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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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8 hours ago, P.K. said:

Dear me.

The pressure clearly IS on ....

So where are the rest of the Jolly Brexiteers?

You know, Woody2, Lxxx. Paswt, Quilp, The Phat Tog to name but a few.

Another post from the lying self confessed  MF sadist from "the fatherland " with a self-centred scrounging nephew.

Tell you what  "pants on fire" stop lying abut me and I stop telling the truth about you.



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Just now, RIchard Britten said:

Give it a rest.

I am not and never have been a ' breexiteer' and have posted to that effect on numerous occasions as you and PK know .

I will continue to challenge posts which misrepresent my views .

Hope this helps

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1 minute ago, paswt said:

I am not and never have been a ' breexiteer' and have posted to that effect on numerous occasions as you and PK know .

I will continue to challenge posts which misrepresent my views .

Hope this helps

I meant, give it a rest or this nonsense between two anonymous forum posters thumping their chests at each other will go nowhere as it always does.

Or what ever do what you want.

Hope that helps, but it won't.

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1 minute ago, RIchard Britten said:

I meant, give it a rest or this nonsense between two anonymous forum posters thumping their chests at each other will go nowhere as it always does.

Or what ever do what you want.

Hope that helps, but it won't.

If you were constantly portrayed as say a child molester or a traitor would you respond?

PK has used profanities in describing me , I don't have a problem with that , however when receiving a robust response in a similar vein he (or 'they' as he is 'non binary' ?) claims he is not being treated with respect and is being bullied which is a bit rich IMO.............."By their fruits ye shall know them"


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10 minutes ago, paswt said:

I am not and never have been a ' breexiteer' and have posted to that effect on numerous occasions as you and PK know .

I will continue to challenge posts which misrepresent my views .


On 3/29/2018 at 6:22 PM, paswt said:

Well as one of the 49 million that could have voted ( as I now live on this island ) had I been obliged to vote I would have voted to leave.

Like a rat in a trap.

Totally kippered.

Now let it go and move on....

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1 minute ago, paswt said:

If you were constantly portrayed as say a child molester or a traitor would you respond?

PK has used profanities in describing me , I don't have a problem with that , however when receiving a robust response in a similar vein he (or 'they' as he is 'non binary' ?) claims he is not being treated with respect and is being bullied which is a bit rich IMO.............."By their fruits ye shall know them"


You and he are using anonymous profiles to slag each other off.

Now if you used his real name and called him a child molester then there are issues.

Like I said, you and him are just as bad as each other, and the cycle starts again.

You two enjoy yourselves.

I don't care if that helps.

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4 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

You and he are using anonymous profiles to slag each other off.

Now if you used his real name and called him a child molester then there are issues.

Like I said, you and him are just as bad as each other, and the cycle starts again.

You two enjoy yourselves.

I don't care if that helps.

That's ok as far as it goes but Paswt's denigrating my family is as low as it gets.

Plus I've never actually made it a secret who I am. :) Quite the reverse in fact!

I've put the nasty, lying, brexiteer on "Ignore" so please don't quote him.


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32 minutes ago, P.K. said:

That's ok as far as it goes but Paswt's denigrating my family is as low as it gets.

Plus I've never actually made it a secret who I am. :) Quite the reverse in fact!

I've put the nasty, lying, brexiteer on "Ignore" so please don't quote him.


You  berated those who you held were responsible for your  nephew ,who had taken advantage of the UK/Manx(?) education system ,and had now to apply for a German passport to take up a career in Germany (which you  referred to as the 'fatherland' on another thread') .

Given your habit of referring to those who disagree with your standpoint as "xenophobic thick as pigshit daily mail reading little Englanders" , "twats"  etc I did not think it unreasonable to put a slightly different slant on the career path of your nephew:)  .

For the same reason after constantly being goaded I responded with the 'robust' post you have reposted on this and the 'testing thread' ,presumably to elicit sympathy :lol: from other posters .

Amusingly you claim that  'foul language' is unacceptable and you are being bullied and "Dissed" (disrespected?).

I may be a bit old fashioned but IMO 'respect' has to be earned , not demanded :lol:

I have no idea who you are  but a few on this site know who I am

I don't have anyone on "ignore"

Hope this helps

ETA bet you read this :lol:?

Edited by paswt
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You can blame brexit for whole host of real problems, or uphold it because you feel it could lead to some as yet unspecified and intangible benefits at some point in the distant future, or will steer the U.K. clear of your vision of euro-apocalypse.

You can’t blame brexit for this bizarre cyber-spat which only appears on this thread because there are accusations of brexiteering involved, but seems mostly to be about the morality of catch-and-release angling and a nephew’s career choices. 

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1 hour ago, Freggyragh said:

You can’t blame brexit for this bizarre cyber-spat which only appears on this thread because there are accusations of brexiteering involved, but seems mostly to be about the morality of catch-and-release angling and a nephew’s career choices. 

Unfortunately that appears to be the only leverage Paswt, who stated that he would vote Leave, seems to have to try and diss me. Quite ludicrous really that my nephew, who has never had anything whatsoever to do with MF and is working in Germany, is being pilloried by Paswt who is clearly just a bitter old man posting his bile on an anonymous forum.....

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5 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Unfortunately that appears to be the only leverage Paswt, who stated that he would vote Leave, seems to have to try and diss me. Quite ludicrous really that my nephew, who has never had anything whatsoever to do with MF and is working in Germany, is being pilloried by Paswt who is clearly just a bitter old man posting his bile on an anonymous forum.....

To quote Frozen..."just leave it for the love of all that is holy"

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