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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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13 minutes ago, woolley said:

And true again with latest announcement just today. Thank you for highlighting it once more.

"The number of people in employment in the UK is measured by the Labour Force Survey (LFS) and consists of people aged 16 and over who did one hour or more of paid work per week (as an employee or self-employed), those who had a job that they were temporarily away from, those on government-supported training and employment programmes, and those working in family businesses who benefit from the profits of those businesses but who do not receive a formal wage or salary."

The ONS definition of Employment.  So, pretty much every man and his dog then.

No wonder Woolster is so impressed with that result...

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7 minutes ago, Lxxx said:

We used to rule the world. I think we may have some expertise in negotiating trade deals with the majority of the planet.

You talk about the UK as if it's on a par with somewhere like Albania. We have one of the largest economies in the world, we have the centre of global finance here and the President of the wealthiest nation on earth is promising that they are going to do a lot more trade with the UK.

There will be casualties along the way (although nothing compared to the steep decline happening across Europe) but the bigger picture is anything but Armageddon.

It's clearly your choice to have an unhealthy obsession with all things negative around the coming years but you might want to focus on the good points of life again. Your sanity and probably your family will thank you for it.

Very well put. Although we will have to hire in some expertise, because for over 40 years the UK government has abdicated its responsibilities in the area of trade among others, and outsourced them to Brussels. Criminal negligence. The reason that much of Whitehall has gone EU native over the years is that they might actually have to do some work outside of it.

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7 minutes ago, Lxxx said:

We used to rule the world. I think we may have some expertise in negotiating trade deals with the majority of the planet.

You talk about the UK as if it's on a par with somewhere like Albania. We have one of the largest economies in the world, we have the centre of global finance here and the President of the wealthiest nation on earth is promising that they are going to do a lot more trade with the UK.

There will be casualties along the way (although nothing compared to the steep decline happening across Europe) but the bigger picture is anything but Armageddon.

It's clearly your choice to have an unhealthy obsession with all things negative around the coming years but you might want to focus on the good points of life again. Your sanity and probably your family will thank you for it.

I recall the Brexit heavies saying that as so much has been negotiated via the EU the UK is very short of negotiating skills. people have been put on crash courses to learn and New Zealand offered to lend one of their experts. The UK is not proving good at talks with the EU and is still a member.

The UK ruled the world a long time ago. I have some Manchester news papers of 1849 and they read very much like today. Britain was up against it even then.

By the way the most recent negotiations with other countries in living memory were more about granting independence, getting out and losing markets in the process. Even talks over Ireland required an American Senator as intermediary and later a Canadian general to supervise.

Lot of ground to make up.

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1 minute ago, mojomonkey said:

Really, is that the answer to this mess. It’s been a while since the World was coloured pink, long before the EUSSR came along.

No it's not, clearly. However if you want to just cherry pick six words from a bigger post which explains a lot more about the current situation then fire away. It doesn't do you any favours though.

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10 minutes ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

So we condemn a generation to lower GDP and economic growth for the sake of some foggy sovereignty fetish.


If you believe sovereignty is a fetish it exposes the poverty of your entire position. It's a bit like calling breathing a fetish. Ask people in countries who have had their sovereignty usurped and lived under the yoke of a dictator. Our problem is that we have taken ours for granted for too long and we gave away chunks of it too easily. If there is pain involved in bringing it back then it is pain worth bearing.

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2 minutes ago, woolley said:

If you believe sovereignty is a fetish it exposes the poverty of your entire position. It's a bit like calling breathing a fetish. Ask people in countries who have had their sovereignty usurped and lived under the yoke of a dictator. Our problem is that we have taken ours for granted for too long and we gave away chunks of it too easily. If there is pain involved in bringing it back then it is pain worth bearing.

Hyperbole on to top of hyperbole.

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4 minutes ago, woolley said:

If you believe sovereignty is a fetish it exposes the poverty of your entire position. It's a bit like calling breathing a fetish. Ask people in countries who have had their sovereignty usurped and lived under the yoke of a dictator. Our problem is that we have taken ours for granted for too long and we gave away chunks of it too easily. If there is pain involved in bringing it back then it is pain worth bearing.

We know a song about that don't we children....


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OK, I'll quote all of it and respond to all of it.


30 minutes ago, Lxxx said:

We used to rule the world. I think we may have some expertise in negotiating trade deals with the majority of the planet.

Unfortunately that is a very long time ago. The World is a vastly different place now and I don't share your optimism in negotiating trade deals. Remind me, how are the current negotiations going, I believe they've managed four deals, none of which have been with anywhere of any significance.


30 minutes ago, Lxxx said:

You talk about the UK as if it's on a par with somewhere like Albania. We have one of the largest economies in the world, we have the centre of global finance here and the President of the wealthiest nation on earth is promising that they are going to do a lot more trade with the UK.

I've never been to Albania so I can't comment on that, although a friend of mine has an Albanian au pair and she is rather tasty. Do you really believe Trump is remotely interested in the UK. The man has the attention span of a toddler and is too obsessed with building a pointless fence. If he is serious, where is the UK - USA trade deal?


30 minutes ago, Lxxx said:

There will be casualties along the way (although nothing compared to the steep decline happening across Europe) but the bigger picture is anything but Armageddon.

I presume you're talking about the likes of Honda? I'm not entirely convinced that their departure is due to Brexit but I think it would be daft to say it didn't play some part in their decision.

Edited by mojomonkey
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