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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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2 minutes ago, Lxxx said:

You keep asking for things that no-one on this planet can give.

On reflection I think it's probably a good move to leave the EU. To get back control of key aspects of our constitution at a time when the wealth of the world is pivoting east is a good thing, in my opinion. Could I be wrong? Absolutely.

The more people talk about doom and gloom the more it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. It's why I choose to steer clear of negative people in my personal life. It's just as difficult to escape them online too, it seems.

So there hasnt been a single concrete good news story since June 2016?

But its supposed to be all rainbows and unicorns right?  Blue passports and 50p coins?

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6 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

"The results from the November 2017 survey of businesses indicated that there were 1.8 million contracts that did not guarantee a minimum number of hours, where work had actually been carried out under those contracts. This represented 6% of all employment contracts. The equivalent figures for November 2016 were 1.7 million and 6%."

"The latest estimate from the LFS shows that 901,000 people reported that they were on a “zero-hours contract” in the period October to December 2017, representing 2.8% of people in employment." 

From the ONS report April last year.

Reduced since April last year as in your own earlier post, and about half of those want more hours, so less than 1.5% of the labour force. To listen to the rhetoric you'd think it was at least 20 times that on zhcs.

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Just now, woolley said:

Reduced since April last year as in your own earlier post, and about half of those want more hours, so less than 1.5% of the labour force. To listen to the rhetoric you'd think it was at least 20 times that on zhcs.

Where are you getting your numbers from?  How did 2.8% become less than 1.5%?

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1 hour ago, mojomonkey said:

No idea when they started doing it but don’t they now count people full time caring for their own relatives as being in full time employment? I’m a bit sceptical of employment figures.

Last I looked carers looking after relatives got a carers allowance as state benefits and had their national insurance paid.  They are not so much employed but do not count as unemployed. 

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1 minute ago, RIchard Britten said:

Sources not anecdotes.

Surveys have been done but, OK, in your world everyone on a zhc wants regular hours. 2.7% then. As I said, from the rhetoric you would believe at least a quarter of the workforce are employed on this basis but it's a fallacy. The vast majority of new jobs created are on full contracts.

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1 minute ago, woolley said:

Foreign investment equals profits for foreign companies.

Remember when the UK sold its power plants to the French?



"Foreign investment into the U.K. has fallen by 19 percent since the Brexit vote in 2016, a new study has found.

Published Thursday, the report by the University of Sussex's U.K. Trade Policy Observatory showed that overseas investment has continuously declined since its peak in 2015. It has been the longest continuous decline for the U.K. since foreign direct investment (FDI) records began in 2003, it said. FDI is defined as overseas investments into new or existing projects, where the foreign investor secures a majority-ownership.

While the world economy remained resilient last year, the U.K. lost an estimated $1.5 billion in foreign capital investment, the report said. In 2017, the U.K. saw a 10 percent reduction in FDI projects."

That article is 1 month older than yours.  Wonder why there is such a disparity.

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1 minute ago, woolley said:

Surveys have been done but, OK, in your world everyone on a zhc wants regular hours. 2.7% then. As I said, from the rhetoric you would believe at least a quarter of the workforce are employed on this basis but it's a fallacy. The vast majority of new jobs created are on full contracts.

So you concede that you were making up the figures to suit then?

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Just now, RIchard Britten said:

Foreign investment equals profits for foreign companies.

Remember when the UK sold its power plants to the French?



"Foreign investment into the U.K. has fallen by 19 percent since the Brexit vote in 2016, a new study has found.

Published Thursday, the report by the University of Sussex's U.K. Trade Policy Observatory showed that overseas investment has continuously declined since its peak in 2015. It has been the longest continuous decline for the U.K. since foreign direct investment (FDI) records began in 2003, it said. FDI is defined as overseas investments into new or existing projects, where the foreign investor secures a majority-ownership.

While the world economy remained resilient last year, the U.K. lost an estimated $1.5 billion in foreign capital investment, the report said. In 2017, the U.K. saw a 10 percent reduction in FDI projects."

That article is 1 month older than yours.  Wonder why there is such a disparity.

I actually agree that it is not a good idea to sell manufacturing and utility infrastructure abroad, but this is supposedly a positive economic indicator nowadays in the brave new world of globalisation. It goes both ways too. High levels of foreign purchases by British investors.

I would say that someone at the university is trying to pursue a remain agenda by asserting that FDI has continuously declined since 2015 because it isn't true. In fact it wasn't even the peak. Also they don't mention that there were times between 2012 and 2016 when the flows were actually negative, so frankly that article is cobblers. There are and always have been peaks and troughs. 1.5 billion scarcely registers.

Link to graphs: https://tradingeconomics.com/united-kingdom/foreign-direct-investment



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