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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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5 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Woolley, to counter all the negativity please list positive outcomes of the current situation. I mean actual outcomes with financials behind them, not jingoistic rhetoric. I want to be optimistic but I'm not seeing the evidence to support it, here is your chance.

That's like saying give me the financials of every business in the country for the next 20 years. You well know that I can't do that for a leave scenario anymore than you can for a remain scenario. I wish I could as I'd be an awful lot wealthier than I am, but there is no basis for the unremitting doom and gloom. We haven't even started yet and these people want to write us off as a basket case before we're even on the blocks.

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9 minutes ago, woolley said:

This is a perfect example of the unremitting negativity. Even though the company gives the business reasons, which are perfectly plausible, why this is not a Brexit issue, you persist in your assertion that it is. I could understand Britain bashers on the EU side doing this, but I cannot see why a native of Britain, by all accounts depending on British state largesse for sustenance, would want to do so. It's not just Bazza. There a half a dozen on here and millions across the country still cheerleading for the EU. That is indoctrination.

I would like to leave the EU but fear it is not feasible and although there may be the satisfaction of being stand alone we will lose rather than gain.

5 minutes ago, Barrie Stevens said:


The economic goods news is above for you to behold. Click the link..Is from Alice in Wonderland.  We could do a latterday version based on Brexit ...Malice in Wonderland...

Is that negativity aplenty for you Woollers old chap.....

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28 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

I don’t want to be rude but your answer says an awful lot with actually saying anything. I’m not trying to sell anyone the idea of Armageddon and I don’t recall ever trying to convince you as such. I want the UK to prosper, I have no desire to see it fail. Apart from Greece can you list which countries in Europe are in recession?


Those who champion leaving the EU are constantly telling us that the UK will prosper, at the moment it just a constant stream of news to the contrary. If anyone dares to highlight this they face accusations of Project Fear. So I ask, when is the good economic news actually going to start? When are people going to bring on Project Success as all I’m hearing at the moment is meaningless nonsense and nothing actually firm.

italy and the rest ain't far off......


it already has, record employment, record inward investment and the uk above france italy and germany........

Edited by woody2
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1 hour ago, RIchard Britten said:

"The number of people in employment in the UK is measured by the Labour Force Survey (LFS) and consists of people aged 16 and over who did one hour or more of paid work per week (as an employee or self-employed), those who had a job that they were temporarily away from, those on government-supported training and employment programmes, and those working in family businesses who benefit from the profits of those businesses but who do not receive a formal wage or salary."

The ONS definition of Employment.  So, pretty much every man and his dog then.

No wonder Woolster is so impressed with that result...

That is a reasonable definition of persons employed. But zero hours contract (as has been covered multiple times) cover about 2% (and falling) of the working population and more than half of those are not people looking for more hours. So to be generous, 1% of the working population who are looking for more (or regular) hours.

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2 minutes ago, woolley said:

That is a reasonable definition of persons employed. But zero hours contract (as has been covered multiple times) cover about 2% (and falling) of the working population and more than half of those are not people looking for more hours. So to be generous, 1% of the working population who are looking for more (or regular) hours.

"The results from the November 2017 survey of businesses indicated that there were 1.8 million contracts that did not guarantee a minimum number of hours, where work had actually been carried out under those contracts. This represented 6% of all employment contracts. The equivalent figures for November 2016 were 1.7 million and 6%."

"The latest estimate from the LFS shows that 901,000 people reported that they were on a “zero-hours contract” in the period October to December 2017, representing 2.8% of people in employment." 

From the ONS report April last year.

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Just now, RIchard Britten said:

As I thought, all mouth no trousers so to speak.

I am embarrassed for you and Woolster.

You keep asking for things that no-one on this planet can give.

On reflection I think it's probably a good move to leave the EU. To get back control of key aspects of our constitution at a time when the wealth of the world is pivoting east is a good thing, in my opinion. Could I be wrong? Absolutely.

The more people talk about doom and gloom the more it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. It's why I choose to steer clear of negative people in my personal life. It's just as difficult to escape them online too, it seems.

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18 minutes ago, woolley said:

This is a perfect example of the unremitting negativity. Even though the company gives the business reasons, which are perfectly plausible, why this is not a Brexit issue, you persist in your assertion that it is. I could understand Britain bashers on the EU side doing this, but I cannot see why a native of Britain, by all accounts depending on British state largesse for sustenance, would want to do so. It's not just Bazza. There a half a dozen on here and millions across the country still cheerleading for the EU. That is indoctrination.

Honda plans to leave the UK and I am the one being negative....Brexit may not be number one issue but it certainly would have been part of the equation at board level and thus weighed in the balance. That is what I tried to convey.

Now there is a funny thing. People who vote to leave say it is democracy and leave means leave. Failure to deliver Brexit is a betrayal of democracy. But when remainers vote remain it is not democracy it is indoctrination. 

There has been precious little indoctrination as most people on either side had not a clue what the issues would prove to be. 

I would rather fear a diminution of my state pension and top ups as a result of the future difficulties arising from Brexit.

Lastly...I do not believe anything until I can hold it see it and smell it. I ask myself...what is really going on here....And I say the unquiet spirit of Brexit doth walk abroad

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