by the EU?

You know all this Brexit stuff?

Well, I don't think they've thought it through.....

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The Brexiter’s guide to why recessions are brilliant

WITH the economy contracting partly due to Brexit, it is vital for Brexiters to pretend this is a good thing. Here diehard Leaver Roy Hobbs explains the many upsides.

People need toughening up

Our ancestors didn’t need modern luxuries like iPhones and jobs. A bit of recession hardship will lick the transgender snowflake generation into shape, which is vital if we need to storm the Normandy beaches again.

It’s good for the environment

Not making things conserves Mother Earth’s precious resources. Even if all environmentalists are workshy dreadlocked scum.

It’s good for social mobility

Politicians talk about improving life chances, but have they considered the benefits of everyone being dragged down to the same level? An unemployed doctor sitting down with an unemployed factory worker to smoke roll-ups is a vision of an equal society Dr Martin Luther King could only dream of.

It’s super-healthy!

Most of us could do with laying off the takeaways, and that’s easy if you can’t pay for them. You can also finally start that New Year’s exercise regime by never having £2.40 for the bus.

You can be nostalgic about the last recession

We Brits love nostalgia. It’s usually about killing Germans, but why not get misty-eyed about the financial crash of 2008? Remember how we showed the old Blitz spirit and went round to each other’s houses with pies and bottles of ale to listen to Girls Aloud?

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