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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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55 minutes ago, woolley said:

Absolutely not. Everything you list is short term effect born of uncertainty and dark threats. You are the ones who have been lied to for the whole of your lives, and you are the ones in denial without even knowing it. You believe that your understanding of the status quo ante is normal. This contrivance of "pooled sovereignty". That it is a good thing. And then look to future decades. Do you see the EU as a viable entity, say, 15 years from now? Given the competing interests within it? There is no such thing as opting for the status quo - even if that was a good thing. It's a fluid situation.

Not the hackneyed "sovereignty" card yot again!

Loved this- "Do you see the EU as a viable entity, say, 15 years from now?""

In 15 years from now I DO see the UK completely stripped of influence buffeted by the vagaries of the established and emerging trading blocs struggling to go it alone as a single entity because everything we make needs imported raw materials.

Money making money is the exception.

Will it survive a crash-out?

But hey, don't worry folks.

Those with the least will suffer the most.

So "PHEW!" for that eh....?

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Dark threats??? When Japan, South Korea and Canada say ‘No, you’re not getting as a good a deal as the EU right away because your bargaining position is much weaker’ that’s not ‘dark threats’ or the ‘minutiae of process’ - that’s just the way things will be. Britain voted to piss in its chips. Pretending now that the whiff of ammonia is worth it because of some unicorn scenario you call the ‘bigger picture’ is delusional, but please keep posting, because it is also hilariously entertaining. 

Edited by Freggyragh
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Just now, woolley said:

I put it into the form you use so that you might understand. So you think your own form is bitchy? We agree on something.

Dear me.

The pressure clearly IS on ....

So where are the rest of the Jolly Brexiteers?

You know, Woody2, Lxxx. Paswt, Quilp, The Phat Tog to name but a few.

Don't tell me they've all saddled up their Unicorns and led by mendacious, self-serving, so-called politicians Farage, Gove and Johnson have all galloped off into the sunset to the golden uplands of "the easiest trade deals in history" or whatever sop to the stupid is vogue for current week...?

Face it, all the central planks of Brexit have been shown to be a busted flush *

* that's flush as in straight down the toilet....

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19 minutes ago, woolley said:

They all laughed at Christopher Columbus when he said the world was round.

They all laughed when Edison recorded sound. :thumbsup:

When Columbus set sail the general assumption was that the World was round - certainly that was the ‘expert’ view, and had been since the ancient Greeks. 

I’m not sure anyone laughed when Edison recorded sound - certainly not informed people -  he was after all using 20 year old technology. Playing back the sound he had recorded was his great achievement. 

But, if it ‘feels’ right to you ...

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47 minutes ago, P.K. said:


So where are the rest of the Jolly Brexiteers?

You know, Woody2, Lxxx. Paswt, Quilp, The Phat Tog to name but a few.


Probably sick and tired of trying to lead you away from the same meagre ground of discussing mundane stuff month in, month out.

(We aren't all the same person, by the way. :))

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7 hours ago, woolley said:

Probably sick and tired of trying to lead you away from the same meagre ground of discussing mundane stuff month in, month out.

(We aren't all the same person, by the way. :))

Of course you're not all the same person! :)

For a start you're not an out and out liar. You don't have an inferiority complex. You don't resort to foul language. You don't quote from The Torygraph as if it therefore must be true (what a joke THAT is....)

The problem with being a brexiteer is that ALL your arguments are essentially based on smoke and mirrors. Vague allusions as to what the future MIGHT hold as opposed to the undeniable facts of the status quo.

And one of the undeniable facets of this whole horrible mess is that whatever deal we end up with won't be as good as what we have now.

It's very obvious that the current phase of this almighty clusterfuck is simply about damage limitation....

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