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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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11 minutes ago, Declan said:

The real problem they face here is that the Tories they've taken on are pretty repugnant. They were delighted to sit alongside Cameron and Osbourne when they wrecked the country. And how can anyone make common cause with the Liberals after they allowed the Tory lie that the Global Economic Downturn was Labour's fault alone. Had that lie not been believed Ed M might have won in 2015 and no referendum and no Brexit. 

Did Cameron and Osborne wreck the country? I don't think Ed Miliband had an earthly of winning. Commandments on tablets of stone wasn't it? He had much the same problems with the unions left wingers flexing their muscles. Corbyn-lite really, and now they've just doubled down.

I think you give people credit for less intelligence than they deserve when they vote.

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2 minutes ago, woolley said:

Think you'll find that most of that was precipitated on Labour's watch and merely worked through over the next few years as the cost of the financial crisis and subsequent recession hit the economy. Lazy to pin that on the Tories.


I wasn’t blaming anyone. Just providing balance to your assertion that labour was to blame. As you now admit, indirectly, it’s down to the international financial crisis. Of course it would have been much lower if the corporates, bankers, and Tory high earning  friends hadn’t been given huge tax cuts, or just the same if they had kept labour taxation levels and not penalised the less well off with pay freezes, benefit cuts and reductions in services.

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2 hours ago, woolley said:

They are not conviction politicians though. They are muddled thinking careerists who bend with the wind. Here is Umunna a couple of years ago telling people not to do what he is doing now.


I personally believe that looking back over who said what about whatever is a complete and utter waste of time and effort.

The thing is that so much has changed politically since the referendum. And the really crass election called by The Maybot has made a bad situation terrible.

Another referendum would be completely stupid. Over the last 18 months or so I have come to realise that bigotry played a major part in getting Leave over the line. You cannot sway bigots by putting forward sensible economic and moral arguments. So don't bother.

The facts of the matter are that the ERG is setting the tory agenda. That agenda is to crash out without a deal irrespective of the harm it would cause UK PLC. And putting all the Leave/Remain rhetoric to one side for a moment it would be very painful and everyone knows it. Except for Woody of course who is the exception that proves the rule. So in a way the only choice left for The Maybot is to run it to the wire and hope that enough MP's become uncomfortable enough to discover that adrenaline is brown coloured and vote for the deal.

I think the above comment on "conviction politicians" is somewhat amusing. Because the the ONLY conviction politicians I can see right now are the folks who have baled out. They know that what they have done is a serious CLM but they have done what they think is best for the country i.e. if the maths stack up there will be enough of them that they can foil the ERG and swing the vote. Irrespective of the outcome their political careers are very likely going to come to a crashing halt and they know it. Now THATS conviction politicians.

I see The Woolster made a special mention of Umunna above.  He is surely the one with the most to lose. I read somewhere (a while ago now!) that one reason he stood down from the Labour leadership challenge was because the USA was clearly ready for an Obama but as the brexit vote has shown the UK is not ready for an Umunna and probably never will be....

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47 minutes ago, Declan said:

7 / 11 in remain seats

South Cambridge




plus the London boroughs of Redbridge, Enfield and Lambeth  

All voted Remain



plus Sheffield and Nottingham (although whether the specific constitencies of the TIG mps did we don't know).  

Voted leave. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Results_of_the_2016_United_Kingdom_European_Union_membership_referendum#South_West_England_(including_Gibraltar)

don't use wiki then.....:rolleyes:

totnes is leave.......

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35 minutes ago, John Wright said:

I wasn’t blaming anyone. Just providing balance to your assertion that labour was to blame. As you now admit, indirectly, it’s down to the international financial crisis. Of course it would have been much lower if the corporates, bankers, and Tory high earning  friends hadn’t been given huge tax cuts, or just the same if they had kept labour taxation levels and not penalised the less well off with pay freezes, benefit cuts and reductions in services.

its down to labours unfunded spending and benefit giveaway......

the financial crisis was also down to labour.......

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20 minutes ago, woody2 said:

don't use wiki then.....:rolleyes:

totnes is leave.......

Totnes is the main town in South Hams which voted Remain, maybe the town voted Leave and all the countryside around voted Remain, but I doubt it. 

You don't provide alternative source for your assertion that 7/10 TIG seats were Leave. Since there are 11 not 10 TIG MPs , why should we assume accuracy on the other half of your statement?

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4 hours ago, woolley said:

Cheers for the kind thought, Bazza. You keep collecting those bennies.

I will. In fact I have claimed some more..Small compensation for approaching the end of my time...Sort of civvy version of a Chelsea Pensioner ...Got a funeral plan from the Co-Op too! (£2,985) You see, I do not want to be a burden. "A little wealth. A little health. A little house and freedom. And at the end a little friend. And little cause to need them."...A glorious Nil Deal Brexit to you all!

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23 minutes ago, Declan said:

Totnes is the main town in South Hams which voted Remain, maybe the town voted Leave and all the countryside around voted Remain, but I doubt it. 

You don't provide alternative source for your assertion that 7/10 TIG seats were Leave. Since there are 11 not 10 TIG MPs , why should we assume accuracy on the other half of your statement?

you need to check by the parliamentarily seat.......

i had only checked some not all.......

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

 I see The Woolster made a special mention of Umunna above.  He is surely the one with the most to lose.  

It's a valid point. He probably can't see where Labour goes after the diametrically opposed traumas of both Blair and Corbyn. I don't think his new vehicle is any more roadworthy though. It has an engine at both ends and they pull in different directions.

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24 minutes ago, woody2 said:

you need to check by the parliamentarily seat.......

i had only checked some not all.......

Could you share the link?

Found this...

You are correct Totnes was leave, but Nottingham East (unlike the rest of Nottingham was Remain). So that leaves them 7/11 Remain

Edited by Declan
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