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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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6 minutes ago, P.K. said:

So according to you the UK will not crash out?

Spare us the "trade will continue irrespective of the delays and extra associated costs" stuff and explain how the brexit bug-eyed loons of the ERG will be forced to vote for the Robbins and Weyand so-called deal...?


No point. Whenever I venture to use words of more than one syllable to try to explain things to you, your reply amounts to TLDR or similar crass retort. But if you are now game to come in from the cold I welcome it and you will, of course, find your answers within my sage contributions here.

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13 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Sorry to hear that, and good luck to your brother.

I sincerely hope that your brother won’t be effected by the UK’s failure to make plans for the import and export of medicines, or today’s news that the government have run out of time to find emergency supply ships to bring in medicines. None of this part of the mess was inevitable when the U.K. voted for brexit, it’s the fault of morons like Grayling, Davies, Raab, eg al, who couldn’t be bothered with plans. They should have started planning for this almost three years ago. 



A contender for the "insensitive post of the year".

I'm grateful that you didn't offer me your sympathies when my lovely and much loved daughter in law (at the age of 35) was dying from ovarian cancer and leaving my two granddaughters motherless.

"By their fruits ye shall know them"

May your god go with you

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Just now, paswt said:

A contender for the "insensitive post of the year".

I'm grateful that you didn't offer me your sympathies when my lovely and much loved daughter in law (at the age of 35) was dying from ovarian cancer and leaving my two granddaughters motherless.

"By their fruits ye shall know them"

May your god go with you

There is no god.

Hope that helps.

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3 minutes ago, paswt said:

Some folk  labour under the belief that god is their  'second in command'.

Hope this helps

The reality, which you and a few other posters are trying to beat with the morality bat for, is that because of Brexit and the decisions of those that voted for it, is there are going to be shortages of important and in some cases life saving drugs (despite the unicorn based hopes of some).

It sucks that someone close to you (and others) died of cancer, but given how prevalent it is (I personally know people that have been taken by cancer), pretty much everyone has been affected by it and more people will continue to be affected by it.

I don't care if that helps.  Because of a minority (the 17 million out of 70 odd million) that voted for Brexit, we are going off this cliff together, one way or another.

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5 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

The reality, which you and a few other posters are trying to beat with the morality bat for, is that because of Brexit and the decisions of those that voted for it, is there are going to be shortages of important and in some cases life saving drugs (despite the unicorn based hopes of some).

It sucks that someone close to you (and others) died of cancer, but given how prevalent it is (I personally know people that have been taken by cancer), pretty much everyone has been affected by it and more people will continue to be affected by it.

I don't care if that helps.  Because of a minority (the 17 million out of 70 odd million) that voted for Brexit, we are going off this cliff together, one way or another.

I didn't vote  in the referendum  and have no interest in the "pro/anti debate"

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1 hour ago, RIchard Britten said:

Then log off, step away from the computer and deal with your real world problems.

Sticking your head into the hate blender that is the internet and MF isnt going to make life any better.

He did - 13 hours ago, good of you to regurgitate it. Hope that helps...:flowers:

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14 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Errrr how is The Phat Tog going to know about  it....?

Hope that helps :flowers:

How is he going to know about what? By the looks of it, he left the topic 13 hours ago so there is no need for somebody to advise him to do something he already has. Hopefully he has had time to consider what he did and thought better of it, who knows?

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Just all leave it alone while your losing, eh? Disgraceful interlude.

Airbus again, then.

On 6/22/2018 at 10:49 AM, woolley said:

Exactly as you say: more remoaning fake news and project fear.......... and the treacherous Guardian.

The factual situation: Airbus has confirmed it is cutting production of two aircraft in a move that will put up to 3,700 jobs at risk in France, Germany, Spain and at Filton.


As far as I am aware France Germany and Spain will remain in the EU for the time being. This is not about Brexit at all. It is about spending 20 billion euros of taxpayers' money on developing the A380 aircraft for which there is no mass market. Never a good plan.


On 6/22/2018 at 11:13 AM, woolley said:

Or bending a willing ear with Brexit excuses for their own shortcomings. I've linked the true situation which affects ALL of their plants Europewide. They simply bet 20 billion on the wrong nag. Can happen to any of us.


So much for those who said that the A380 was solid.

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